Original title: Tips on nutritional supplementation after exercise | Doctor’s business card With the widespread development of national sports, more and more people love fitness, running, swimming, cycling, ball games and other sports. Exercise should not only pursue exercise eff

2024/05/2222:05:33 regimen 1300

Original title: Tips on nutritional supplementation after exercise | Doctor’s business card

With the widespread development of national sports, more and more people love fitness, running, swimming, cycling, ball games and other sports. Exercise should not only pursue exercise effects, but also pay attention to physical recovery and protect body functions. Therefore, people pay more and more attention to what they eat and drink after exercise. There are also many tips on how to carry out post-exercise nutritional supplements more reasonably and scientifically.

Original title: Tips on nutritional supplementation after exercise | Doctor’s business card With the widespread development of national sports, more and more people love fitness, running, swimming, cycling, ball games and other sports. Exercise should not only pursue exercise eff - DayDayNews


Correct hydration is very important

Replenish water after exercise, you need to "live within your means"

People who exercise a lot are prone to sweating a lot. If the lost water is not replenished in time, it is easy to cause dehydration. Dehydration will affect the physiological function of the human body and exercise. Your ability is reduced, so you should replenish water in time after exercise. When replenishing water after exercise, you need to "measure within your means", that is, for every 0.5 kilogram of weight loss after exercise, drink 470 to 700 ml of water. According to this principle, you should generally drink 2 to 3 glasses of water (200 ml per cup) after exercise.

Replenish water after exercise. Do not drink cold water. Keep it warm.

Avoid drinking too cold water during or after exercise. After exercise, the body temperature rises. If you drink too cold water, it will strongly stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, cause gastrointestinal smooth muscle spasm, sudden contraction of blood vessels, cause gastrointestinal dysfunction , and lead to indigestion, so drink warm water after exercise. , do not drink iced drinks or eat cold drinks right away.

● Adjust the condition first, then replenish water in small amounts and multiple times

After strenuous exercise, such as running, playing ball, and swimming, it is not advisable to replenish water immediately, especially ice water. After exercise, you need to adjust your activities first, wait until the heart rate slows down, and then replenish water. It is also advisable to drink small amounts many times, preferably 100 ml each time, with at least 10 minutes between two times.

● When purchasing drinks after exercise, you should read the nutrition label

For most people, the exercise time usually does not exceed 1 hour. At this time, supplementing with mineral water can meet the needs. For those who have training requirements or fitness enthusiasts, For people who train a lot and for a long time, they should choose sports drinks containing carbohydrates and electrolytes. When purchasing, you can check the nutritional label, which will indicate the content of various nutrients and electrolytes, usually per 100 grams or 100 ml. The sugar content is 5% to 6% (the type of sugar is generally oligosaccharide instead of glucose ), and the mineral (salt) content is 1% to 1.5%. Carbonated drinks , sugary juices, etc. are not suitable as post-workout drinks because most of these drinks do not contain salt and vitamins, only sugar and energy.


The diet should be reasonable.

If you want to recover your physical strength better, eating "right" after exercise is very important. Timely and scientific nutritional supplementation not only helps repair damaged muscles, but also helps reduce fat and gain muscle. Blindly eating nothing may lead to muscle loss, but will not have the effect of reducing fat, making it difficult to achieve the effect of exercise.

● Carbohydrates should be paired with protein

Foods and drinks rich in carbohydrates have been proven to quickly restore muscle glycogen consumed during exercise, while protein can repair muscle tissue damaged by exercise. Therefore, after doing aerobic exercise, you can consume simple carbohydrates with a small amount of protein, and the ratio of carbohydrates to protein is 3 to 4:1; after strength training, you need to increase the ratio of protein intake, and the ratio of carbohydrates to protein is 2:1. For example, after doing strength training, it is recommended to eat a banana, drink a glass of low-fat milk, or eat bread, eggs, ham, etc. For carbohydrates, you can choose foods with a low to moderate glycemic index , which is helpful in maintaining a stable blood sugar level in the body.

● Pay attention to supplementing minerals and vitamins with fruits and vegetables

You will sweat a lot during exercise, and many minerals and vitamins will be lost with sweat, mainly potassium, sodium and water-soluble vitamins, so you need to pay attention to supplements rich in potassium after exercise fruits and vegetables, such as bananas, potatoes, etc.

● Reasonably choose various types of food after exercise

The composition and proportion of various types of food after exercise can be divided into plates. One-half of the plate should be filled with fruits and vegetables, and one-quarter of the plate should be filled with fruits and vegetables. For protein sources, another quarter of your plate is made up of whole grains or starchy foods .


Pay attention to the order of eating

Dietary intake after exercise is to quickly replenish nutrients for the body and recover quickly, so it is advisable to choose foods that are easy to digest. First, add liquid food and replenish water, such as soups, drinks, and milk. Carbohydrate foods are also easy to digest and absorb. For people who are prone to low blood sugar, appropriate supplementation of sugar can quickly replenish blood sugar.

You can eat solid complex carbohydrates, such as whole-wheat crackers, bread, cakes, and some high-quality protein foods, such as meat and cheese, 1 to 2 hours after exercise.

Carbohydrates help the body recover and quickly store glycogen. Generally speaking, aerobic exercise consumes more glycogen than strength training, so you should eat more carbohydrates, such as staple foods, fruits, etc., after aerobic training than after strength training.

Supplementary information Sports nutrition foods Be careful

With the development of fitness movement, a large number of sports nutrition foods appear on the market. People who love fitness will buy and eat sports nutrition foods in order to speed up the ideal training effect. How to eat this type of food more safely and effectively? Pay attention to the following points:

Sports nutrition food has clear national standards in our country and is positioned to meet the requirements of sports people (referring to participating in physical exercise three times a week or more, each continuous Foods specially processed for the physiological metabolic state, exercise ability and special needs for certain nutrients (people who exercise for 30 minutes or more, and the intensity of each exercise is moderate or above).

In layman's terms, sports nutrition foods are related foods specially developed from the perspectives of sports science, sports safety, and physical health for people who love sports, regularly engage in sports, continue to exercise, and have a certain intensity and amount of exercise. They are essentially foods. Instead of health products, common ones include powders, bars, drinks, etc. Sports nutrition foods are divided into six categories: energy supplement, energy restriction, protein supplement, speed and strength, endurance, and post-exercise recovery.

Some very popular sports nutrition foods on the market now, such as meal replacement powders, ready-to-drink supplements, energy bars and energy jelly, etc., have different carbohydrate, protein or fat contents, and are usually fortified with some vitamins. and nutrients. When purchasing, in addition to seeing the brand clearly, everyone should also pay attention to whether the food packaging complies with the provisions of the "Food Safety Law of the People's Republic of China" and indicates the food name, ingredient list, net content, specifications, producer and/or distributor. Name, address and contact information, production date and shelf life, storage conditions, food production license number, product standard code and other content that needs to be marked (such as irradiated food, genetically modified food, nutrition label, quality grade).

In short, sports nutrition food only supplements and balances the insufficient nutrients in the daily diet. People who exercise regularly should still consume various nutrients (including major nutrients and micronutrients , etc.) from daily food, and cannot use sports nutrition. Foods replace nutritional intake in the daily diet. (Author: Zhao Xia, deputy chief physician of the Nutrition Department of Beijing Jishuitan Hospital)

Source: Healthy China

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