Zou Yanqin was born in Nanjing in 1933. He is the third national master of traditional Chinese medicine and a lifelong professor of Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. He has very profound knowledge in traditional Chinese medicine and is especially good at treatin

2024/06/1804:13:35 regimen 1598

Zou Yanqin was born in Nanjing in 1933. He is the third national master of traditional Chinese medicine and a tenured professor of Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. He is very accomplished in traditional Chinese medicine and is especially good at treating various kidney diseases.

In 1953, Zou Yanqin was admitted to the Biology Department of Nanjing Normal University and stayed at the school to teach after graduation. In 1962, Zou Yanqin was transferred to Nanjing College of Traditional Chinese Medicine as a teaching assistant in medicinal botany. In the fall of the same year, he entered the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Six years later, he obtained a bachelor's degree in traditional Chinese medicine. He became a rare physician with dual bachelor's degrees in traditional Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese medicine. In fact, Professor Zou Yanqin’s father is also a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner. He has been deeply influenced by traditional Chinese medicine since he was a child. After systematic study of traditional Chinese medicine, he learned the true teachings from his father and gradually became more and more refined in his medical skills. Especially in the treatment of kidney diseases and geriatric diseases, he has very profound attainments, which has benefited countless kidney disease patients.

Zou Yanqin was born in Nanjing in 1933. He is the third national master of traditional Chinese medicine and a lifelong professor of Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. He has very profound knowledge in traditional Chinese medicine and is especially good at treatin - DayDayNews

Ms. Chen has suffered from chronic nephritis for more than 20 years. Her liver was damaged due to hormone treatment before. She was very afraid that taking the medicine again would cause further damage to her liver, so she approached Zou Yanqin. After Mr. Zou learned about the condition, he gave her a very gentle prescription, paying special attention to protecting the liver and treating the kidneys. In this way, Ms. Chen has been using this prescription for more than 20 years. Although she has not recovered, her condition has been greatly alleviated and controlled, and her kidney function has been well protected, without affecting her quality of life. Ms. Chen also went from a small accountant to the chief accountant of a large company. She fell in love and got married without delay. She also gave birth to a fat son and lived a happy life.

Zou Yanqin was born in Nanjing in 1933. He is the third national master of traditional Chinese medicine and a lifelong professor of Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. He has very profound knowledge in traditional Chinese medicine and is especially good at treatin - DayDayNews

Mr. Zhu from Nanjing also has kidney disease. , urinary protein, and occult blood are both above 3+. The treatment effect with western medicine is very good, but it rebounds as soon as the medicine is stopped. Mr. Zhu, who could not stop taking the medicine, was unable to have children, and his liver was also damaged. Therefore, Mr. Zhu approached Mr. Zou, hoping to get rid of hormone dependence, preserve kidney function, and then have a child. Mr. Zou immediately asked him to stop western medicine and prescribed a traditional Chinese medicine prescription for activating blood circulation, harmonizing collaterals and clearing away dampness and heat. After a period of time, the effect became apparent. The urinary protein and occult blood indicators gradually decreased and finally turned negative. Except that you have to pay more attention to your diet, you are no different from normal people. There are no delays in getting promoted, falling in love, getting married, or having children. There are countless cases like this.

Zou Yanqin was born in Nanjing in 1933. He is the third national master of traditional Chinese medicine and a lifelong professor of Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. He has very profound knowledge in traditional Chinese medicine and is especially good at treatin - DayDayNews

Today, 89-year-old Zou Yanqin has clear thinking, quick conversation and is very healthy. When asked about her health-preserving secrets, she said: "My health-preserving secrets are actually very simple. Everyone can do it. They mainly focus on three aspects: soaking feet with medicinal dregs, not eating more than three meals a day, and not touching cold drinks."

Zou Yanqin believes that after decoction, The boiled medicinal residue still has medicinal value, and it can also have a good auxiliary health effect when used for foot soaking. For people who don’t have any medicinal residue, foot soaking bags also have health-preserving effects.

Zou Yanqin was born in Nanjing in 1933. He is the third national master of traditional Chinese medicine and a lifelong professor of Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. He has very profound knowledge in traditional Chinese medicine and is especially good at treatin - DayDayNews

The so-called "eating no more than three" means that no matter how delicious or favorite the food is, don't eat more, preferably no more than three bites. Too much is never enough, this is the human principle. Eating too much of any food will cause nutritional imbalance and be detrimental to health.

Growing up, no one in my family ate cold drinks. Traditional Chinese medicine believes: "The stomach and kidneys like warmth but not coldness." Regular consumption of cold drinks will cause spleen and stomach deficiency and kidney deficiency .

In addition, she also likes tea very much. No matter where she is, she will carry her homemade health tea . Her health-preserving tea mainly consists of mint leaves, roses , wolfberry, Panax notoginseng and chrysanthemums. In winter, a little black tea is added, and in summer, green tea is added.

Zou Yanqin was born in Nanjing in 1933. He is the third national master of traditional Chinese medicine and a lifelong professor of Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. He has very profound knowledge in traditional Chinese medicine and is especially good at treatin - DayDayNews

Note: The picture comes from the Internet

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