I left it alone for years. After graduating from college, I went to work out of town. I was usually busy at work and couldn't cook, so I could only often order takeout.

2024/05/2106:24:33 regimen 1785

htmlWhen I was 13 years old, hemorrhoids came to me. I left it alone for years.

After graduating from college, I went to work out of town. I was usually busy at work and couldn't cook. I could only order takeout frequently. It may be due to the high work pressure. I fall in love with eating spicy food. I feel uncomfortable if I don’t eat spicy food. It wasn’t long before I started having eating problems.

One day, after I went to the toilet, I found that the toilet was filled with red. After that, every time I finished the large size, hemorrhoids would prolapse from the anus, and I had to use my hands to push them back in. Moreover, the pain and bleeding became more and more frequent. This made me very anxious. After much thought, I decided to go to the hospital for a check-up.

arrived at the hospital and the doctor conducted a physical examination. Although I felt very embarrassed, for the sake of my health, I took off my pants and took off my pants... In the end, the doctor told me that I had mixed hemorrhoids and needed surgery.

The long-term pain is not as good as the short-term pain, so I decided to undergo surgery as soon as possible. Therefore, underwent a series of preoperative routine examinations: including colon cleansing, blood drawing, electrocardiogram, skin preparation, etc. .

At 9 o'clock in the morning the next day, I was prepared to undergo the traditional external peeling and internal ligation surgery , which meant removing the external hemorrhoids and ligating the internal hemorrhoids, allowing the hemorrhoids to shrink, become necrotic, and then fall off.

I left it alone for years. After graduating from college, I went to work out of town. I was usually busy at work and couldn't cook, so I could only often order takeout. - DayDayNews

Unexpectedly, the operation process was quite easy. Two hours after the operation, the doctor said I could eat, and I also drank a big bowl of porridge.

hours later, the anesthesia effect gradually wore off. My consciousness in the anus area was awakened, and the pain began to be intense. The surgical wound was so painful that I could not sleep. After experiencing several cycles of waking up with pain, falling asleep, and waking up with pain, I still screamed. The nurse gave me painkillers.

htmlTwelve days later, I had my first bowel movement after the operation. I felt that hemorrhoid surgery turned out to be just an "appetizer".

I could clearly feel that the stool seemed to carry countless glass slag in the intestines, which kept piercing my flesh and gave me unbearable abdominal pain... After defecation, I was sweating profusely. He felt weak, sitting on the toilet for a long time without the strength to stand up.

Finally, with the little strength I had left, I held on to the wall, tremblingly walked to the bathroom, and washed it with warm water.

The few days after the operation in the hospital were basically changing dressing, defecating, sitz bath, changing dressing, defecating...htmlAfter 16 days, the hemorrhoids finally fell off. However, the doctor told me that this was not a true complete healing and it would take at least a month from the surgery to return to normal.

After experiencing this lesson of blood and tears, I rarely eat takeout. No matter how busy I am at work, I try to find time to cook for myself.

At the same time, I used to squat with my phone for half an hour when I was a queen. Now I don’t take my phone with me to the toilet. I try to limit my defecation time to 5 minutes. I don’t want to experience this kind of pain again.

I left it alone for years. After graduating from college, I went to work out of town. I was usually busy at work and couldn't cook, so I could only often order takeout. - DayDayNews

1. Why do many people suffer from hemorrhoids?

If you have heard of the phrase "nine out of ten people have hemorrhoids", you should know how high the incidence of hemorrhoids is.

According to the results of an epidemiological survey in the "Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of Hemorrhoids in China (2020)", from 2013 to 2014, the proportion of adults suffering from anorectal diseases among urban residents in 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) in mainland my country was 51.14% of the total surveyed population, among which the incidence rate of hemorrhoids exceeded 50%. Moreover, as age increases, the incidence of hemorrhoids continues to increase, with the onset age concentrated in 35 to 59 years old.

The high incidence of hemorrhoids is related to many factors, including occupational factors, such as standing for a long time, sitting for a long time, long-term weight bearing, etc.; dietary factors, such as excessive consumption of spicy food, excessive drinking, lack of dietary fiber intake, etc. .And disease factors, such as chronic diarrhea , chronic constipation , prostatic hypertrophy, emphysema , etc.

Clinically, hemorrhoids mainly manifest as bleeding, swelling, prolapse, pain, itching and anal discomfort, etc. , which will have a serious impact on the quality of life. If bleeds repeatedly, it may cause secondary anemia or even massive bleeding, which is life-threatening.

Hemorrhoids should be treated by anorectal department . However, there are still many misunderstandings about the diagnosis and treatment of hemorrhoids.

Lin Hongcheng, deputy director of the Department of Gastrointestinal and Anal Surgery at , the Sixth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, said that the treatment of hemorrhoids cannot be one-size-fits-all, otherwise it may lead to the abuse of surgery. Normally speaking, if it is asymptomatic hemorrhoids, there is basically no need for treatment. If it is symptomatic hemorrhoids , the key to treatment is to reduce and eliminate the uncomfortable symptoms .

