People often say, "People are like iron, and rice is like steel. If you don't eat even one meal, you will feel hungry." With the continuous development of society and the gradual acceleration of the pace of life, the demand for various fast food has also shown a diversified trend

2024/05/1619:01:33 regimen 1054

People often say, "People are like iron, rice is like steel. If you don't eat one meal, you will be hungry." With the continuous development of society and the gradual acceleration of the pace of life, the demand for various fast food has also shown a diversified trend. But in today's society, many little girls have strict requirements for their figures and work hard to control their weight every day for the sake of beauty. Xiao Yan is one of these girls.

Xiao Yan is a white-collar worker who pays great attention to his body shape and weight. In order to control his weight, Xiao Yan pays great attention to his diet. In order to lose weight, she never eats protein foods such as meat, and also drinks milk tea, eats high-calorie foods such as fried chicken.

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But even with such a strict diet, Xiao Yan's weight loss journey is still not smooth. No matter what she does, her weight never reaches her ideal weight. The most important thing is that Xiao Yan's weight has actually increased in recent days. Xiao Yan was a little worried, fearing that there was something wrong with his body, so he hurried to the hospital for a check-up.

The blood sugar was found to be high during the examination. Xiao Yan was very puzzled. He never eats high-calorie and high-sugar foods, so why would his blood sugar rise?

After some questioning by the doctor, I found out that although Xiao Yan did not eat high-calorie and high-fat foods, he did eat low-quality carbohydrates. This is also the reason why Xiao Yan had high blood sugar and lost weight instead of gaining weight. . From this, we can also know that low-quality carbohydrates are far more harmful to the human body than fat.

People often say,

What are low-quality carbohydrates?

In the minds of the public, when it comes to unhealthy diets, the first thing that comes to mind is high-calorie and high-fat foods. However, a study published in the American "New England Journal of Medicine" overturned people's conventional thinking and came to a surprising conclusion: the most serious harm to the human body is actually low-quality carbohydrates that have been ignored by people.

So what exactly are low-quality carbohydrates? Why do low-quality carbohydrates cause greater harm to the human body than fat?

Researchers at from Peking Union Medical College Hospital once conducted a study. This study included nearly 140,000 participants aged 35 to 70 around the world, with an average follow-up time of 9.5 years.

People often say,

Through continuous observation and research on daily eating habits, it was finally discovered that low-quality carbohydrates are far more harmful to the human body than fat, and a long-term low-quality carbohydrate diet will increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and other diseases risks of.

In daily life, carbohydrate can be said to be everywhere. Regardless of whether you eat staple food or snacks, the sugar, starch and dietary fiber contained in them are carbohydrates. In addition, dextrin and oligosaccharide are also carbohydrates.

Of course, different types of carbohydrates have different health effects. Sugars, dextrins, and oligosaccharides are so-called low-quality carbohydrates that are digested quickly, have a high glycemic index, and have a weak satiety effect.

People often say,

If you consume low-quality carbohydrates for a long time, it will induce diabetes, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, etc. Therefore, you must reduce the intake of low-quality carbohydrates in your daily diet, eat more high-quality carbohydrates, and pay attention to your health in your daily life. After knowing the dangers of low-quality carbohydrates, many people will ask, what are the common low-quality carbohydrates in daily life?

What are the low-quality carbohydrates?

Various "fine grains"

The so-called "fine grains" are some fine rice and white flour foods that are often eaten in daily life. Many rice noodle packages will be marked with the word "fine", and many people will mistakenly think that this kind of rice noodle is higher-grade and more nutritious than ordinary rice noodle.

In fact, this is not the case. The more these cereals are continuously processed, the lower their nutritional value is. At the end of the processing, only carbohydrates are left. In other words, what people end up eating are low-quality carbohydrates.

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For example, the nutrition of germ rice is much higher than that of polished rice, but the germ has been removed from the polished rice, so the nutritional value of polished rice is not higher than that of ordinary rice.

Pasta made from various refined grains

Refined grains are low-quality carbohydrates, so naturally pasta made from various refined grains are also low-quality carbohydrates. But unlike refined grains, the glycemic index of this kind of pasta is much higher than that of refined grains, and it is far more harmful to the human body than refined grains.

For example, soup noodles , white bread , Fuqiang powder steamed buns, etc. Although they taste really delicious, their glycemic index is far higher than people think.

