Nothing is more important to a person than health. You are welcome to "follow" me and chat about health topics together! Cervical cancer is a common malignant tumor of the reproductive system in women, with the highest incidence occurring between the ages of 50 and 55. With the p

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Cervical cancer is a common malignant tumor of the reproductive system in women, with the highest incidence occurring between the ages of 50 and 55. With the popularization of cervical cancer screening in recent years, the incidence and mortality of this gynecological malignant tumor have been significantly reduced. Among the causative factors of cervical cancer, the most well-known is human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. There are about 160 types of HPV. Among them, the two types that are closely related to cervical cancer are HPV16 and HPV18.

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These two high-risk HPV viruses can produce two viral oncoproteins, E6 and E7, which act on the p53 and Rb tumor suppressor genes of infected persons respectively, causing them to lose their activity and degrade, and lose their tumor suppressor effect and become cancerous. At present, preventive vaccination with HPV vaccine has a good preventive effect and is the primary prevention of cervical cancer. In addition to HPV infection , cervical cancer is also closely related to 8 factors. The sooner women know about it, the better:

1. Multiple sexual partners

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With the influx of Western liberal thoughts into our country in recent years, many people have gradually been attracted by this Western trend. This kind of free thought has been eroded, and Western ideological cancers such as sexual freedom and sexual openness are poisoning more and more people, especially today's young people. Women who have multiple sexual partners are more than twice as likely to develop cervical cancer, which is another important pathogenic factor besides HPV infection.

2. Smoking

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Among today’s smokers, there are more and more young female smokers, but some male smokers are decreasing year by year. Smoking can increase a woman’s chance of being infected with the human papillomavirus (HPV) and is an indirect cause of cervical cancer.

3. Premature sexual experience

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Before and after liberation, women generally got married early, and most women got married around the age of 16. Nowadays, among the young generation, there are many girls who have had sexual experience too early. Premature sexual experience is an important causative factor for women suffering from cervical cancer, which is closely related to the lag and lack of current sex education .

4. Sexually transmitted diseases

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In addition to human papillomavirus (HPV), herpes simplex virus type II, human cytomegalovirus and other sexually transmitted diseases are all related to cervical cancer in women.

5. Fertility

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Our country has the traditional idea of ​​having more children and having both children. Especially during the period after liberation, almost every household had four or five children, and some families even had more. In some elderly patients with cervical cancer, prolificacy is an important causative factor.

6. Premature delivery

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Related to early marriage and multiple births are premature pregnancy and premature delivery, which are also important causative factors of cervical cancer. With the popularization of my country's " Marriage Law ", the situation of early marriage and early childbirth has improved significantly. However, in some remote areas, early marriage, early childbirth and premature childbirth still exist.

7. Contact with men at high risk of cancer

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If a man suffers from penile cancer , prostate cancer and other reproductive system malignant tumors, or has contact with a male sexual partner who has cervical cancer, men with these two conditions will Women with frequent contacts are also at high risk for cervical cancer.

8. Immunosuppressive diseases

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With immunosuppressive diseases (such as AIDS , etc.), the body's immune system has low immunity, immune supervision and immune defense capabilities, which is also a causative factor for women to suffer from cervical cancer.

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Cervical cancer, in addition to HPV infection, is also related to these 8 factors. Women should know about it early. Currently, HPV vaccination has a good effect in preventing cervical cancer. In addition, women should also keep themselves clean, not smoke, and try to avoid contact with various high-risk pathogenic factors. Early diagnosis and early treatment of chronic inflammation of the cervix can effectively prevent the occurrence of cervical cancer.

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