Therefore, both traditional Chinese medicine and modern medicine strongly advocate timely health maintenance, that is, adjusting the human body's diet and daily life according to the laws and characteristics of climate changes throughout the year, in order to achieve the purpose

2024/06/2113:35:34 regimen 1845

As the yin and yang changes in the four seasons, the yin and yang of the human body and the ups and downs of qi will also change accordingly. Therefore, both traditional Chinese medicine and modern medicine strongly advocate timely health maintenance, that is, adjusting the human body's diet and daily life according to the laws and characteristics of climate changes throughout the year, in order to achieve the purpose of enhancing health, preventing diseases, and prolonging life. The diet structure should take into account seasonal changes and make corresponding adjustments.

In spring and summer, yang gradually becomes stronger and yin becomes weaker. Food should not be too warm. It is summer now, yang energy is strong and the climate is hot. People often feel indigestion, loss of appetite, and weakness in limbs. This is because the summer climate is both hot and humid, causing sweat pores to open and sweating more. In addition, people like to eat raw and cold food, which is more likely to damage the spleen and stomach. Therefore, the principles of summer diet are as follows: the diet should be mainly light; ensure adequate vitamins and inorganic salts; supplement protein in an appropriate amount; follow the principle of "increasing bitterness and reducing pungentness". in principle. At the same time, food that is sticky and difficult to digest should be avoided. Pay special attention to dietary hygiene.

In midsummer, the climate is hot and the functions of the human body's internal organs, especially the gastrointestinal function, are weak. If the human body sweats a lot, drinks a lot of water, the gastric acid is diluted, the digestive juice secretion is relatively small, and the gastrointestinal digestion and absorption function is weakened, resulting in loss of appetite; the weather is hot, and people are prone to be greedy for cold drinks, which can easily cause gastrointestinal problems. Functional disorders; if the diet is unclean and raw fruits are not washed, it is easy to cause gastroenteritis and even lead to food poisoning . The diet in this season should be mainly light. A light diet can increase and stimulate appetite and adjust the functions of the organs. If you eat too much fatty, sweet and greasy food, it will damage the spleen and stomach, affect the digestion and absorption of nutrients, and harm your health. Therefore, the summer diet should focus on the selection of mung beans, white lentils, watermelon, lychee, lotus seeds, silkworms, buckwheat, jujube, pork tripe, pork, beef, tripe, chicken, pigeon meat, quail meat, crucian carp, Turtle, soft-shell turtle , bee milk , honey, duck meat, cow's milk, goose meat, tofu milk , sugar cane, pear, etc.

Therefore, both traditional Chinese medicine and modern medicine strongly advocate timely health maintenance, that is, adjusting the human body's diet and daily life according to the laws and characteristics of climate changes throughout the year, in order to achieve the purpose  - DayDayNews

In the hot summer, the body's metabolism is strong, which is the season when the human body consumes the most. Living and working in a high-temperature environment will inevitably affect the human body's physiology and nutritional metabolism. The first is the increased need for protein. Because you sweat more in hot weather, the loss of nitrogen, water loss and increase in body temperature can all cause increased protein catabolism, which requires an increase in protein intake. Therefore, attention should be paid to supplementing more high-quality protein. The protein intake should be increased by 10%-15% on the usual basis. The daily supply must reach 100-120 grams, and more than half of it must be fish, lean meat, chicken, High-quality proteins such as eggs, milk and soy products can meet the metabolic needs of the body in midsummer.

Due to the hot summer, people sweat a lot and lose a lot of water, inorganic salts and water-soluble vitamins with sweat. Therefore, special attention should be paid to drinking more water in summer to replenish the body's water loss caused by sweating. Among the beverages to relieve summer heat, tea is the best, especially green tea, which has the functions of relieving summer heat and quenching thirst, clearing away heat and purging fire. Pay attention to drinking water: drink 1500-2000 ml of water every day, drink from time to time, do not wait until you are thirsty; do not drink too much water when you are very thirsty to avoid stomach discomfort; do not drink boiled water before and during meals to avoid diluting gastric juice and affecting the stomach. Digestion; drinking water in the morning is good for health. It is not advisable to drink more water before going to bed; do not be greedy for cold drinks.

