If we do boring statistics on divorce proceedings, a clear picture emerges that women file for divorce more frequently. Why is there such a trend? Many women claim they have become wiser and less patient about it. The desire to endure all the "antics" of men is said to have disap

If we do boring statistics on divorce proceedings , a clear picture emerges that women file for divorce more frequently.

Why is there such a trend? Many women claim they have become wiser and less patient about it. The desire to endure all the "antics" of men is said to have disappeared.

I can only partially agree with this statement. It happens that a family really only loves one woman. When the husband is an alcoholic or even worse - a drug addict. But then again, what did she think when she chose the second spoon?

In most cases, women will not destroy a family because of "the last drop of patience". There is a special reason for this, which has to do with the nature of womanhood.

1. TV, Internet, social networks. Miss

had read enough information on the Internet and watched various movies about love, and clearly set a goal for herself - "I want it too!". I wanted it to be like that movie where a man heroically takes the moon out of the sky.

With this delusion, the young woman is trying to find "the one" for herself. Eventually, she found him, and in her mind—he was “the one.” The first 2-3 years were all good, love, romance. But the longer she was in the league, the more she understood it was nothing like in the movies. Trying to figure out what's going on and why she's bored. The only thing she could think of was: "My man is bad and I need to find a new one."

The above situation happens to a large number of women who feed on fantasy. Who was not told in childhood all the nuances of living together. The void created by understatement - quotes about love are everywhere in TV series, movies, public pages, etc.

2. Women are emotional vampires.

As long as a man entertains her, she will fall in love with him. Such women only see men as an attraction.

wedding is number one on the list of such ladies. But they are no longer interested in the benefits of a marriage contract. They're more interested in the wedding storm in the form of cool restaurants, competitions, and honeymoons (afterward). After all, it all comes at the expense of men.

Once a man stops being a clown, his main purpose is to please the lady. Women at that time lost interest in men. and enter hunting mode.

3. Rule.

Generally speaking, women lose interest in men. Or rather, she no longer sees him as a man. If you hear phrases like: "I don't see a man in you anymore," it means that the woman has full power over the relationship.

4. Compare yourself to others.

In general, I want to show this idea in the paragraph about social networks. But I think this deserves special attention.

There is such a moment in psychology:

If a person is surrounded by 5 businessmen, he will become 6.

If a person is surrounded by 5 drug addicts, he will become 6.

If a married woman is surrounded by RSP girlfriends, she will also become a divorcee.

Women are easily affected by their environment. In this case: friends and acquaintances.

If a woman is in a relationship with a retained woman, how likely is it that she will leave her current relationship in order to be like her friends?

And with the emergence of social networks, its role is even more powerful. A woman watches tik tok, scrolls through instagram, and there are many cool stories, couples relaxing in the resort, every day is interesting. Women think:

Damn it, why can’t I? Why doesn’t my husband buy me a ticket to Turkey ? I want it too!

Of course, she found the culprit of her boring life in her husband.