You have a heat stroke, drink Huoxiang Zhengqi water. I believe that in the recent hot weather, whether you are in the north or the south, you can deeply understand that your life depends on air conditioning.

2024/06/1921:53:32 regimen 1892

Afraid of heatstroke, drink Huoxiang Zhengqi water quickly? I have heat stroke, should I drink Huoxiang Zhengqi water? Doctor reminds: Don’t be misled again!

I believe that in the recent hot weather, whether you are in the north or the south, you can deeply understand that your life depends on air conditioning. For friends who work outdoors, this is a difficult thing. If you don’t work, you have no money; if you go to work, your body can’t bear it. No, it was reported in the news yesterday that an employee at a factory in Zhejiang suffered from "heatstroke" due to heat while at work, and was eventually taken to the hospital and died.

Therefore, it is very practical to understand what heat stroke is and how to deal with it. Among the common people, there is a concept that "to prevent and treat heat stroke, Huoxiang Zhengqi Water should be taken." Is this in line with the medication regulations? Today I am here to talk to you about related knowledge.

You have a heat stroke, drink Huoxiang Zhengqi water. I believe that in the recent hot weather, whether you are in the north or the south, you can deeply understand that your life depends on air conditioning. - DayDayNews

Let’s first look at what is heat stroke?

From the perspective of modern medicine, the essence of heat stroke is the loss of control of body temperature. It is mostly caused by working for a long time in an environment with high temperature, poor ventilation, and high humidity. The main manifestations are dizziness chest tightness, high fever and sweating, body like burning coal, flushed face and eyes, irritability, excessive thirst and sweating, shortness of breath, constipation, short red urine, red tongue, rapid and rapid pulse, etc. .

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that heat stroke is caused by shu evil . Summer is one of the six qi. When drastic changes in weather and weather exceed the regulatory limits of the human body and greatly exceed the body's regulatory ability, or the human body's own righteousness is weak and loses the ability to resist sexual evil, heat evil enters through the skin, pores, and meridians and becomes trapped inside. And induce heat stroke.

In fact, heat stroke is also classified, but people like to classify dizziness, chest tightness, sweating, fatigue, etc. in hot weather as heat stroke. In traditional Chinese medicine, heatstroke is divided into "yangshu" and "yinshu". The famous doctor Zhang Jingyue once said: "The summer months are cold, so it is called Yin-shu; the summer months are hot, so it is called Yang-shu." What we usually call heatstroke in clinical practice mostly refers to Yang-shu.

You have a heat stroke, drink Huoxiang Zhengqi water. I believe that in the recent hot weather, whether you are in the north or the south, you can deeply understand that your life depends on air conditioning. - DayDayNews

So what is Yinshu? It means that "heat is inside and cold and dampness are outside." It is usually caused by people using the wrong way to relieve heat. If you suddenly go from a hot outdoor place to an air-conditioned room, or take a cold bath or drink an ice-cold drink while sweating profusely, your skin pores will shrink, making it difficult for your body to dissipate heat, leading to heat stroke. There is a passage about Lin Daiyu's heatstroke in the famous Chinese book "A Dream of Red Mansions". It is said that after Lin Daiyu arrived at Qingxu Temple, due to the hot weather, she looked for a cool place and stayed for a while longer, resulting in heatstroke. . Lin Daiyu's love is Yinshu.

So from the perspective of modern medicine, how are heatstroke classified? There are three types according to priority. The mildest is heat cramps , which is caused by strenuous exercise in a high temperature environment, heavy sweating, and muscle cramps . The second is heat exhaustion , which is due to excessive loss of body fluids and sodium and insufficient replacement, causing fatigue, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and headache. The most serious one is heat stroke , which is a fatal emergency characterized by high fever and mental disorder. Many deaths from heat stroke are caused by this type.

You have a heat stroke, drink Huoxiang Zhengqi water. I believe that in the recent hot weather, whether you are in the north or the south, you can deeply understand that your life depends on air conditioning. - DayDayNews

To prevent and treat heatstroke, should you take Huoxiang Zhengqi Water? Debunking rumors!

In fact, other drug manufacturers have not said this. In the instructions, they also clearly write down the symptoms of use, which are defined by many people themselves because they think it is troublesome to go to the hospital and think that heatstroke is not a big deal. Then Just take some Huoxiang Zhengqi water to relieve the heat. Let me tell you, it is not advisable to take it blindly.

Let's first briefly explain " Huoxiang Zhengqi ". Huoxiang Zhengqi Powder is a prescription in the " Taiping Huimin Heji Bureau Prescription " compiled by the Song Dynasty government. It is composed of 大 bellypi, Angelica dahurica , Perilla , Poria (one liang each), Pinellia koji, Atractylodes macrocephala, tangerine peel, Magnolia , Platycodon grandiflorum (two liang each), licorice (two and a half), Patchouli (three liang) ), except for the three medicinal herbs of Poria, Licorice and Platycodon, the rest are bitter, pungent, warm and dry.