Eating more gruel is also an important way to replenish body fluids in summer. For example, eat porridge in the morning and evening, and drink soup at lunch. This can not only produce fluids and quench thirst, cool and relieve heat, but also nourish the body. For example, mung bean porridge has the functions of clearing heat, strengthening the spleen, and detoxifying; it is suitable for patients with diabetes, thirst, heat stroke, skin sores, and other diseases. Lentil porridge can strengthen the spleen, remove dampness, relieve heatstroke and stop diarrhea; it can not only prevent heatstroke, but also treat vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite and other symptoms caused by heatstroke. Egg flower porridge has the effects of clearing away heat, diluting moisture, detoxifying and moisturizing, and is especially suitable for children. It has good curative effect on red and white diarrhea, severe dysentery, and diarrhea caused by damp heat. Coix seed porridge has the effects of strengthening the spleen and removing paralysis, diuresis and dampness, and can prevent and treat diseases such as loss of appetite, diarrhea, edema, and flat warts on the skin.

Therefore, both traditional Chinese medicine and modern medicine strongly advocate timely health maintenance, that is, adjusting the human body's diet and daily life according to the laws and characteristics of climate changes throughout the year, in order to achieve the purpose  - DayDayNews

Lily porridge can moisten the lungs and relieve cough, nourish the heart and calm the mind, nourish yin and clear away heat; it is suitable for chronic bronchitis in the elderly, dry cough with lung heat or dryness, excessive tears, fever, residual heat in the recovery period, trance, and restlessness. , as well as neurasthenia, tuberculosis, menopausal syndrome and other diseases. Red bean porridge has the effect of eliminating edema, nourishing blood and strengthening the spleen; it can prevent and treat edema, athlete's foot, swollen feet, anemia and other diseases. Luffa porridge has the effects of clearing heat, resolving phlegm, cooling blood and detoxifying; it is effective in treating fever, body heat and polydipsia, phlegm and cough, intestinal wind, hemorrhoids and fistula, vaginal bleeding, bloody stranguria, boils, lactation obstruction, carbuncle and other diseases. Better prevention and control effect. Cucumber porridge has the functions of clearing away heat, detoxifying, quenching thirst, and diuresis; it is especially suitable for patients with fever, body heat and thirst, jaundice, edema, heat dysentery and other diseases. Lotus leaf porridge has the effects of clearing away heat, relieving heat, cooling blood and stopping bleeding; it can prevent and treat dizziness and nausea, abdominal distension loose stools, inability to eat, vomiting blood, epistaxis and other symptoms caused by heatstroke in summer.

Eating more water-rich vegetables is also an important way to replenish body water. Among the more than 80 kinds of vegetables we eat daily, melons, chicken greens, Chinese cabbage, etc. are all water-rich vegetables, while edamame, potatoes, etc. have low water content. Among water-rich vegetables, the most recommended ones are melon vegetables, such as winter melon, cucumber, pumpkin, vegetable melon, vegetable melon, chayote, loofah, pumpkin, and bitter melon. The water content is above 90%. Melons are rich in Water is water with a variety of nutrients. It is formed through multiple layers of biofilm and multiple filtrations. It is truly natural, clean, nutritious, and biologically active water, and is unlike any "space water" on the market. Incomparable to "pure water".

According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, melons are a cooling food, which can remove heat-humidity , facilitate bowel movements, detoxify and cool blood, clear the body's "detoxification channels", including the digestive tract, urinary tract, sweat glands, etc., so that " "Toxin" is excreted from the body along with feces, urine, sweat, etc. Therefore, to keep the river of the human body "clear" and the tree of life "green", you should eat more water-rich vegetables, especially melons, in summer. Vegetable pollution census data and research in Shanghai, Beijing and other places also show that melons are vegetables with strong resistance to pollution and less accumulation of pollutants. In soil with the same pollution level, melons have less heavy metal and nitrate pollution. Moreover, the minerals contained in melons are characterized by high potassium and low sodium, which is very beneficial to human health. In addition to lowering blood pressure, potassium also has a unique role in protecting blood vessels.

