As people age, their legs become weak, their backs become hunched, and their waists become bent... These symptoms seem normal to many people. Many people even take some calcium tablets and ignore them, but they don't know that this may also be caused by diabetes.

2024/06/0803:56:33 regimen 1394

When diabetes complications are mentioned, people often think of cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, neurological disease, retinal disease, diabetic foot , etc., but osteoporosis is often ignored.

When people get old, their legs are weak, their backs are hunched, and their waists are bent... These symptoms seem normal to many people. Many people even take some calcium tablets and forget about it. However, this may also be diabetes. Caused by .

As people age, their legs become weak, their backs become hunched, and their waists become bent... These symptoms seem normal to many people. Many people even take some calcium tablets and ignore them, but they don't know that this may also be caused by diabetes. - DayDayNews

A large-scale cross-sectional population survey in my country showed that the prevalence of osteoporosis in the general population was 10.6%, while the prevalence of osteoporosis in patients with diabetes was 16.9%.

In addition, related research shows that patients with type 2 diabetes have a 66% higher risk of fracture than non-diabetic patients. Why does diabetes cause osteoporosis?

Diabetic fractures are very harmful

Osteoporosis is known as the "silent killer" in medicine because people cannot feel the slow loss of bone mass.

In the early stages of the disease, patients often have no obvious symptoms. However, as the disease progresses, they will gradually develop symptoms such as back pain, hunched deformity, shorter height, weakness in the limbs, , and calf cramps. The biggest hazard is the susceptibility to fractures. .

As people age, their legs become weak, their backs become hunched, and their waists become bent... These symptoms seem normal to many people. Many people even take some calcium tablets and ignore them, but they don't know that this may also be caused by diabetes. - DayDayNews

Patients may suffer from spontaneous fractures or fractures under the influence of slight external force (such as coughing, sneezing, bending, weight-bearing, squeezing, falling, etc.).

Among them, vertebral fracture is the most common, hip fracture is the most serious, As people age, their legs become weak, their backs become hunched, and their waists become bent... These symptoms seem normal to many people. Many people even take some calcium tablets and ignore them, but they don't know that this may also be caused by diabetes. - DayDayNews-year mortality rate can be as high as 20%. Moreover, due to the poor recovery ability of the elderly, fractures often lead to long-term bed rest and subsequent complications, and even cause some patients to become disabled, significantly reduce their quality of life, and bring heavy economic and human burdens to their families.

As people age, their legs become weak, their backs become hunched, and their waists become bent... These symptoms seem normal to many people. Many people even take some calcium tablets and ignore them, but they don't know that this may also be caused by diabetes. - DayDayNews

However, most diabetic patients tend to only pay attention to the treatment of diabetes itself and tend to ignore the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis that it can easily cause. However, in fact, the serious consequences of fractures often exceed those of diabetes itself. Therefore, it is very important to prevent diabetes and osteoporosis.

Factors causing osteoporosis due to diabetes

ā— High blood sugar affects bone metabolism

The human body's bone metabolism mainly relies on osteoblasts and osteoclasts . Osteoblasts can generate bone tissue fiber and matrix, Osteoclasts destroy and resorb bone tissue.

In the context of hyperglycemia, osteoblast activity will decrease and gradually differentiate and undergo apoptosis. At the same time, osteoclast activity will increase with the increase in blood sugar, which will lead to massive bone destruction.

As people age, their legs become weak, their backs become hunched, and their waists become bent... These symptoms seem normal to many people. Many people even take some calcium tablets and ignore them, but they don't know that this may also be caused by diabetes. - DayDayNews

ā—Polyuria leads to lack of bone synthesis materials

Polydipsia and polyuria are typical symptoms of diabetes. The increase in urine sugar will cause a large amount of calcium, phosphorus and other minerals to be lost in the body. If there is a lack of necessary calcium supplement at this time, it will cause the patient's "negative calcium balance", which will then trigger a series of changes in hormone levels. , ultimately leading to bone decalcification and osteoporosis.

ā— Insufficient calcium absorption affects bone synthesis

When diabetes is poorly controlled, it is often accompanied by hepatic malnutrition and kidney disease, resulting in active vitamin D reduction , which will affect the absorption of calcium, phosphorus and other minerals in the intestine.

