Heat waves are making us grumpy Is this heat getting you down? You are not alone. Sunshine is supposed to make us happy and lift our mood, right? So why is this blue-sky heat wave making us irritated and agitated?

Heat wave is making us grumpy

Is this heat getting you down? You are not alone.

Sunshine is supposed to make us happy and lift our mood, right? So why is this blue-sky heat wave making us irritated and agitated?

Mental health and leadership experts said: “There’s no doubt that the winter months are not only depressing, but there are also high rates of seasonal affective disorder (SAD) – also known as the winter blues – occurring in the UK population ," said Ngozi Cadmus.

"But not much thought has been given to the irritability and mood swings experienced during the summer months."

Ngozi noted that people's moods have been changing since the recent heat wave.

Ngozi explains: "A recent study in Poland examining why people get grumpier in warm weather found that rising temperatures are associated with increases in the stress hormone cortisol. "Cortisol plays a role in Lower in winter, rising as temperatures rise."

Why hot weather makes us grumpy

Real issues in summer can cause irritation as hormones change.

Ngozi said: "Hot weather can disrupt and affect a person's sleep, lead to dehydration, and being cooped up indoors or at work without air conditioning can lead to mood deterioration."

"There is nothing anyone can do about the fact that the weather It also increases irritation."

Warm temperatures heighten our body's stress response, which can increase feelings of anxiety.

Dr Charlotte Russell, a clinical psychologist working in adult mental health and founder of Travel Psychologist, says this is more likely to happen if we try to complete all our daily tasks in the heat.

"Many of us don't get irritated in hot weather when we're lounging on sun loungers by the pool," Charlotte points out.

"But when we add the usual stressors of life, such as meeting deadlines at work, picking up children and shopping, the heat can amplify our usual stressors."

"In hot weather, we may find it more difficult to Stay focused because our bodies and brains naturally focus on trying to calm down.

“Feeling hot and sweaty can also make us feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable. This can increase feelings of irritability when we are not feeling well.

Having to work in the heat doesn't help our moods

Research also shows that if the body loses just 2% of water, we may end up struggling with tasks that "require mental and physical focus and coordination," which can aggravate our Emotional turmoil as we become increasingly frustrated with our inability to focus or focus. work effectively," says Kirsty Leah, health psychologist and coach at SupportRoom.

"We can also start to suffer the effects of heatstroke if we get too hot, which can increase feelings of confusion and agitation and make us feel physically sick or Fatigue, further exacerbating our discomfort and exacerbating our irritability. '

Charlotte also noted that heat can also exacerbate physical symptoms, including chronic pain and skin conditions.

"We may also worry about our own health or the health of others. This worry and additional discomfort can also make people feel more irritable than usual," she said.

So what can we do?

How to deal with the emotional impact of hot weather

Charlotte said: "The most helpful piece of advice I can give is that it is important to adjust our expectations of what we can achieve during periods of extreme heat."

"If you're at work, you're probably not going to be as productive as usual. If you're trying to be, you're likely to struggle, become frustrated and irritable. I recommend focusing on key priorities and trying to get there earlier in the day before the heat peaks time to complete any important or stressful tasks.

"If you're not working, consider focusing on what you just have to do, and consider changing your plans if they no longer seem sensible in unusually hot conditions. ”

Kirsty warns against making any big or rash decisions during a heatwave.

She advises: "When the heat of the day gets us struggling, we often lash out at others or make rash decisions, so don't make any big decisions until you're well rested and feel like you can make informed choices. It's important."

"Remember that if you feel this way, others will feel this way, so try to be more patient and lower your expectations until things cool down,"

Ngozi said. Take small, practical steps to reduce our irritability and try to keep your mood and body temperature as cool as possible,”

They suggest the following:

  • If you’re inside, you may be tempted to open all the windows, but this will increase your Possibility of sweating; close windows and curtains and you'll find your house will be much cooler.
  • On a muggy day, a cool shower is essential, refreshing and the perfect time to reflect on the last person you yelled at.
  • Cucumbers are very hydrating and are especially good for essential nutrients.
  • Drink plenty of water rather than gulping it down; sipping slowly can help lower your body temperature.
  • Cool flannel on the back of the neck can help lower body temperature.
  • Kirsty recommends investing in lighter sheets and fans to help manage the heat.