Therefore, both traditional Chinese medicine and modern medicine strongly advocate timely health maintenance, that is, adjusting the human body's diet and daily life according to the laws and characteristics of climate changes throughout the year, in order to achieve the purpose  - DayDayNews

While replenishing water, you should also pay attention to replenishing the inorganic salts lost in sweat, such as sodium, potassium, etc., to prevent the occurrence of hyponatremia and hypokalemia. Sodium supplementation should depend on how much you sweat. If you work for 8 hours and the amount of sweat does not exceed 4 liters, you only need to take in 18 grams of salt from food every day; if the amount of sweat exceeds 6 liters, you need to supplement it from drinks.

It has been clinically confirmed that patients with heat stroke have hypokalemia. Therefore, in hot summer, in order to prevent heat stroke, it is advisable to eat more potassium-rich foods, such as kelp, seaweed, beans or soy products, potatoes, watermelon, bananas, mushrooms, etc. Workers who work in high temperatures can drink some potassium-containing beverages. The formula is as follows: sodium chloride 3.5 g, potassium chloride 1.5 g, sodium bicarbonate 2.5 g, glucose 320 g, add 1000 ml of warm boiled water and rinse , drink regularly. At the same time, you can also buy low-sodium salt (containing potassium chloride) sold by the salt industry department to replace ordinary table salt or iodized table salt.

In hot summer, the skin perspires more and secretes a large amount of sebum, which can easily block sweat pores or sweat gland ducts and cause carbuncle. Foods rich in vitamins can achieve the purpose of health care and skin care through dietary nutrition.For example, β-carotene can deepen the skin color of the human body and prevent ultraviolet damage to the skin; vitamin E can maintain the elasticity of the skin and prevent skin aging; vitamin C can make the skin full of vitality, promote the absorption of iron, and improve the body's health. Immunity; vitamin B2 participates in the reaction between fatty acids and amino acids , enhancing physical strength; vitamin B3 participates in the process of converting food into energy; vitamin B5 is beneficial to the production of certain anti-stress hormones; vitamin B6 is beneficial to maintaining the basic functions of the body operation; vitamin B9 and vitamin B12 participate in the generation and proliferation of red blood cells , so they have an anti-anemia effect;

Therefore, both traditional Chinese medicine and modern medicine strongly advocate timely health maintenance, that is, adjusting the human body's diet and daily life according to the laws and characteristics of climate changes throughout the year, in order to achieve the purpose  - DayDayNews

vitamin D mainly provides calcium for bones to ensure the solidity of bones. In daily food, fruits and vegetables containing vitamin A and vitamin C are carrots , beets, apricots and melons, etc.; vegetables with higher vitamin C content include red peppers and tomatoes, followed by kiwi fruit and Fruits such as strawberries and watermelons can also bring us a large amount of vitamin E and B vitamins; flavored oils, almonds, fresh hazelnuts and malt can also ensure that the human body gets enough vitamin E.

Summer is hot and humid, and bitter foods can not only relieve summer heat, but also strengthen the spleen, remove dampness, and increase appetite. Therefore, bitter foods should be eaten regularly, such as bitter melon, which can aid digestion, increase appetite, remove heat evil and relieve fatigue. , clearing the heart and improving eyesight; Bitter vegetables have the effects of clearing away heat, cooling blood, and detoxifying; dandelions have the effects of clearing away heat, detoxifying, strengthening the stomach and stopping diarrhea, protecting the liver and promoting gallbladder, lowering blood pressure, refreshing, antibacterial, and anti-cancer; Bitter bamboo shoots can It can relieve heat and detoxify, lose weight and keep fit, strengthen the stomach and eliminate accumulation; turnip has the effect of appetizing and reducing qi, dispelling dampness and detoxification; lettuce can open the chest and diaphragm, smooth the qi and regulate the middle, clear away heat and thirst, and facilitate urination; cactus has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxifying , promotes qi, activates blood, , resolves phlegm and calms the nerves. Studies have shown that cactus can prevent arteriosclerosis and can also treat diabetes, obesity, lung cancer and other diseases; wild garlic can widen the chest, regulate qi, relieve yang and relieve stagnation; wolfberry seedlings has the functions of clearing away heat and relieving irritability, nourishing yin and improving eyesight. It is suitable for preventing and treating fever due to yin deficiency, quenching thirst and dry mouth, heat in the palms and soles, as well as liver and kidney deficiency, dry eyes, deficiency fire, toothache, etc.