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Foods with high sugar content

This type of food has always been well known to people, and has always been a food that the public wants to reduce their intake of. Such as various sugars, drinks and milk tea. Of course, most people in life will habitually think that these are foods with high sugar content, but in fact, these foods are truly low-quality carbohydrates. Be sure to pay attention to the intake of low-quality carbohydrates in your daily life.

How to avoid falling into a low-quality carbohydrate diet environment

It is very easy to avoid falling into a low-quality carbohydrate diet environment. You just need to pay a little attention to your daily diet. Control the intake of low-quality carbohydrates and reduce the harm to the human body.

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First of all, it is necessary to reduce the intake of "fine grains" and add coarse grains appropriately. The finer the grain, the higher the glycemic index. Therefore, in your daily diet, achieve a good balance of thickness and thickness. This can effectively reduce the intake of low-quality carbohydrate foods. In daily life, you can also eat corn, pumpkin, purple sweet potato and other foods instead of staple foods. This is also a good way to reduce the intake of low-quality carbohydrates.

Secondly, carbohydrate foods do not need to be made too "finely". When cooking, it's easy to cook many carbohydrate foods too "finely." For example, many people like to make potatoes into mashed potatoes, thinking that this can increase satiety. In fact, this approach not only does not increase the feeling of fullness, but is counterproductive, making potatoes absorbed faster in the body and becoming a food with a higher glycemic index, thus becoming a low-quality carbohydrate intake.

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In addition, the proportion of protein foods can also be appropriately increased. Many people believe that fat and protein are the main culprits in weight gain. In fact, it is just the opposite. If carbohydrate foods and protein foods are mixed, the glycemic index of the food can be effectively reduced and the risk of ingesting a large amount of low-quality carbohydrates can be avoided. For example, tomatoes, egg noodles, , dumplings, wontons, etc. are all good choices. This type of food will slow down the body's absorption of carbohydrates due to the addition of protein, thus reducing the rate of blood sugar production.

When cooking carbohydrate foods, you must pay attention not to cook for too long and not to allow the food to gelatinize.

People often say,

In their daily diet, some people always consume low-quality carbohydrates without knowing it. In this case, you can avoid it appropriately instead of denying all carbohydrates and no longer consume carbohydrates in the diet. This is a wrong approach .

Extended reading: How to slow down the rise in blood sugar

You must know that the biggest harm of low-quality carbohydrates is that it will increase blood sugar in the body. Once blood sugar remains in a relatively high state for a long time, it will increase the risk of diabetes. So how to control the rise of blood sugar in diet?

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You can usually drink more multigrain porridge, multigrain and eat it with rice. The vitamin and mineral content in multigrain porridge is more than three times that of white rice. In addition, the digestion rate of multigrain porridge is much slower than that of white rice porridge. Therefore, combining whole grains with white rice to cook porridge or steamed rice can reduce the postprandial blood sugar response.

Eat vegetables first and then eat when eating. If you eat carbohydrates such as rice first when eating, a large amount of sugar will cause the blood sugar index in the human body to rise sharply. Therefore, the correct order of eating is to drink soup first, then eat vegetables, followed by high-quality protein such as fish, eggs, and meat. When eating, be sure to eat one bite of vegetables and one bite of rice together, which is more conducive to controlling blood sugar. Prevent the increase in glycemic index to the greatest extent.

People often say,

And when eating, be sure not to wolf it down, but to chew it carefully.Chewing slowly while eating is conducive to better mechanical digestion of food, which not only reduces the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, but also controls food intake. The burden on the gastrointestinal tract is reduced, food intake is controlled, and blood sugar naturally does not rise too high.

Patients with high blood sugar must eat regularly and quantitatively. Try to choose staple foods with low sugar content, and match the thickness; eat more vegetables, try to choose low-sugar fruits, and be sure to pay attention to the diversity of diet types.

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It can be seen that diet is also a science. Especially now that the incidence of various chronic diseases is getting younger and younger, we should pay more attention to our health. Put more effort into your diet and choose quality foods. It can not only meet basic nutritional needs, but also reduce the intake of low-quality carbohydrates, so that a healthy state can be maintained naturally.

Literature source:

Still on a low-carb diet? It’s better to eat more good carbohydrates, Popular Science China, 2020.12.1

Note: The pictures in the article are from the Internet, and they have been deleted


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