The obesity rate among Chinese children is growing rapidly. Data from the "Report on Nutrition and Chronic Disease Status of Chinese Residents (2020)" show that the overweight and obesity rate among Chinese adults is close to 50%, of which 11.1% are overweight among children and

2024/05/2508:12:33 regimen 1390

The obesity rate among Chinese children is growing rapidly. Data from the "Report on Nutrition and Chronic Disease Status of Chinese Residents (2020)" show that the overweight and obesity rate among Chinese adults is close to 50%. Among children and adolescents aged 6-17, the overweight ratio is 11.1%. %, the obesity rate is 7.9%; the overweight rate of children under 6 years old is 6.8%, and the obesity rate is 3.6%. The number of overweight or obese people in China continues to increase, both in adults and children.

The obesity rate among Chinese children is growing rapidly. Data from the

Traditional diets are being replaced by modern diets, which are mainly composed of refined grains, meats and a large number of highly processed foods and beverages. Overly processed food is becoming one of the foods that cannot be ignored that harms children's present and future!

The obesity rate among Chinese children is growing rapidly. Data from the

Why should we eat less overly processed food?

According to the results of a systematic review and meta-analysis of national representative dietary surveys and long-term cohort studies , ultra-processed foods are related to diseases, chronic disease mortality, etc.; and, the article believes that there is currently sufficient evidence to prove that ultra-processed foods reduce the risk of Food intake can improve body health. Therefore, reducing the intake of ultra-processed foods should be included in dietary guidelines.

The obesity rate among Chinese children is growing rapidly. Data from the

① Try to choose unprocessed/lightly processed and freshly prepared foods instead of ultra-processed foods, which are included in new official dietary guidelines by more and more countries and international health organizations;

② This is mainly because the intake of ultra-processed foods Increased dietary intake has been associated with poor-quality diets and increased morbidity and mortality from several chronic diseases;

③ and, ultra-processed foods with various attributes have been linked to disease through physiological and behavioral mechanisms that are known, reasonable, or suggested, and attributes and Different combinations of mechanisms may lead to different health outcomes;

④The existing evidence is sufficient to support that avoiding ultra-processed foods can improve health, and there are policies to ensure its feasibility.

The obesity rate among Chinese children is growing rapidly. Data from the

What are the dangers of eating too much ultra-processed food?

Many children like to eat fried chicken, French fries, instant noodles and other foods. If such eating habits are not corrected in time, they may affect the child's life.

Eating too much of this "junk food" will not only affect the development of bones during growth, but also early sow the seeds of chronic diseases such as overweight/obesity, high blood pressure , cardiovascular disease, 2 type diabetes , cancer the bane of.

The obesity rate among Chinese children is growing rapidly. Data from the

"Healthy food" is not necessarily healthy!

Sales of sweet and salty biscuits, carbonated drinks and fruit juices have all declined in recent years. Consumers are turning to products they consider “healthier” such as sports and energy drinks, and nut and dried fruit snacks.

Some companies are reducing the fat, sugar and salt content in certain products, while using these "healthier" options as a selling point. However, many companies are still adapting their marketing strategies to continue selling unhealthy, highly processed foods and beverages. Some products may claim to be "nutritional" or "healthy" when in reality they contain too many unhealthy ingredients.

The obesity rate among Chinese children is growing rapidly. Data from the

You should also pay attention to cooking methods.

Compared with fresh ingredients and processed foods, there are many problems, such as health problems caused by excessive use of additives, high salt content, etc., as well as risks caused by smoking, roasting and other processing methods.

You also need to pay attention to cooking methods when cooking at home. Carcinogenic compounds such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and generated during cooking processes such as smoking, frying, frying, and roasting may be the main cause.

The obesity rate among Chinese children is growing rapidly. Data from the

Therefore, in daily life, it is recommended to use healthier cooking methods and reduce the use of grilling, frying, frying, smoking, pickling and other methods; for meat, do not cook it because you are worried that the meat will increase the risk of cancer during the cooking process. Eating red meat has higher health risks.

The obesity rate among Chinese children is growing rapidly. Data from the

Childhood is a critical period in forming food preferences and eating habits, which can have long-term effects on health. If children have an unhealthy weight early in life, this often affects adolescence and adulthood. Eating too much ultra-processed food has been linked to many health problems, including being overweight or obese, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and cancer.

Therefore, whether you are an adult or a child, it is recommended not to overcook food in daily life, eat less junk food, and eat more healthy food to ensure a healthy diet~


[1] "Eat Less Ultra-Processed Food" Food, should be included in dietary guidelines: sufficient evidence (opinion)" Enthusiastic Daily

[2] "Should "ultra-processed foods" be included in dietary guidelines? Insufficient evidence (opinion)" Enthusiastic Daily

[3] "After ten thousand people were followed up for 10 years, it was found that ultra-processed food harms children's present and future! 》 Guoke

[4] "The driving force behind changes in children's diet: the current market situation of highly processed foods and beverages" China Nutrition Industry

[5] "The Age of Red Meat Carcinogenesis, Survival Rules for Meat Eaters" One Hour Dad

Personal introduction: Nutrition Vivi (Zhu Yuwei), one of the first batch of registered nutritionists in China, has a master's degree in nutrition returned from overseas, is a national first-level public nutritionist, is the deputy director of the Infant and Young Children Complementary Food Professional Committee, is a member of the Maternity and Infant Studies Group of the China Popular Science Writers Association, and has one million fans on the Internet. +, focusing on disseminating internationally mainstream popular science knowledge on maternal and child care, nutrition and food education. Welcome to follow me on Toutiao and various platforms ~

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