Xiao Liu has a confusion that is difficult to explain to outsiders, that is, he cannot always wipe it clean after defecation. Although it's not a big problem, he feels a little annoyed every time he goes to the toilet. In order to wipe it more cleanly, he also bought special toil

2024/05/2012:33:33 regimen 1288

Xiao Liu has a confusion that is difficult to explain to outsiders, that is, he cannot always wipe it clean after defecation.

Although it is not a big problem, he feels a little annoyed every time he goes to the toilet. In order to wipe it more cleanly, he also bought special toilet wipes.

One day he suddenly saw a health article about anal hair, and he suddenly seemed to understand something. He thought that he could not wipe it clean all the time. Could it be caused by anal hair, or should he just shave it off?

In addition, He was surprised to find out after reading the comments below the article: It turns out that not everyone has anal hair, and many people said they don’t have it.

Xiao Liu has a confusion that is difficult to explain to outsiders, that is, he cannot always wipe it clean after defecation. Although it's not a big problem, he feels a little annoyed every time he goes to the toilet. In order to wipe it more cleanly, he also bought special toil - DayDayNews

Why do some people have anal hair while others don’t?

Anal hair is a type of hair that grows near the anus. People who don’t have it think it’s abnormal, and may even feel slight discomfort when they hear it. In fact, this is a very normal physiological manifestation. Today I will let you know about it to reduce misunderstandings about anal hair.

Our human ancestors had a lot of body hair. At that time, there were relatively few clothes to wear. The body hair provided our ancestors with the effect of keeping cold away and keeping warm. With the improvement of cognition and productivity, humans have enough clothing to avoid the cold. Slowly, most of the body hair has been evolved away, leaving only the hair, armpit hair, pubic hair, leg hair and other obvious features. , and the rest exists in the form of hairs.

Human body hair, in addition to keeping warm, also helps perspire and dissipate heat. Why the body hair that is retained in several places such as armpit hair and pubic hair is preserved? It is more because of perspiration and heat dissipation than because of Keep warm. The same goes for anal hair.

As for why some people have anal hair and others have body hair, it is mostly due to genetic and genetic issues. Just like most people have armpit hair, some people are born without armpit hair.

Both men and women may have anal hair, but it is more common in men because the condition of hair growth is related to androgen . Men have more male hormones in their bodies, have more body hair, and are relatively more likely to have anal hair.

Does growing anal hair on the butt do more good than harm to the human body, or does the harm outweigh the good?

As mentioned above, Xiao Liu can't always wipe his butt clean because of the presence of anal hair. I believe there are many people who have the same problem as him, which affects their mood when going to the toilet.

Anal hair does affect wiping after defecation, so I won’t describe it in detail here to prevent you from being disgusted.

In addition to affecting wiping, because the location is relatively special, there will be a certain discomfort when the weather is hot in summer. In addition, some people's anal hairs are relatively hard and occasionally cause a pricking sensation. When running, the two buttocks will rub against each other, and the anal hair will be pulled. The feeling is indescribable, and people can feel the pain "gone" immediately.

Xiao Liu has a confusion that is difficult to explain to outsiders, that is, he cannot always wipe it clean after defecation. Although it's not a big problem, he feels a little annoyed every time he goes to the toilet. In order to wipe it more cleanly, he also bought special toil - DayDayNews

Having said that, does anal hair have no advantages or uses at all?

That would really belittle it. The existence of anal hair is actually a layer of protection for the buttocks. It can maintain the ventilation of the "chrysanthemum", help perspire and dissipate heat, and resist the invasion of the "chrysanthemum" by germs. Whether

does more harm than good or does more good than harm depends mainly on the impact on your life. If you are like Xiao Liu and care about hygiene, its existence obviously has more disadvantages.

Armpit hair itself has the functions of wicking away sweat, dissipating heat and preventing bacteria. The existence of armpit hair is beneficial to the human body. However, because it affects the appearance and its heat dissipation effect is not so great that it must be kept, many people think that the presence of armpit hair is an eyesore and shave it off. What about anal hair, can it be shaved off?

The existence of anal hair has advantages and disadvantages, so can it be shaved off?

"You can shave it, but it is not recommended."

It’s absolutely okay to shave off your armpit hair. After all, if you can shave off your armpit hair, what’s wrong with your anal hair?

But it is best not to scratch, as it will not affect your health, but will bring these two hidden dangers.

Xiao Liu has a confusion that is difficult to explain to outsiders, that is, he cannot always wipe it clean after defecation. Although it's not a big problem, he feels a little annoyed every time he goes to the toilet. In order to wipe it more cleanly, he also bought special toil - DayDayNews. The position is awkward, difficult to shave, and easy to damage the skin of the "anus"

The position of the anal hair is really embarrassing, and the local skin has many wrinkles and is easily damaged. There is also a lack of relevant professional shaving tools. It is difficult to remove the hair here with scissors or razors, and it is easy to scratch if you are not careful.

. After shaving, the new hair will become harder

The hair becomes thicker and harder the more it is shaved. For example, beards become harder and harder as they are shaved

. I had my soft anal hair removed today. During the period when the new hair grows back, you will feel very uncomfortable, with obvious pricking and pain.

Xiao Liu has a confusion that is difficult to explain to outsiders, that is, he cannot always wipe it clean after defecation. Although it's not a big problem, he feels a little annoyed every time he goes to the toilet. In order to wipe it more cleanly, he also bought special toil - DayDayNews

Anal hair is indispensable. How do you keep your butt clean every day?

After defecation, there will be feces residue in the folds of the anus. When wiping, gently place the paper on the anus and wipe in a circular motion. Do not wipe in a large area. .

It is essential to clean the buttocks at night. Wash the anus with running water and dry it with a dry paper towel.

Don’t go to the toilet for too long, as it will cause anal congestion and lead to hemorrhoids.

Xiao Liu has a confusion that is difficult to explain to outsiders, that is, he cannot always wipe it clean after defecation. Although it's not a big problem, he feels a little annoyed every time he goes to the toilet. In order to wipe it more cleanly, he also bought special toil - DayDayNews

People who have difficulty defecating should drink more water and eat more fruits and vegetables. Especially in summer, the body is prone to water shortage. About 1600ml of boiled water is enough.

In summary, the anus is a part that we often ignore. It is not strange to have anal hair. Just clean your butt every day and do not touch others at will. If you force it, it will be stronger.


1. Why do people grow anal hair? Can butt hair be shaved? Wait a minute, the doctor advises you to be merciful 2020-05-20 14:11 · Most Jiangyin

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