In the hot summer, the human body sweats more, which is most likely to damage body fluids, so you need to eat sour foods appropriately. On the one hand, eat more fruits such as tomatoes, lemons, strawberries, plums, grapes, hawthorns, and mangos. Their sour taste can astringent sweat, stop diarrhea, and remove dampness, which can prevent excessive sweating. It consumes qi and damages yin; it can also produce fluid to quench thirst, strengthen the stomach and eliminate food. On the other hand, add some vinegar to the dishes. Acetic acid can also sterilize and prevent the occurrence of gastrointestinal diseases.

Therefore, both traditional Chinese medicine and modern medicine strongly advocate timely health maintenance, that is, adjusting the human body's diet and daily life according to the laws and characteristics of climate changes throughout the year, in order to achieve the purpose  - DayDayNews

In the hot summer, the factor that has the greatest impact on the human body is the evil of summer heat and dampness. The invasion of summer heat and dampness often causes the sweat pores of the human body to open and sweat to leak out, causing Qi and Yin deficiency , causing spleen and stomach dysfunction, food indigestion and other diseases. In modern life, there is an increase in meat and animal foods, and the body's body becomes acidic and has a lot of internal heat. Therefore, eating some cool vegetables and fruits appropriately can help produce body fluids and quench thirst, relieve irritability and heat, clear away heat and purge fire, detoxify and relieve constipation. Among the fruits and vegetables on the market in summer, pear, watermelon, cantaloupe, melon, cucumber, mango, kiwi, grapefruit, water chestnuts, tomatoes, eggplant, celery, lettuce, asparagus, etc., are all cool.

Food in a warm environment is prone to breed various pathogenic microorganisms and is prone to spoilage. Therefore, summer is the season with high incidence of human diseases, especially gastrointestinal infectious diseases. Therefore, special attention should be paid to dietary hygiene and good dietary hygiene and personal hygiene habits must be developed. Meals are best cooked and eaten fresh. Leftover rice and leftovers are easily contaminated by bacteria, so it is best not to eat them; if they are eaten, they must be processed at high temperatures. To eat raw fruits, wash and peel them. The knives and boards used for cutting cooked food should be separated from those used for cutting raw meat and lettuce. When making cold dishes, the dishes must be washed, and more minced garlic and vinegar should be added, which can be used for seasoning, sterilization, and increasing appetite. You can also regularly eat green onions, onions, chives, green onions, garlic sprouts and other vegetables with bactericidal effects.

In short, the summer diet and health care should clear away heat and relieve summer heat, replenish qi and promote fluid production; in the long summer, it should also clear away heat and relieve dampness. It should be light and mild, the color of the dishes should not be too dark, the taste should not be too strong, avoid eating food that is difficult to digest, and do not be too full or hungry; pay attention to strengthening the spleen and stomach, promoting digestion and absorption functions, and ensuring that the body has sufficient nutrition. It is not advisable to overeat raw, cold and iced drinks and food to avoid damaging the spleen yang. At the same time, you should pay more attention to dietary hygiene. It is not advisable to eat hot food, so as not to increase heat and cause fire; it is not advisable to release too much pungent food to avoid consuming qi and damaging body fluids. In summer, the most taboos are unclean eating, overeating, fat, sweet and thick taste, cold and greasy food, and excessive drinking of cold drinks and beer. "Doubling the amount of food will damage the stomach and intestines."

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