"I have had lung cancer surgery for 6 years, and there has been no recurrence or metastasis. You see, I am in good physical condition. I can take care of her." Uncle Yang (pseudonym) who said this is from the second cardiology ward of Xi'an International Medical Center Hospital.

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"I have had lung cancer surgery for 6 years, and there has been no recurrence or metastasis. You can see that I am in good physical condition and I can take care of her." Uncle Yang (pseudonym) who said this is a cardiologist at Xi'an International Medical Center Hospital. The wife of Aunt Liu (pseudonym) in bed 75 handed Aunt Liu a fan. Uncle Yang's eyes were a little moist: "She is 79 and I am 83, how many more years do we have left?"

Aunt Liu on the hospital bed was holding an ancient style long sleeve. Even if she is seriously ill, she can't hide her exquisiteness. After recovering well after left atrial appendage closure, she said slowly: "I have congenital heart disease, atrial septal defect, atrial fibrillation, and I couldn't do it when I was a child." Even in physical education classes, I could not climb high. Until I retired in 1999, my condition was out of control. My wife asked a specialist to perform a thoracotomy to repair the atrial septal defect, which solved a problem. However, atrial fibrillation has always been treated conservatively with drugs. "In the more than ten years after the operation, Aunt Liu and his wife enjoyed life to the fullest, without the burden of work or the fetters of trivial matters. They left their footprints all over the world.

Because congenital heart disease was not treated at the best time, Aunt Liu's complications came one after another. "In the past two years, I started to have asthma, palpitation, blue lips, and developed pulmonary hypertension , cardiac enlargement , mitral valve , tricuspid regurgitation ." Aunt Liu's medical terms came out one by one. Spit out from the mouth, the attending doctor on the side, An Huixian, from the second ward of the Heart Hospital of Xi'an International Medical Center Hospital, explained that Aunt Liu and Uncle Yang are both senior intellectuals. Before retiring, they served as foreign language professors in universities and have rigorous academic attitudes. It has penetrated into life. After falling ill, Aunt Liu and Uncle Yang consulted a large number of the latest Chinese and foreign literature, and had a good idea of ​​the pathogenesis, possible consequences and treatment options of the disease.

Because the atrium of patients with atrial fibrillation cannot contract regularly, the blood is blocked in the " left atrial appendage " like sludge. After day after day deposition, thrombus is formed. The detached thrombus flows into the brain with the blood and can easily "block" the cerebral blood vessels, causing stroke . Rhythm control and stroke prevention stroke are currently the main treatment directions for atrial fibrillation. However, drug treatment, especially anticoagulant drugs for stroke prevention, has brought some adverse reactions. Last year, Aunt Liu vomited blood twice and stained her pillow towel red.

have been together for decades. From childhood to gray hair, Aunt Liu has successively undergone lumbar disc herniation surgery, cholecystectomy , and cataract surgery on both eyes. With every operation, Uncle Yang, who is full of talents all over the world, will be there. The hospital asked an acquaintance to find a top expert recognized in the industry to perform the surgery himself. Every night before the operation, he was more nervous than Aunt Liu.

"It's just a matter of taking anesthetic and sleeping, there's nothing to worry about." Aunt Liu, who was indifferent to everything, comforted Uncle Yang in turn.

This time, it’s different. Uncle Yang knew in his heart that this heart surgery was a matter of life and death.

I love you so much, I must find the most suitable expert to treat you.

Relatives and friends, former subordinates, former students... were all "disturbed" by Uncle Yang, and ultimately they all pointed to the same person - Zeng Guangwei, director of the Second Cardiac Ward of Xi'an International Medical Center Hospital.

"Director Zeng is young and promising, and his future is formidable!" Speaking of this post-80s director, Uncle Yang was full of praise. Director Zeng Guangwei, who has been recognized by so many senior medical experts, is good at complex coronary heart disease , arrhythmia , and structural diseases. Comprehensive treatment of heart disease, he is the global leader of left atrial appendage sealing watchman.

On the day of the operation, Uncle Yang waited outside the operating room with clasped fists, worried that Aunt Liu would never wake up from her sleep, and even more afraid of missing all the news about her.

Conventional left atrial appendage occlusion is performed under the guidance of esophageal ultrasound under general anesthesia . However, Aunt Liu has many underlying diseases and is in poor physical condition. Director Zeng Guangwei decided to use local anesthesia under the guidance of intracardiac ultrasound (ICE). Generally, patients only need to puncture one femoral vein to enter the blocking system, but Aunt Liu performed bilateral femoral vein punctures. For intracardiac ultrasound (ICE) navigation and positioning, Director Zeng Guangwei used an ultrasound probe to accurately guide atrial septal puncture on the basis of intracardiac catheter intervention. Because Aunt Liu had a heart surgery 23 years ago, the heart wall was full of scars scars , hard and difficult to penetrate, the puncture needle tentatively finds the most suitable puncture point, and expands it to the appropriate width little by little.

Director Zeng Guangwei used the 8F (diameter approximately equal to 2.67cm) ultrasonic catheter with the smallest diameter in China. The smaller diameter, smaller trauma, and local anesthesia made Aunt Liu’s surgical experience more comfortable, which also means that the operation is more comfortable. The requirements for ultrasound skills and surgical skills of the patient are higher.

Intracardiac ultrasound guides the assessment of cardiac structure, and comprehensively evaluates the shape of the left atrial appendage, the shape of the blocking position of the left atrial appendage occluder, and the shunt situation. Then, an occluder is sent into the delivery system through the femoral vein, directly to the left atrial appendage. Successfully sealed the "source of evil" that may cause stroke.

On the day after the operation, the color of Aunt Liu's mouth returned. When she woke up, she saw Uncle Yang, whose eyes were red, waiting by the bed. He was 1.8 meters tall when he was young, but now he was curled up on his side, and he was so thin.

Aunt Liu had mixed feelings and whispered in Uncle Yang's ear: "Lao Yang, my surgery is indeed difficult, but it went very well. Director Zeng's team has been chatting with me, and the final evaluation is also very satisfactory. Don't worry."

Aunt Liu, who had undergone so many surgeries, only found a wound at the root of her thigh, the biggest surgery, the smallest wound. She held Uncle Yang's nervous and moist hand, looking forward to continuing their trip after being discharged from the hospital.

You accompany me through spring, summer, autumn and winter, and I will accompany you until the end of my life.

When you are old, your hair is gray, and you are sleepy,

I can still read the heartbeat of our first meeting in your eyes.

I miss your appearance when you were young and love your pious soul.

I love your old face even more and the traces of time.

Author: He Di

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