Please click "Follow" before reading, share knowledge about gynecological tumors and cancer regularly every day, embrace every tumor patient, so that you are not alone on the road to fighting cancer ~ "Health care" has become a daily necessity for many people It is a lifestyle th

2024/05/2306:00:33 regimen 1499

Please click "Follow" before reading, share knowledge about gynecological tumors and cancer regularly every day, embrace every tumor patient, so that you are not alone on the road to fighting cancer~

"Health care" has become a reality for many people An indispensable lifestyle in daily life, such as taking medicated meals, drinking herbal tea , fitness, etc., the purpose is to improve immunity and strengthen the body by adjusting one's lifestyle.

For patients who have become weak after a series of treatments, appropriate health regimen is also an indispensable and important link towards recovery. However, when it comes to health care, it is not only necessary to screen out the army of " pseudo-health regimen" , it is also necessary to adhere to the correct health regimen for a long time in order to better speed up the recovery process.

Common "fake health care" behaviors, have you fallen into it?

In this Internet age, if you want to learn health care knowledge, you only need to search with one click, and a vast amount of information will continue to emerge, including many disguised pitfalls. Waiting for everyone to jump in, the result is that they will be cut off and their wallets will be empty, and they will even be poisoned by false health knowledge. During the recovery period, the most important thing to avoid is hearsay and partial belief.

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Hearsay health knowledge 1: Cancer can be starved to death by hunger

"Tumors also need nutrition. Eating to fill the stomach will feed the tumor, so it is recommended that tumor patients stay appropriately hungry." Such rumors are more common than others. All. Many patients begin to refuse food after seeing the tumor in an attempt to starve the tumor. But everyone knows that being so hungry will aggravate the body's malnutrition and accelerate tumor infiltration and metastasis. In other words, you cannot starve the tumor to death by starving, but you will definitely starve yourself.

Hearsay health knowledge 2: A certain health product can fight cancer after taking it

Currently, there are many health products on the market that use the name of "anti-cancer" to cut leeks, attracting countless people to rush to buy them. But no matter how fanciful the slogans are, health products cannot replace medicines and have any therapeutic effect. In addition, some patients believe that expensive tonics can help fight cancer, such as donkey hide gelatin, cordyceps , velvet antler, etc. However, these large tonic drugs are not suitable for patients who are relatively weak, and will instead threaten them. to health[1].

Hearsay health knowledge three: The diet should be light, adding seasonings will cause cancer

There is also a kind of rumor that no seasonings can be added to the diet because there are carcinogens in the seasonings. In addition, doctors always tell patients and friends: " A light diet is necessary to help the prognosis." In the patient's mind, a "light diet" becomes "clear soup with little water," and he only eats white porridge and boiled vegetables every day. In fact, this can easily lead to nutritional imbalance, which is even more detrimental to the body's recovery.

Hearsay health knowledge 4: Taking a certain folk prescription can treat tumors

Treating tumors is a standardized process. Even the auxiliary treatment of traditional Chinese medicine must be based on syndrome differentiation and treatment according to the different symptoms of each patient. There is no "folk prescription" that can Cure all diseases. Moreover, the dosage and mechanism of medication in the "recipes" are unclear, and there are certain risks hidden there.

What is the correct way to maintain health?

Not only are there as many ways to obtain health knowledge as there are stars, but there are also various ways to obtain health knowledge. Books, radio, advertisements, and TV programs are all ways to obtain knowledge. But in this way, it is difficult to filter out the real and reliable information. So today I will recommend some reliable ways for you.

First of all, books. Many patients have a hobby of reading and newspapers and are used to learning some knowledge from them. However, reliable health books are generally textbooks and some health care manuals, or are published by Chinese Nutrition Society , Chinese Antibiotics A series of books and guides published by the Cancer Association , such as "Chinese Tumor Nutritional Treatment Guidelines", "Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Care" and other books.

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Secondly, there are TV programs, such as CCTV's " Healthy Road ", Beijing Satellite TV 's " Health Hall ", etc., which will invite professional doctors in the industry to explain to everyone. Health knowledge.

Public accounts are also an important way to obtain knowledge at present, but you must pay attention to the source of information. If you want to obtain highly credible health knowledge and suggestions, you can follow the public accounts of some top tertiary traditional Chinese medicine hospitals and make inquiries. In addition, health lectures are also a common form. Some medical institutions regularly hold health science lectures, where you can ask questions and interact on the spot, and directly obtain the information that is most helpful to you.

Finally, I would like to remind you that there are many advertisements on TV in the name of health care. In fact, the real purpose is to promote and sell "three noes" health care products. You must be vigilant and don't be fooled.

Tips for keeping healthy at home to speed up the recovery process

The correct way of keeping healthy is a "booster" to speed up physical recovery, but no matter what method, persistence is the most important. You can't fish for three days and sunbathe for two days, so that your health can change from a daily routine. The accumulation of quantity has reached a leap of quality.

Four Seasons Health Care

The important principle of health care is to respond to changes in weather and time in order to achieve a harmonious state between the human body and the environment. For example, in summer, you should pay attention to preventing heatstroke, go to bed early and get up early, eat cool food, and eat fresh foods such as bitter melon, lotus seed core, mung beans, buckwheat, winter melon; in spring, you need to pay attention to wind evil and eat " sprouts" . In autumn, we should prevent dryness and eat more moist foods, such as pear, Tremella , Ophiopogon japonicus, etc.; in winter, we should prevent cold and eat more warm and tonic foods, such as pumpkin, chestnut, sesame , yam, chicken, etc. [2 ].

② Eat in moderation

During the recovery period, you must eat enough nutrients. You must not eat a single diet or eat one meal to fill up. You need to eat regularly, eat small meals frequently, and ensure fresh and varied food. Therefore, in addition to the regular three meals a day, if you feel hungry between meals, you can eat a small amount of soda biscuits, apples, buns and other foods to satisfy your hunger. Summer is hot, so you can make appropriate changes to the snacks between meals, such as water chestnut soup, white fungus soup, mung bean soup, winter melon cake, etc.

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③ Exercise appropriately

Eat and move, and it is also important to balance your physical condition during exercise and rest. Summer is too hot. You can open exercise video tutorials at home and do some light physical exercises, such as Baduanjin, yoga, Pilates, aerobics, etc. It is recommended to exercise for 30 minutes at a fixed time every morning or afternoon. When not exercising, you can also do some housework to move your body, such as sweeping the floor, wiping the table, organizing books, etc.

④ Ensure sleep

During the recovery period, you must eat enough nutrients. You must not eat a single diet or eat one meal to fill up. You need to eat regularly, eat small meals frequently, and ensure fresh and varied food. Therefore, in addition to the regular three meals a day, if you feel hungry between meals, you can eat a small amount of soda biscuits, apples, buns and other foods to satisfy your hunger. Summer is hot, so you can make appropriate changes to the snacks between meals, such as water chestnut soup, white fungus soup, mung bean soup, winter melon cake, etc.

⑤ Psychological health

The summer heat will inevitably make people feel irritable. If you feel bad, you must vent it out in time and talk to your relatives and friends; you can also sit quietly and breathe to persuade yourself, or go for a walk in the park to let the "garbage" in your heart follow you. Breathing out of the body.

The above is the content of today’s health care class. In fact, during the recovery period, as long as you don’t be superstitious about folk remedies and health products, eat regularly, exercise regularly, and maintain a good mood, you can maximize the health care effect and help the body fight off tumor invasion.

Editor in charge: Gynecological Oncology Mutual Aid Officer

Picture source: Photo Network

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