But if you die at an older age and die naturally, you will have no illness or disaster before your death. I didn’t understand the reason at the time, but I finally understood it when I saw a patient with terminal cancer.

2024/05/2009:15:33 regimen 1136

When I was a child, I would notice a strange phenomenon when I went to attend a funeral. If the person who died is relatively young, the atmosphere among his relatives and guests will be heavier. But if you die at an older age and die from natural causes, you will have no illness or disaster before your death. The atmosphere of the funeral will be more relaxed, and people will even talk and laugh.

I didn’t understand the reason at that time. It wasn’t until I saw a patient with terminal cancer that I finally understood. Why living a life without disease or disaster is more valuable than longevity in the eyes of some people !

But if you die at an older age and die naturally, you will have no illness or disaster before your death. I didn’t understand the reason at the time, but I finally understood it when I saw a patient with terminal cancer. - DayDayNews

Is longevity a blessing or a curse? The last words of an 85-year-old cancer patient are thought-provoking

I will never forget that day, a skinny . The frail old man was lying on the hospital bed with all kinds of tubes inserted around him. Later, after asking around, I learned that this was a patient with advanced lung cancer who was already 85 years old when he was admitted to the hospital.

During the examination, the doctor believed that the old man's cancer cells had spread and the hope of cure was slim, so he recommended conservative treatment. However, the treatment process was still very painful. The old man's dull pain when he was first admitted to the hospital became so painful that he could not sleep every day. The body is getting weaker day by day.

After three months of treatment, the old man had become emaciated. He begged his son with tears to stop the treatment and let him finish his life peacefully. He said: I would rather die now than live like this. Every day in the hospital, I live a life worse than death.

His family was unwilling to agree to give up treatment at first, but after the persuasion of doctors and the elderly, they chose to accept it calmly. In the following month, although the old man's body continued to deteriorate, he no longer had to endure the torture of the instrument, and his spirit was even better than before.

Although the old man finally passed away, the words he said are still unforgettable.

"I would rather die now than live like this."

But if you die at an older age and die naturally, you will have no illness or disaster before your death. I didn’t understand the reason at the time, but I finally understood it when I saw a patient with terminal cancer. - DayDayNews

Everyone pursues longevity . When you live to be seventy, you want to live to be a hundred, and when you live to be a hundred, you long for a hundred and one. But why are some people unwilling to live too long??

Longevity is what everyone yearns for, but why are some people unwilling to live too long?

But if you die at an older age and die naturally, you will have no illness or disaster before your death. I didn’t understand the reason at the time, but I finally understood it when I saw a patient with terminal cancer. - DayDayNews. Fear of disease

"Southern Weekend" magazine once I did a questionnaire survey and found that although the people born in the 70s and 80s also have the idea of ​​​​health and longevity, they are not willing to sacrifice their current economic level to obtain a longer lifespan

. However, the post-90s generation is a little different. Most 90 Later the interviewees said: They are willing to pay the price of shortening their life span by five years in exchange for being healthy in old age.

It can be seen that it is not that the elderly do not want to live longer, but that they are worried about being plagued by diseases in their later years and living a good life. Better to die. If it is such an old age, it is better to die in good health.

. It is difficult to take care of oneself after getting old.

After a person is 80 years old, the slightest trouble will occur. It may be the last straw that breaks your health. For example, an old man is obviously healthy and able to eat and drink, but he fell down while walking and broke his vertebra . From then on, he could only live in bed.

Not only can’t he take care of himself, he even has to relieve himself in bed. This is intolerable for many elderly people with strong self-esteem.

But if you die at an older age and die naturally, you will have no illness or disaster before your death. I didn’t understand the reason at the time, but I finally understood it when I saw a patient with terminal cancer. - DayDayNews

3. Unattended old age

As batches of young people move from rural areas to cities, the pressure of life is truly placed in front of everyone. Young people need to work overtime . It is difficult to have time to take care of the family, let alone take care of the elderly. Many elderly people in rural areas are living alone.

Once you get sick, without the care of your relatives around you, your quality of life will inevitably plummet. There is even news about old people dying suddenly due to cerebral infarction, only to be discovered by their neighbors several days later.

These factors make longevity daunting for many elderly people. In the eyes of these people, longevity is not a blessing, but a disaster.

Does the existence of these phenomena mean that longevity is not a good thing? The answer must be no. "Longevity" is still the word that the elderly love to hear every time they celebrate their birthday. What people reject is nothing more than " unhealthy" longevity. In this case, why not start changing from now on?

If you want to have a healthy and long life, start with these three habits.

First, get sick less in your old age and drink less when you are young.

Many people have the habit of drinking. The rhythm of life in rural areas Slow, life is less stressful. So I have more time and mood to drink and have fun. Alcohol may not be harmful in the early stages, but in later years it will become a life-threatening charm.

Liver cancer caused by drinking has become one of the top causes of malignant tumors, and its mortality rate is also among the top. If you want to live a healthy old age, you must drink less alcohol.

Second, change the structure of staple foods and eat less refined carbohydrates

60 From now on, changes must be made in the choice of staple foods. The amount of processed carbohydrate staple foods such as rice and flour should also be reduced. On the contrary, whole grains such as corn flour, buckwheat noodles , and sweet potatoes should be served on the dining table again.

Although these staple foods also contain starch, the content is lower. It also contains vitamins and coarse grain fiber that rice does not have, which can promote gastrointestinal digestion and absorption. It is quite beneficial to the health of the elderly.

But if you die at an older age and die naturally, you will have no illness or disaster before your death. I didn’t understand the reason at the time, but I finally understood it when I saw a patient with terminal cancer. - DayDayNews

Third, refuse over-treatment, and take less medicine when necessary.

Nowadays, geriatric diseases are common, which is also related to drug abuse. It is the third part of medicine that is poisonous. No matter what kind of medicine, it will cause damage to the body after taking it.

However, some private hospitals will do this for higher profits. Regardless of whether it is a serious illness or a minor illness, when it comes to drug selection, drugs with stronger efficacy and more expensive prices will be chosen. Although they can cure diseases, on the one hand they cause damage to the body, on the other hand they also waste the patient's money and increase the medical burden.

After turning 60, you should realize that aging has arrived. It is normal to have some minor health problems. Do not over-treat or take medicine randomly.

If given the choice, no one would want to die early. The desire for longevity is an impulse rooted in genes. However, compared with the desire for longevity, some elderly people realize that health is the most valuable thing.

There is no healthy longevity, it is just endlessly prolonging the painful time . Health and longevity have always been inseparable twins.

[Reference Materials]

1. Excessive medical treatment, let the experts say no·People’s Daily·2015.2.13

2. Academician Zhong Nanshan’s complaints over the years: excessive medical treatment is “seeking wealth and killing”·Health Times·2018.5.13

3. People of different ages "Coarse Grain Recipe" People in these 6 periods please take note·Life Times·2018.6.17

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