Drink soy milk. Soy milk is one of the traditional breakfast drinks in my country. In the streets and alleys, as long as there is a place selling breakfast, you can almost see the existence of soy milk. Soy milk is rich in protein and has high nutritional value. However, some peo

2024/05/2517:43:33 regimen 1552

Drink soy milk

Drink soy milk. Soy milk is one of the traditional breakfast drinks in my country. In the streets and alleys, as long as there is a place selling breakfast, you can almost see the existence of soy milk. Soy milk is rich in protein and has high nutritional value. However, some peo - DayDayNews

Soy milk is one of the traditional breakfast drinks in my country. In the streets and alleys, as long as there is a place selling breakfast, you can almost see the existence of soy milk.

Soy milk is rich in protein and has high nutritional value. However, some people with diabetes think that too much protein is bad for the kidneys, and diabetic nephropathy is one of the complications of diabetes, so can people with diabetes drink soy milk? Next, let us find out.


Drink soy milk. Soy milk is one of the traditional breakfast drinks in my country. In the streets and alleys, as long as there is a place selling breakfast, you can almost see the existence of soy milk. Soy milk is rich in protein and has high nutritional value. However, some peo - DayDayNews

Drink soy milk. Soy milk is one of the traditional breakfast drinks in my country. In the streets and alleys, as long as there is a place selling breakfast, you can almost see the existence of soy milk. Soy milk is rich in protein and has high nutritional value. However, some peo - DayDayNews1 The nutritional value of soy milk

Most of our traditional soy milk is made from soybeans.

Drink soy milk. Soy milk is one of the traditional breakfast drinks in my country. In the streets and alleys, as long as there is a place selling breakfast, you can almost see the existence of soy milk. Soy milk is rich in protein and has high nutritional value. However, some peo - DayDayNews

Soybeans are very rich in nutrients, and their protein content is Drink soy milk. Soy milk is one of the traditional breakfast drinks in my country. In the streets and alleys, as long as there is a place selling breakfast, you can almost see the existence of soy milk. Soy milk is rich in protein and has high nutritional value. However, some peo - DayDayNews.5~8 times that of cereals and potatoes.. The protein content of soybeans is about 40%. That is to say, based on the bean-to-water ratio of 1:12, a cup of 300ml soy milk requires about 25g of dry soybeans, which contains protein equivalent to 1.5 medium-sized eggs ( 12.7g/100g, 60g/piece) the amount of protein provided.

Drink soy milk. Soy milk is one of the traditional breakfast drinks in my country. In the streets and alleys, as long as there is a place selling breakfast, you can almost see the existence of soy milk. Soy milk is rich in protein and has high nutritional value. However, some peo - DayDayNews

Soybean protein contains a variety of amino acids . The essential amino acids that cannot be synthesized by the human body are relatively balanced. Among them, lysine and tryptophan have relatively high contents, accounting for 6.05% and 1.22% respectively; and soybeans are rich in Contains unsaturated fatty acids , calcium and vitamin B1 and niacin, does not contain cholesterol, and is a low glycemic index food[1].

Drink soy milk. Soy milk is one of the traditional breakfast drinks in my country. In the streets and alleys, as long as there is a place selling breakfast, you can almost see the existence of soy milk. Soy milk is rich in protein and has high nutritional value. However, some peo - DayDayNews

Therefore, soybeans are an ideal high-quality plant protein food, with nutritional value second only to meat, milk and eggs. It is also known as " plant meat " .

Drink soy milk. Soy milk is one of the traditional breakfast drinks in my country. In the streets and alleys, as long as there is a place selling breakfast, you can almost see the existence of soy milk. Soy milk is rich in protein and has high nutritional value. However, some peo - DayDayNews

Drink soy milk. Soy milk is one of the traditional breakfast drinks in my country. In the streets and alleys, as long as there is a place selling breakfast, you can almost see the existence of soy milk. Soy milk is rich in protein and has high nutritional value. However, some peo - DayDayNews2 Can people with diabetes drink soy milk?

The answer is of course ok!

The rich protein and fiber in soy milk can slow down the digestion speed, have little impact on blood sugar after drinking, and reduce the risk of blood sugar fluctuations.

Drink soy milk. Soy milk is one of the traditional breakfast drinks in my country. In the streets and alleys, as long as there is a place selling breakfast, you can almost see the existence of soy milk. Soy milk is rich in protein and has high nutritional value. However, some peo - DayDayNews

It is rich in dietary fiber . After drinking it, you will have high satiety , which can help sugar lovers reduce hunger, help stabilize blood sugar, lower cholesterol, and can prevent and help control high blood pressure and coronary syndrome to a certain extent. Chronic diseases such as heart disease [2,3]. Therefore, soy milk is very suitable for people with diabetes to drink [4,5].

Drink soy milk. Soy milk is one of the traditional breakfast drinks in my country. In the streets and alleys, as long as there is a place selling breakfast, you can almost see the existence of soy milk. Soy milk is rich in protein and has high nutritional value. However, some peo - DayDayNews3 Precautions for drinking soy milk

1. Avoid drinking soy milk Avoid adding sugar .

Diabetes lovers should not add sugar to soy milk when drinking it, as this can easily increase blood sugar. Moreover, the original soy milk has a smooth texture and the mellow taste of the original soybean flavor. It is actually an excellent nutritious breakfast drink.

