Mr. Li is 29 years old this year. Because he is busy at work, he often has the habit of staying up late and eating takeaways. His life is very irregular. During a physical examination 3 years ago, I was diagnosed with hyperuricemia, and the uric acid level even reached over 500.

2024/05/2523:06:33 regimen 1995

Mr. Li, 29 years old, is busy with work and often has the habit of staying up late and eating takeaways. His life is very irregular. During a physical examination 3 years ago, I was diagnosed with hyperuricemia, and the uric acid level even reached over 500.

However, Mr. Li didn't pay much attention to it at that time, thinking that gout was a disease only suffered by the elderly. Unexpectedly, a year later, Mr. Li went to climb the Great Wall during a trip. When he came back that night, he felt that his footsteps were not good, and the result became worse. It became more and more painful. When he was sent to the hospital for a checkup, Mr. Li's uric acid level was as high as 792, and he was also suffering from acute gout symptoms. The doctor prescribed painkillers and febuxostat . Mr. Li's symptoms improved the next day.

Mr. Li is 29 years old this year. Because he is busy at work, he often has the habit of staying up late and eating takeaways. His life is very irregular. During a physical examination 3 years ago, I was diagnosed with hyperuricemia, and the uric acid level even reached over 500. - DayDayNews

Gout does not "appear suddenly". There are three daily habits to be alert to the attack of gout.

Taking the case of Mr. Li, it seems that gout suddenly attacked while traveling, but combined with his daily life experience and The condition of uric acid, in fact, suffering from gout, is a "foreshadowing" that has been laid for a long time.

According to survey data from the my country Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , the number of people with hyperuricemia in our country has exceeded 200 million, of which more than 80 million people have experienced gout , and the number is still growing. As of 2020, gout It has become the second most common metabolic symptom after diabetes .

In other words, gout does not appear immediately, and symptoms of high uric acid are the prerequisite for causing gout. Three habits in daily life are the main causes of elevated uric acid and induced gout :

Habit 1: The diet tends to be "fat and sweet"

Simply put, in the daily diet, high-calorie, high-fat foods Eating too much food can lead to obesity over time.

According to research from the American Cancer Institute, obese people have disordered body fat metabolism and a high degree of xanthine oxidation, which will increase the synthesis efficiency of uric acid in the body. This will increase the risk of high uric acid in obese people and even induce gout. For example, you should eat as little fat as possible, refined carbohydrates, desserts, etc., and keep your mouth shut, so that your body can be healthier.

Mr. Li is 29 years old this year. Because he is busy at work, he often has the habit of staying up late and eating takeaways. His life is very irregular. During a physical examination 3 years ago, I was diagnosed with hyperuricemia, and the uric acid level even reached over 500. - DayDayNews

Habit 2: Drinking too much

Many people think that beer contains high purine, so only drinking beer will increase the probability of gout.

But in fact, whether it is beer, liquor, or wine contains alcohol, During the metabolism of the human body, alcohol will produce a substance called adenosine monophosphate, which will also Promote the production of uric acid and increase the risk of gout. Not just beer, but don’t drink too much of any alcohol. You should exercise restraint.

Habit 3: Irregular work and rest, often staying up late

Uric acid is a type of body metabolite. The higher the efficiency of the metabolic system, the lower the risk of gout when the level of uric acid in the body is under control.

Sleep is an important part of the body's self-regulation and metabolism. If you have an irregular schedule and often stay up late, the body's metabolic system will be in a disordered state, and a large amount of uric acid will accumulate in the body , increasing the probability of gout.

It can be seen that gout never "attacks suddenly". High uric acid is the fundamental cause of gout. Only by avoiding daily habits of elevated uric acid can we fundamentally prevent and treat gout.

But having said that, it is an indisputable fact that my country’s gout population is at the forefront of the world. There are still many people like Mr. Li who suffer from gout due to a lack of control in their daily lives.

Therefore, after suffering from gout, timely recovery is also very important. In order to recover as quickly as possible, which one is better, resting peacefully or exercising actively?

Mr. Li is 29 years old this year. Because he is busy at work, he often has the habit of staying up late and eating takeaways. His life is very irregular. During a physical examination 3 years ago, I was diagnosed with hyperuricemia, and the uric acid level even reached over 500. - DayDayNews

After suffering from gout, which one is better, resting or exercising actively?

From the theory Judging from the above, gout is mostly caused by high blood uric acid levels. Active exercise can help improve the body's metabolic efficiency and speed up the excretion of uric acid, which is beneficial to the recovery of gout.

However, the symptom of gout has two different stages, namely the acute stage and the intermittent stage.

The so-called acute phase,is actually the period of time when a gout attack occurs and the patient still feels pain. At this time, tophi between joints or muscles is stimulating body tissue. If moves rashly, it may cause increased friction and irritation, which will in turn aggravate gout symptoms.

And the intermittent period is the period when the gout pain is temporarily over, but the body is still in a state of high uric acid, similar to Mr. Li, whose condition is stable after taking medicine.

For this group of people, there is no irritating threat from tophi for the time being. It is necessary to exercise actively to speed up the excretion of uric acid.

According to the research results of Rooney Medical University, consistent exercise can effectively help reduce blood uric acid. Take jogging as an example. For every 1km more run, blood uric acid will be reduced by an average of 0.006 to 0.007 mg. Exercise is still a great way to restore health. effective means.

In short, for friends who are in the acute stage of gout, it is better to rest temporarily, and for those who are in the stable stage, can try jogging, swimming and other mild to moderate exercises to promote recovery.

On the other hand, if you want to recover from gout faster, it is necessary to actively take medication. However, many people adhere to the concept of "medicine is divided into three parts poison" and feel that taking medicine is not good for the body, so they seek to reduce the risk of gout without taking medicine. Uric acid method.

Mr. Li is 29 years old this year. Because he is busy at work, he often has the habit of staying up late and eating takeaways. His life is very irregular. During a physical examination 3 years ago, I was diagnosed with hyperuricemia, and the uric acid level even reached over 500. - DayDayNews

If you have gout, can you "lower uric acid" without taking medicine? Listen to what experts say

At the National Research Conference on Neck, Shoulder, Waist, and Leg Pain, Professor Yao Dazhang, chief executive of the Guangzhou Zhongke Gout Medical Research Institute, said: Uric acid is responsible for the metabolism of the human body. Part of natural acid reduction is possible, but there are conditions.

For example, reducing the intake of purine in the daily diet, active exercise to improve metabolic capacity, etc. are all ways to effectively reduce acidity without taking medicine. It is completely possible to reduce acidity through daily life methods.

The "condition" is that the method of naturally lowering uric acid has a "time limit". If uric acid remains high after adopting a lifestyle, in order to avoid the hidden dangers of liver and kidney diseases caused by long-term high uric acid, drugs are still needed. To assist in treatment.

According to clinical data, if the uric acid situation still does not improve after 1 to 3 months of observation, you can use febuxostat, benzbromarone and other acid-lowering drugs to treat and restore health as soon as possible.

In summary, gout symptoms are “traceable” and only by actively adjusting them in daily life can the risk of the disease be effectively reduced. For gout patients, subsequent recovery also requires scientific and reasonable arrangements. Do not continue to exercise or rest. Only by reasonably arranging time and considering medication according to different disease stages can you achieve better prevention and treatment effects.


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