Due to the narrow cavity of the third ventricle, early-stage tumors can easily block the cerebrospinal fluid circulation pathway, causing intracranial pressure to increase and gradually worsen. If the tumor is small and not obstructive, the patient may have no obvious symptoms. F

2024/05/2606:31:32 regimen 1859

Due to the narrow cavity of the third ventricle, early-stage tumors can easily block the cerebrospinal fluid circulation pathway, causing intracranial pressure to increase and gradually worsen. If the tumor is small and not obstructive, the patient may have no obvious symptoms. F - DayDayNews

Due to the stenosis of the third ventricular cavity, early tumors are easy to block the cerebrospinal fluid circulation pathway, causing intracranial pressure to increase and gradually worsen. If the tumor is small and not obstructive, the patient may have no obvious symptoms. When the tumor invades the tissue surrounding the third ventricle , focal symptoms will appear.

Increased intracranial pressure
Due to tumor obstruction, cerebrospinal fluid circulation disorder causes increased intracranial pressure. Clinically, patients present with severe headache, nausea and vomiting. Headaches are often temporarily relieved by changes in head position and posture. Patients often present with obsessive head positioning and obsessive postures. Most patients have headaches that worsen when they lie on their backs and lessen when they lie on their stomachs. In severe cases,
coma or even death may occur.

Fundus changes
The fundus changes in patients are mainly caused by papilledema caused by increased intracranial pressure, which manifests as unclear nipple boundaries and disappearance of physiological depressions. Due to direct compression of optic nerve , craniopharyngioma , pituitary adenoma and other primary optic atrophy . Long-term elevated intracranial pressure can lead to secondary optic atrophy, vision loss and even blindness.

Due to the narrow cavity of the third ventricle, early-stage tumors can easily block the cerebrospinal fluid circulation pathway, causing intracranial pressure to increase and gradually worsen. If the tumor is small and not obstructive, the patient may have no obvious symptoms. F - DayDayNews

Third ventricle tumor There are no special effective preventive measures, you can adjust your diet:
1. Maintain an ideal weight;
2. A variety of foods;
3. Daily diet includes a variety of vegetables and fruits;
4. Eat more High fiber foods (such as whole grain cereals, beans, vegetables, fruits);
5. Reduce total fat intake;
6. Limit intake of alcoholic beverages;
7. Limit pickled, smoked and nitrites food intake.

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