Drink soy milk. Soy milk is one of the traditional breakfast drinks in my country. In the streets and alleys, as long as there is a place selling breakfast, you can almost see the existence of soy milk. Soy milk is rich in protein and has high nutritional value. However, some peo - DayDayNews

Drink soy milk. Soy milk is one of the traditional breakfast drinks in my country. In the streets and alleys, as long as there is a place selling breakfast, you can almost see the existence of soy milk. Soy milk is rich in protein and has high nutritional value. However, some peo - DayDayNews, avoid drink uncooked soy milk

soy milk must be cooked before drinking, uncooked soy milk is harmful to the human body. Soybeans contain trypsin inhibitors, lipoxygenase and phytohemagglutinin . Drinking uncooked soy milk may cause poisoning within a few minutes to an hour, resulting in nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, abdominal distension and Gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea.

Drink soy milk. Soy milk is one of the traditional breakfast drinks in my country. In the streets and alleys, as long as there is a place selling breakfast, you can almost see the existence of soy milk. Soy milk is rich in protein and has high nutritional value. However, some peo - DayDayNews

The best way is to boil the soy milk at a high temperature of Drink soy milk. Soy milk is one of the traditional breakfast drinks in my country. In the streets and alleys, as long as there is a place selling breakfast, you can almost see the existence of soy milk. Soy milk is rich in protein and has high nutritional value. However, some peo - DayDayNews00℃, then simmer it for about 5 minutes before you can drink it safely. If you have symptoms such as headache or respiratory obstruction after drinking soy milk, you should seek medical treatment in time. Most of the soy milk sold in regular breakfast shops is cooked or brewed from soy milk powder and can be consumed with confidence.

Drink soy milk. Soy milk is one of the traditional breakfast drinks in my country. In the streets and alleys, as long as there is a place selling breakfast, you can almost see the existence of soy milk. Soy milk is rich in protein and has high nutritional value. However, some peo - DayDayNews

Drink soy milk. Soy milk is one of the traditional breakfast drinks in my country. In the streets and alleys, as long as there is a place selling breakfast, you can almost see the existence of soy milk. Soy milk is rich in protein and has high nutritional value. However, some peo - DayDayNews, Avoid Drinking too much soy milk

Drinking too much soy milk at one time can easily cause protein indigestion, bloating, diarrhea and other uncomfortable symptoms. It is recommended to drink up to 200ml per day[3].

Drink soy milk. Soy milk is one of the traditional breakfast drinks in my country. In the streets and alleys, as long as there is a place selling breakfast, you can almost see the existence of soy milk. Soy milk is rich in protein and has high nutritional value. However, some peo - DayDayNews

4, avoid Use thermos bottle to pack soy milk

Soy milk contains substances that can remove scale in the thermos bottle. Not only can the scale on the thermos bottle be dissolved into the liquid, but under suitable temperature conditions, the bacteria in the bottle will Using soy milk as nutrients and multiplying in large quantities, the soy milk will become rancid and deteriorate in 3 to 4 hours [3].

Drink soy milk. Soy milk is one of the traditional breakfast drinks in my country. In the streets and alleys, as long as there is a place selling breakfast, you can almost see the existence of soy milk. Soy milk is rich in protein and has high nutritional value. However, some peo - DayDayNews

5, Avoid drinking with drugs

Some drugs will destroy the nutrients in soy milk and also affect the efficacy, such as tetracycline , erythromycin and other antibiotic drugs [3]. It is best to drink it at least 130 minutes before and after taking the medicine. Hypoglycemic drugs such as acarbose, which are taken with meals, can be taken at the same time.

Drink soy milk. Soy milk is one of the traditional breakfast drinks in my country. In the streets and alleys, as long as there is a place selling breakfast, you can almost see the existence of soy milk. Soy milk is rich in protein and has high nutritional value. However, some peo - DayDayNews

Drink soy milk. Soy milk is one of the traditional breakfast drinks in my country. In the streets and alleys, as long as there is a place selling breakfast, you can almost see the existence of soy milk. Soy milk is rich in protein and has high nutritional value. However, some peo - DayDayNews4 It is not appropriate to drink soy milk under these circumstances!

1, Diabetes patients with low kidney function should avoid drinking soy milk.

Soy milk is a vegetable protein. People with diabetes who have been diagnosed by the hospital as having reduced kidney function and elevated blood urea nitrogen should not drink too much. It is best to drink less or not to drink more, so as not to increase the burden on the kidneys [6].

Drink soy milk. Soy milk is one of the traditional breakfast drinks in my country. In the streets and alleys, as long as there is a place selling breakfast, you can almost see the existence of soy milk. Soy milk is rich in protein and has high nutritional value. However, some peo - DayDayNews

2, diabetes patients with acute gastritis and chronic superficial gastritis should not drink soy milk, nor should they drink it on an empty stomach.

Gastritis Patients who drink soy milk can easily stimulate excessive gastric acid secretion, aggravate the condition, or cause flatulence [3].

Drink soy milk. Soy milk is one of the traditional breakfast drinks in my country. In the streets and alleys, as long as there is a place selling breakfast, you can almost see the existence of soy milk. Soy milk is rich in protein and has high nutritional value. However, some peo - DayDayNews

3. Diabetes patients with kidney stones should not drink soy milk.

The oxalate in beans can combine with calcium in the kidneys, easily forming stones, and aggravating the symptoms of kidney stones [3].

Drink soy milk. Soy milk is one of the traditional breakfast drinks in my country. In the streets and alleys, as long as there is a place selling breakfast, you can almost see the existence of soy milk. Soy milk is rich in protein and has high nutritional value. However, some peo - DayDayNews

After the above study, we can see that most of us sugar lovers can actually drink soy milk, but we must also be careful not to add sugar, and not drink too much at one time! If you have any questions or want to know, please leave a message below to tell us!

Content source: Joint Care WeChat public account

Compilation and editing: Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Nursing Magazine

Correspondent: Li Xin, Sun Lei, Qin Shasha, Wang Jingjing, Dong Wei

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