I left it alone for years. After graduating from college, I went to work out of town. I was usually busy at work and couldn't cook, so I could only often order takeout. - DayDayNews

2. There are 4 tips to stay away from hemorrhoids

The incidence of hemorrhoids is so high, how to prevent it? The following tips can help you!

I left it alone for years. After graduating from college, I went to work out of town. I was usually busy at work and couldn't cook, so I could only often order takeout. - DayDayNews. Keep stool smooth

Change bad living habits, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, increase dietary fiber intake, and prevent constipation. At the same time, eat less spicy and greasy food, quit smoking and limit alcohol consumption to keep bowel movement smooth.

I left it alone for years. After graduating from college, I went to work out of town. I was usually busy at work and couldn't cook, so I could only often order takeout. - DayDayNews. Timely treatment of related diseases

If suffers from enteritis, dysentery, anal cryptitis, perianal dermatitis and other anorectal diseases, timely treatment is required to avoid frequent diarrhea and large amounts of inflammatory secretions. Long-term irritation to the anus and rectum can cause congestion and dilation of hemorrhoidal veins.

I left it alone for years. After graduating from college, I went to work out of town. I was usually busy at work and couldn't cook, so I could only often order takeout. - DayDayNews

I left it alone for years. After graduating from college, I went to work out of town. I was usually busy at work and couldn't cook, so I could only often order takeout. - DayDayNews, Levitation Anal Exercise

Strengthen physical exercise and perform Levitation Anal Exercise 1 to 2 times a day for 3 to 5 minutes each time, which can promote blood circulation and speed up gastrointestinal motility. In addition, avoid maintaining the same posture for a long time, especially sitting still for long periods of time, which is particularly likely to cause hemorrhoids.

I left it alone for years. After graduating from college, I went to work out of town. I was usually busy at work and couldn't cook, so I could only often order takeout. - DayDayNews. Rinse with cold salt water

If conditions permit, rinse the anus with cold salt water after defecation. The ratio of cold salt water is half a basin of water + 250 grams of salt, which can not only reduce inflammation and antibacterial, but also reduce swelling and prevent hemorrhoids.

I left it alone for years. After graduating from college, I went to work out of town. I was usually busy at work and couldn't cook, so I could only often order takeout. - DayDayNews

3. Reminder: Don’t mistake cancer for hemorrhoids

Finally, I would like to remind everyone that it may be because they both cause the symptoms of blood in the stool , or hemorrhoids and rectal cancer have similar incidence sites, lack of understanding of rectal cancer, and neglect of early rectal cancer Cancer screening, the coexistence of hemorrhoids and rectal cancer and other reasons, sometimes hemorrhoids are easily confused with intestinal cancer.

I left it alone for years. After graduating from college, I went to work out of town. I was usually busy at work and couldn't cook, so I could only often order takeout. - DayDayNews

In fact, there are 4 points to distinguish between the two:

First, Blood in the stool caused by hemorrhoids appears as drops of blood . Blood is usually excreted after defecation, and the amount of bleeding is larger; blood in the stool caused by rectal cancer appears on the surface of the stool. , and may contain pus and the amount of bleeding is small.

Second, hemorrhoids can cause pain during defecation, but it is easy to recover after the swelling or inflammation is reduced; rectal cancer can cause difficulty in defecation, thin stools, abdominal distension and abdominal pain, and other symptoms, and it is difficult to relieve on its own.

Thirdly, hemorrhoids can cause rectal pain during defecation; rectal cancer can cause pain in the middle and lower abdomen, manifesting as dull pain or distending pain, sometimes light and sometimes severe, varying degrees.

Fourth, the symptoms caused by hemorrhoids are local and will not spread to the whole body; in addition to local symptoms, rectal cancer will also be accompanied by systemic symptoms such as fever, strength, weight loss, anemia, etc. as the condition worsens.

I left it alone for years. After graduating from college, I went to work out of town. I was usually busy at work and couldn't cook, so I could only often order takeout. - DayDayNews

In short, to prevent hemorrhoids, we must first change bad living habits, including paying attention to diet, moderate exercise, scientific defecation, etc. If the hemorrhoids problem is serious and has affected your normal life, you must treat it in time without delay. #HealthTruthPlan#


[1] "Hemorrhoid surgery is too painful!" ! 》. Tencent Medical Dictionary .2022-03-25

[2]《Famous Doctor Clinic | Do women suffer from hemorrhoids more than men? Six tips to teach you how to prevent hemorrhoids". Nanfang Hospital of Southern Medical University .2017-09-15

[3] "Don't mistake bowel cancer for hemorrhoids. Remember these points to differentiate between bowel cancer and hemorrhoids! 》.Digestive and liver disease channel in the medical community. 2022-01-08

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