Gu Dong, deputy chief physician of Xinsha Hospital in Nansha District, Guangzhou, told reporters: Psoriasis is a diagnostic term of traditional Chinese medicine, and western medicine includes neurodermatitis and psoriasis. 01 What are the symptoms of psoriasis?

2024/05/2116:07:33 regimen 1473

Gu Dong, deputy chief physician of Xinsha Hospital (Dermatology Hospital) in Nansha District, Guangzhou, told reporters: Psoriasis is a diagnostic term of traditional Chinese medicine, and Western medicine includes neurodermatitis and psoriasis.

Gu Dong, deputy chief physician of Xinsha Hospital in Nansha District, Guangzhou, told reporters: Psoriasis is a diagnostic term of traditional Chinese medicine, and western medicine includes neurodermatitis and psoriasis. 01 What are the symptoms of psoriasis? - DayDayNews

01 What are the symptoms of psoriasis?

In the corridors and on telephone poles, you often see small advertisements that mislead people about the cure for psoriasis. Psoriasis includes psoriasis and neurodermatitis in Western medicine. They are similar but different. Psoriasis is more common in winter and spring, and neurodermatitis is more common in summer.

Psoriasis can affect any part of the human body, even the nails of the hands and feet, and even the bones and joints. It can occur from head to toe and can be divided into four types.

â‘  Psoriasis vulgaris is characterized by erythema, plaques, and scales as its main symptoms, including the shedding of scales to form bleeding points, and the itching is not obvious.

â‘¡Articular psoriasis, in addition to the symptoms of psoriasis vulgaris, also has the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis , including redness, pain, effusion, and limited joint movement. Reaching this level requires hospitalization.

③ Erythrodermic psoriasis , generalized pustular psoriasis is characterized by fever (39-40°C), general malaise, and joint swelling, followed by the appearance of small, dense, yellow-white sterile pustules all over the body. The pus may be mushy and eroded. Reaching this level requires hospitalization. Localized pustular psoriasis mainly manifests as palmoplantar pustules and continuous acrodermatitis .

â‘£ Pustular psoriasis, diffuse infiltrative erythema, flushing, and large amounts of scales appear all over the body (more than 90% of the skin). Such patients require hospitalization.

Neurodermatitis, also known as lichen simplex, often occurs in friction areas such as the neck, elbow joints, knee joints, and foot recesses, forming lichen-like plaques that look like wife cakes to the naked eye and are obviously itchy.

Diseases generally with the word "ringworm" are caused by fungal infections . They are not difficult to treat and are contagious, such as onychomycosis, tinea cruris, tinea corporis, tinea corporis, hard-to-identify ringworm, etc. Standard treatment by a dermatologist can cure it as scheduled. The cause of psoriasis is unknown and may be related to the environment, trauma, infection, and stress. The pathogenesis is related to polygenic inheritance, keratinocytes, and immune mechanisms.

The onset of neurodermatitis is related to mental and neurological factors, high work pressure, etc., and is also related to individual genetic allergies. How to treat


Neurodermatitis is mainly treated with topical powerful hormone ointments, such as halometasone ointment , etc., intralesional injection (local sealing) of hormones, prednisolone, etc., fractional laser , oral anti-allergic drugs , etc. Itching, desloratadine, etc. can be cured after about 4 weeks of treatment.

Psoriasis needs to be diagnosed and treated by a dermatology department. Different methods are used for treatment according to different disease types. Generally, those with patchy rashes can apply halometasone ointment, clobetasol ointment, tacarbinol ointment, capoxitol ointment, etc. for external use. . Acitretin, Tripterygium wilfordii, etc. can be taken orally. Fertility women who take Acitretin need to use contraception for 2 years. Patients who do not want to take medication and have better economic conditions can choose biologic treatment. No matter which method is used to treat psoriasis, it is difficult to cure it, but the symptoms can be controlled.

03 Prevention of Psoriasis

Psoriasis mostly occurs in young adults and women before and after pregnancy. Its onset follows a certain pattern and cycle, which is similar to the rise and fall of the tide. It is divided into a progression phase, a regression phase and a recurrence phase. Although hormones and anti-inflammatory drugs can be applied during an acute attack of psoriasis, unfortunately, there is currently no drug that can cure psoriasis, so what we can do is pay attention to prevention, so as to extend the time interval between each recurrence of psoriasis as much as possible. Prevention and treatment should pay attention to the following points:

1. Adjust the mentality

As the saying goes, the skin is the organ of expression of psychological activities, and mental stress is one of the common causes of psoriasis. Many young people are already very tired from work. After learning that they have psoriasis, they are more likely to be anxious and depressed due to the influence of traditional concepts. At this time, they should pay attention to treating the situation with a normal attitude, balancing work and rest, and not being overly nervous.

2. Prevent infection

Although psoriasis is not caused by infection, bacterial infection of other tissues and organs can induce psoriasis, so people who are at risk of recurrence should try to avoid colds, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, etc. Respiratory tract infection ; Eat less unclean food to prevent enteritis diarrhea. Once you become sick, you should treat it actively and promptly to avoid aggravating psoriasis.

3. Don’t scratch

Psoriasis lesions are easy to rupture, so bathe with warm water when bathing and don’t rub hard. Forcibly peeling off skin flakes can cause local infection and prolong the course of the disease.

4. Do not take medicines randomly

There are some common drugs that can induce disease, such as beta-blockers , antimalarial drugs , etc. Therefore, psoriasis patients should take their medicines as directed by the doctor and do not take new medicines at home.

5. Improve lifestyle

â‘  Proper sun exposure is good for psoriasis, but care should be taken to avoid exposure to the sun.

â‘¡The living conditions should be as dry, ventilated and convenient for bathing as possible.

â‘¢ Avoid clothing irritation, change underwear in time, and wear dry clothes to prevent infection of other skin diseases and aggravation of the condition.

â‘£ Avoid drinking coffee and alcohol, and prohibit scalding the affected area.

⑤ Some patients with this disease will relapse. Pay attention to avoid the cause and induce the recurrence of neurodermatitis.

â‘¥Go to bed early and avoid staying up late.

reporter | Maibo

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editor | Maibo

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