Anal fistula is one of the more complex anorectal diseases. If a disease slowly develops into anal fistula, it also reflects that people's understanding of anal fistula is too shallow.

2024/05/2206:00:32 regimen 1032

Anal fistula is one of the more complex anorectal diseases. If a disease slowly develops into anal fistula, it also reflects that people's understanding of anal fistula is too shallow. Today, let’s talk about what are the main symptoms of anal fistula?

Anal fistula is one of the more complex anorectal diseases. If a disease slowly develops into anal fistula, it also reflects that people's understanding of anal fistula is too shallow. - DayDayNews

1, pus discharge

This is the most common symptom of anal fistula, and the amount of pus will vary depending on the length of the fistula. New fistulas tend to bleed more, and the skin feels itchy because of the stimulation of secretions. When the external opening is blocked and pseudo-healed, it will cause the fistula to accumulate pus, causing local pain and swelling, and may also cause fever. Symptoms will disappear only when the closed fistula ruptures.

2. Swelling

People with anal fistula will not feel pain when there is no inflammation. There will be slight swelling in the anal area, which may be aggravated when walking. If the external opening is closed, pus accumulates in the fistula, or feces enters the fistula, the pain will become worse or worse. The pain worsens during defecation, while patients with internal blind fistula often feel burning and discomfort in the lower rectum and anus, and the pain worsens during defecation.

3. Pain

When the fistula is unobstructed and there is no inflammation, there is often no pain, only local swelling and discomfort, which worsens when walking. Pain can occur when a fistula becomes infected or becomes swollen and inflamed due to poor drainage of pus. Internal fistula often causes burning and discomfort in the lower rectum and anus, and pain during defecation.

4. Itching

Because pus irritates the skin around the anus, you will often feel itchy skin. Symptoms such as skin discoloration or moisture may appear around the anus.

5. Poor defecation

Complex anal fistulas that remain unhealed for a long time can cause large fibrotic scars or ring-shaped cords to form around the anus and rectum, which affects the relaxation and closure of the anus, making it difficult to defecate and feeling like you have endless bowel movements. .

Warm reminder: For more information, please follow the hospital’s WeChat public account or official account. If you find relevant symptoms, go to a regular and professional hospital in time.

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