As people age, their legs become weak, their backs become hunched, and their waists become bent... These symptoms seem normal to many people. Many people even take some calcium tablets and ignore them, but they don't know that this may also be caused by diabetes. - DayDayNews

ā— Insulin deficiency affects bone synthesis

Insulin in the human body, in addition to promoting anabolism and maintaining blood sugar concentration homeostasis, can also promote the synthesis of osteoblasts and collagen tissue .Diabetic patients all have absolute or relative insulin deficiency, which leads to the balance between bone formation and bone resorption in bone tissue being broken.

ā— Some hypoglycemic drugs increase bone loss

Rosiglitazone , pioglitazone and other thiazolidinedione hypoglycemic drugs are mainly used to treat insulin resistance type 2 diabetes. Several studies have shown that these drugs can increase bone loss and reduce bone density and bone quality.

As people age, their legs become weak, their backs become hunched, and their waists become bent... These symptoms seem normal to many people. Many people even take some calcium tablets and ignore them, but they don't know that this may also be caused by diabetes. - DayDayNews

All these factors combined ultimately lead to the reduction of bone matrix, trabecular bone destruction, and reduced bone density in diabetic patients, making them a high-risk group for the onset of osteoporosis.

Methods to prevent osteoporosis

ā— Actively treat diabetes

For patients in the early stages of diabetes, under the guidance of a doctor, blood sugar can be controlled through diet adjustment, exercise, weight loss and other methods, supplemented by hypoglycemic drugs when necessary.

Diabetic patients should measure their blood sugar values ā€‹ā€‹on a regular basis and use this to guide their diet, exercise and treatment in order to control their blood sugar within a normal or close to normal range. This is also the best way to prevent osteoporosis and reduce the occurrence of fractures. method.

ā— Regularly screen bone density

Compared with normal people, diabetic patients are more likely to suffer from osteoporosis. Therefore, it is recommended that diabetic patients should have their bone density tested regularly to prevent the occurrence of osteoporosis in time.

ā— Appropriate participation in sports

Exercise therapy is an effective method to prevent osteoporosis and reduce fractures. Studies have proven that when the bones are in a "loaded" state, the loss of bone calcium is the least, and the calcium ions in the blood accumulate to the bones the fastest.

As people age, their legs become weak, their backs become hunched, and their waists become bent... These symptoms seem normal to many people. Many people even take some calcium tablets and ignore them, but they don't know that this may also be caused by diabetes. - DayDayNews

Therefore, through body exercise, on the one hand, part of the energy can be consumed to achieve the purpose of lowering blood sugar, on the other hand, it can prevent osteoporosis, increase bone strength, and thereby reduce the occurrence of fractures.

ā—Learn to supplement calcium correctly

Calcium supplementation is one of the most basic methods to prevent and treat osteoporosis. Patients can supplement calcium by consuming fish, shrimp, milk and calcium-rich foods. If they have poor gastrointestinal absorption, they can also take calcium supplements through drugs. Such as oral calcium supplements or calcium-containing nutritional supplements.

When choosing calcium supplements, patients should consult a specialist, choose 1 to 2 drugs or nutritional supplements that suit them, formulate appropriate doses, dosage forms and administration routes, and take them correctly for a long time.

As people age, their legs become weak, their backs become hunched, and their waists become bent... These symptoms seem normal to many people. Many people even take some calcium tablets and ignore them, but they don't know that this may also be caused by diabetes. - DayDayNews

In addition, when supplementing calcium, you must also supplement enough vitamin D, because only with the participation of vitamin D, calcium ions can be deposited in the bones, otherwise it will only be excreted in urine and feces, failing to treat and prevent bone disease. Loose purpose.

In addition to using corresponding drugs, spending more time in the sun and doing more outdoor activities are also effective ways to increase the supply of vitamin D. Because there are a large number of vitamin D "raw materials" in human skin, these substances can only be converted into active vitamin D and used by the human body under the action of ultraviolet rays.

As people age, their legs become weak, their backs become hunched, and their waists become bent... These symptoms seem normal to many people. Many people even take some calcium tablets and ignore them, but they don't know that this may also be caused by diabetes. - DayDayNews

ā—Medical treatment

Osteoporosis is a chronic disease that seriously affects the quality of life of the elderly, so we must pay attention to it. Generally speaking, the use of certain anti-osteoporosis drugs has a certain effect on reducing the occurrence of fractures.

However, drugs should be used under the guidance of specialist doctors to prevent the toxic and side effects of drugs from harming the human body. Commonly used anti-osteoporosis drugs include sex hormones, phosphate , osteoclast inhibitors, calcium agents, etc.

Finally, I hope everyone is in good health! Remember to seek medical treatment in time when you feel unwell, and follow the doctor's advice~

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