"Taiping Huimin Hejiju Prescription" records the main treatment of this prescription: "Typhoid headache, aversion to cold and strengthening of heat, asthma and cough, five kinds of fatigue and seven injuries, eight kinds of wind and phlegm, five kinds of diaphragm, cold and pain in the heart and stomach, nausea and vomiting Vomiting, diarrhea, cholera, empty viscera, mountain miasma and malaria, swelling all over the body, tingling blood and gas in women before and after childbirth, and malnutrition in children should all be treated." With such a rich list of main symptoms, there is only one word "heat" missing. Looking at the method of taking it, grind these eleven medicines into fine powder, take 7 grams each time, add 1 piece of ginger, 1 jujube, boil it in a large cup of water, take it while it is hot, and cover it. The top is covered with sweat. Judging from these accounts, Huoxiang Zhengqi obviously does not treat heatstroke, but dispels cold and dampness.

You have a heat stroke, drink Huoxiang Zhengqi water. I believe that in the recent hot weather, whether you are in the north or the south, you can deeply understand that your life depends on air conditioning. - DayDayNews

Chinese medicine perspective

If it is to treat Yin-shu. It is mainly used to relieve external symptoms and clear away heat. Therefore, the first choice is the Huoxiang Zhengqi medicine, which is composed of Chinese medicines such as Patchouli, Atractylodes, Tangerine peel, Magnolia officinalis, Angelica dahurica, Poria, licorice, and perilla. The function of summer heat is suitable for "yin-shu" caused by excessive avoidance of heat and greed for coolness, which manifests as headache body weight , sore limbs, sensitivity to cold, fever, no sweat, etc., or gastrointestinal symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, etc. symptom.

In addition, cupping therapy can be used in both Yangshu and Yinshu. For acupoint selection, you can choose Dazhui, Weizhong , Waiguan , combined with Zhongchong, Shixuan , both sides of the spine, Guan Chong, use simple cupping or pricking cupping, and leave the cup for 5 minutes. Use the plum-blossom needle to tap on both sides of the spine 3 to 5 times and then remove. For Zhongchong, Guanchong, and Shixuan, use three-edged needle to prick and bleed without cupping. All have very good therapeutic and first-aid effects (note, do not operate by yourself, should be performed in a qualified hospital).

You have a heat stroke, drink Huoxiang Zhengqi water. I believe that in the recent hot weather, whether you are in the north or the south, you can deeply understand that your life depends on air conditioning. - DayDayNews

Modern medical perspective

Based on the cause of heat stroke, since it is the loss of body temperature regulation, the most important way to treat heat stroke is "cooling". Therefore, if you find that a person has heat stroke or has signs of heat stroke in daily life, the first step is to get out of the high temperature environment at that time, move the person to a cool and ventilated place, and at the same time untie the tight parts of the body such as collars and belts; The second is to cool down. For example, put a cold towel on the forehead, or wrap it with ice cubes, ice bags, etc., and then place it on the back of the head, chest, armpits, thigh roots, etc., to achieve the effect of physical cooling ; The third is adequate and active rehydration. The reason why heat exhaustion occurs is because of excessive water loss. If a person has a mental disorder or is not relieved by the above methods, then he must be sent to a doctor for treatment in time. This is the correct way to deal with heat stroke.

You have a heat stroke, drink Huoxiang Zhengqi water. I believe that in the recent hot weather, whether you are in the north or the south, you can deeply understand that your life depends on air conditioning. - DayDayNews

Comprehensive summary

Huoxiang Zhengqi should be used dialectically. It is very suitable for exogenous diseases in summer, or Yin-shu type, accompanied by loss of appetite, lack of thirst or diarrhea. However, it is worth reminding that it cannot prevent heatstroke. Don’t be misled, let alone use medicine blindly.

You have a heat stroke, drink Huoxiang Zhengqi water. I believe that in the recent hot weather, whether you are in the north or the south, you can deeply understand that your life depends on air conditioning. - DayDayNews

Author's message: This article is a comprehensive summary of the author's several hours of work. There is no charge for adding columns, and it is free for everyone to read. I would like to help those who are misled by rumors, have no medical knowledge, and have no concept of health care.. Toutiao is an open platform where everyone can learn from each other and discuss with each other. If you have different opinions, you can express your opinions in the comment area. If you think what you have learned is helpful, don’t be stingy, show your love, give it a like, and forward it to help more people. Thank you for your support. #媯 Zero Zero Plan#

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