We all know that if a woman wants to get pregnant, the sperm and the egg must work together. Only when the two meet and combine, and then enter the fallopian tube into Zigong, can the implantation be successful. But who knows that the sperm and the egg encounter a "piece" in the

2024/05/2123:25:33 regimen 1562

We all know that if a woman wants to get pregnant, the sperm and the egg must work together. Only when the two meet and combine, and then enter the and through the fallopian tube, can the implantation of be successful. But who knows when the sperm and egg meet? The passage encountered a "big rock" blocking the two from meeting. Once blocked, it will be difficult for women to become pregnant, so treatment must be carried out in time. So, what should we do if the fallopian tube is blocked?

What are the factors that cause fallopian tube blockage?

1. Artificial abortion

We all know that if a woman wants to get pregnant, the sperm and the egg must work together. Only when the two meet and combine, and then enter the fallopian tube into Zigong, can the implantation be successful. But who knows that the sperm and the egg encounter a

Artificial abortion is an important cause of fallopian tube blockage. Abortion surgery may cause inflammatory infections in women during and after surgery. For example, improper surgical operation, improper sterilization of instruments, incomplete abortion, etc. can lead to the invasion of pathogenic bacteria, which will eventually lead to infection of the fallopian tubes, resulting in fallopian tube blockage.

2. Infection of adjacent organs

Vaginitis , pelvic inflammatory disease , uterine inflammation, etc., if not treated in time, will ascend to the fallopian tube, resulting in dilation of blood vessels in the fallopian tube lumen mucosa, congestion, white blood cell accumulation, lumen empyema, Adhesions cause blockage of fallopian tubes and affect pregnancy.

3. Menstrual infection

The endometrium sheds during menstruation, causing menstrual blood to be discharged. If you do not pay attention to personal hygiene during menstruation, such as changing sanitary napkins, washing underwear, cleaning the vulva, etc., bacteria are prone to invade the vagina. After the vaginal infection occurs, it will travel up to the vagina. Infection of the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes can lead to adhesion, blockage, and water accumulation in the fallopian tubes.

4. Unclean sexual life

We all know that if a woman wants to get pregnant, the sperm and the egg must work together. Only when the two meet and combine, and then enter the fallopian tube into Zigong, can the implantation be successful. But who knows that the sperm and the egg encounter a

Before sexual life, both men and women should clean their reproductive organs to prevent the man from entering the female vagina with bacteria and pathogenic bacteria during sexual intercourse, resulting in cross-infection and inducing inflammation. Vaginal inflammation can ascend to the uterine cavity, which may affect the health of the fallopian tubes, causing inflammation of the fallopian tubes, causing adhesions and blockages.

How to treat blocked fallopian tubes?

There are different treatment methods for different degrees of blocked fallopian tubes. Only by finding the right method can you get good results.

 1, Fallopian tube drainage treatment

For less serious cases, fallopian tube drainage treatment can be used, plus some local physical therapy, such as: short wave, low-frequency magnetic resonance, microwave, etc., while the fluid is flowing Promote local blood circulation, reduce inflammation, and promote fallopian tube patency.

2, surgical treatment

We all know that if a woman wants to get pregnant, the sperm and the egg must work together. Only when the two meet and combine, and then enter the fallopian tube into Zigong, can the implantation be successful. But who knows that the sperm and the egg encounter a

For hydrosalpinx , fallopian tube fimbria blockage, etc., it generally requires combined hystero-laparoscopic examination and fallopian tube surgery to treat. Of course, the specific treatment plan needs to be determined after consulting a doctor.

The above is the relevant introduction about fallopian tube blockage. I hope it can help everyone. The fallopian tube is an important channel for female fertility. Once blocked, it will be difficult to get pregnant. Therefore, you must go to a regular infertility hospital for targeted treatment in time. This way to get pregnant as soon as possible.

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