Lu'an People's Hospital will hold a free growth and development clinic "Caring for Short, Young Children" on July 16. Pediatric experts from our hospital will be on-site for consultation: If your child has problems with height, early development, etc., sign up as soon as possible

2024/06/2215:01:33 regimen 1122
Lu'an People's Hospital will hold a free growth and development clinic

Caring for short young children

- Lu'an People's Hospital Free test of bone age Large-scale free clinic event

Lu'an People's Hospital will hold "Caring for short children , Young children" on July 16 (Saturday) "Free growth and development clinic, our hospital's pediatric experts will be on site for consultation: If your child has problems with height, early development, etc., sign up as soon as possible!

Activity time:

July 16, 2022 8:00-11:30am3

Activity location:

Growth and Development Clinic on the first floor of the Department of Pediatrics, Lu'an People's Hospital

Activity content:

Lu'an People's Hospital will hold a free growth and development clinic . Free growth and development assessment

Lu'an People's Hospital will hold a free growth and development clinic . Free lifelong high prediction

Lu'an People's Hospital will hold a free growth and development clinic . Free bone age measurement

Activity target:

Lu'an People's Hospital will hold a free growth and development clinic -15 years old children with short stature or early development

Lu'an People's Hospital will hold a free growth and development clinic

Bone age is the abbreviation of skeletal age

is the biological age of a person

To a large extent

represents the true development level of children

Use Bone age determines human maturity

more accurately than actual age

By taking specific bone images

observing the ossification center of related bones the appearance time and morphological characteristics

it can determine the degree of development and determine bone age

Bone age is useful for predicting lifelong height and menstrual cramps in girls Age

assists in the diagnosis of endocrine, genetic and other diseases,

monitors growth and development, evaluates the efficacy of medication, etc.

has certain clinical significance

Lu'an People's Hospital will hold a free growth and development clinic

Spring and summer are the best seasons for children to grow in height

To help parents correctly understand the problem of short stature in children

timely detection and treatment

The best intervention period to grasp the child's height

The special pediatric growth and development clinic of Lu'an People's Hospital

will be free during the free clinic


Take the bone age of the children who come to see Take the bone age

If your child has the following conditions

You are welcome to actively sign up

Get the bone age for your child Live in the golden period of and grow taller !

Lu'an People's Hospital will hold a free growth and development clinic 1 The child is shorter or taller than children of the same age and gender;

Lu'an People's Hospital will hold a free growth and development clinic 2 The child is troubled by precocious puberty: girls develop breasts before the age of 8 or menstruation begins before the age of 10; boys start developing testicles and penis before the age of 9, 10-12 Significant growth in stature, Adam's apple, and voice change at age 103;

Lu'an People's Hospital will hold a free growth and development clinic 3 Parents have questions about their children's growth and development.

Lu'an People's Hospital will hold a free growth and development clinic

So, if the child is found to be short,

when is the best time to treat it?

The best age for treatment is 3-12 years old.

Children who have entered puberty or are menstruating will have a reduced height-promoting effect!

Lu'an People's Hospital will hold a free growth and development clinic

Expert Profile

Lu'an People's Hospital will hold a free growth and development clinic

Li Qixian

Chief Physician, Anhui Medical UniversityPart-time Associate Professor, Member of the Pediatric Branch of Anhui Province, Member of the Epilepsy Association of Anhui Province, Standing Committee Member of the Pediatric Intensivists Branch of Anhui Province, Member of the Puberty Association of the Anhui Medical Association, and the Anhui Medical Association Member of the Standing Committee of the Neonatology Group Professional Committee, member of the Respiratory Group of the Anhui Pediatrics Branch, and deputy director of the Lu'an Pediatrics Branch.

Professional and technical expertise: It is the first to launch a pediatric intensive care unit in the province, and carries out standardized diagnosis and treatment of childhood asthma, dwarfism, , and precocious puberty. It has rich experience in the diagnosis and treatment of neonatal diseases, severe and difficult diseases, chronic coughs, etc. Clinical Experience.

Lu'an People's Hospital will hold a free growth and development clinic

Hu Xu

Chief physician, master's tutor, standing member of the Child Health Professional Committee of the Anhui Provincial Children's Medical Association, standing member of the Adolescent Medicine Professional Committee of the Anhui Provincial Medical Doctor Association, member of the Pediatric Endocrinology Group of the Anhui Pediatric Society of the Chinese Medical Association, and East China Kidney Disease Collaborative Committee Member of the Pediatric Professional Committee. He has gone abroad to systematically learn clinical skills in pediatric endocrinology and genetic metabolic diseases, pediatric nephrology and rheumatic immune diseases, bronchial asthma and pediatric intensive care.

Lu'an People's Hospital will hold a free growth and development clinic

He Xianming

Deputy Chief Physician, specializes in children's nutrition, growth and development, short stature diagnosis and treatment, children's neuropsychological behavior, high-risk/premature infants (brain injury) early assessment (GMs) intervention guidance, language, motor, intellectual development delays and Diagnosis and treatment of cerebral palsy .

Lu'an People's Hospital will hold a free growth and development clinic

Geng Songqiao

Chief physician, specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of children's endocrine, digestive and respiratory diseases. Specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of childhood diabetes, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, precocious puberty, short stature and adrenal gland diseases .

Appointment registration method

Lu'an People's Hospital will hold a free growth and development clinic

SMS appointment, edit the text message (child's name + gender + date of birth + height) and send it to 18656006836 or call the second pediatric ward 0564-3322135

Source: Lu'an People's Hospital

Lu'an People's Hospital will hold a free growth and development clinic

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