This poem was written by Guo Moruo in memory of Ms. Zhao Yiman at her memorial hall. Ms. Zhao Yiman was born in 1905 in a small mountain village in Yibin County, Sichuan Province. When Zhao Yiman was 20 years old, she was already the leader of the Yibin patriotic movement.

2024/06/2614:47:32 history 1131

"The northeast and southwest raise their hands together, and the Pearl River will carry the east wind for hundreds of millions of years." This poem was written by Guo Moruo in memory of Ms. Zhao Yiman in her memorial hall. The deeds of Ms. Zhao Yiman made the author understand that heroines are also a beautiful scenery of the times.

There are many examples at home and abroad, such as ancient China's Mulan joined the army for her father, Mu Guiying took command, and the Southern Song Dynasty anti-gold female general Liang Hongyu . There are also foreign "iron ladies" - Mrs. Thatcher , British Queen Victoria and Hillary who defends feminism. The deeds of these women have verified to history "Who said women are inferior to men". Today, let us get to know the heroine Ms. Zhao Yiman.

This poem was written by Guo Moruo in memory of Ms. Zhao Yiman at her memorial hall. Ms. Zhao Yiman was born in 1905 in a small mountain village in Yibin County, Sichuan Province. When Zhao Yiman was 20 years old, she was already the leader of the Yibin patriotic movement. - DayDayNews

Ms. Zhao Yiman was born in a small mountain village in Yibin County, Sichuan Province in 1905. When Zhao Yiman was 20 years old, she was already the leader of the Yibin patriotic movement. In 1925, joined the Communist Party of China during the May 30th Movement. In November of the same year, Huangpu Military Academy began to recruit girls for the first time. Zhao Yiman was admitted to Huangpu Military Academy because of his rich struggle experience. However, Zhao Yiman has not returned to his hometown since then. After two years of training in the military academy, Zhao Yiman went to the Soviet Union to study. On the way, she met her lifelong friend-Chen Dabang.

In 1928, Zhao Yiman and Chen Dabang got married in Moscow. Although social life in the Soviet Union was very difficult, and Zhao Yiman also suffered from lung disease at this time, Zhao Yiman and his wife enjoyed the hardships and were extremely optimistic. During the period of recuperation, Zhao Yiman spent the best time of his life.

Unfortunately, war was raging at that time, and the iron heel of imperialism was rampant in China. Since China is in urgent need of talents, Zhao Yiman endured the pain, said goodbye to her husband, and returned to China resolutely. Chen Bangda never thought that after this separation, the couple would be completely different.

This poem was written by Guo Moruo in memory of Ms. Zhao Yiman at her memorial hall. Ms. Zhao Yiman was born in 1905 in a small mountain village in Yibin County, Sichuan Province. When Zhao Yiman was 20 years old, she was already the leader of the Yibin patriotic movement. - DayDayNews

After Zhao Yiman returned to China, she found an organization and took the initiative to request to go to the front line of the Anti-Japanese War. The reason was that she had studied military affairs in a military school and could lead troops to fight. At this time, Zhao Yiman was already pregnant with Liujia. After many twists and turns in Shanghai, she finally gave birth to her child. For the safety of her child, after taking a photo with her son, she continued to participate in the Anti-Japanese War.

In 1934, the Second Regiment of the First Division of the Northeast Revolutionary Army led by her was brave and adept at fighting and was invincible. Some people once believed that Zhao Yiman was the biological sister of Zhao Shangzhi, commander of the Third Army.

In November 1935, Zhao Yiman was unfortunately captured by the Japanese army because he was injured during the Anti-Japanese War. In order to get Zhao Yiman to reveal relevant information, the Japanese army tortured Zhao Yiman, such as whipping, electric shock, tiger bench and other inhumane punishments, but Zhao Yiman never betrayed the organization. Whenever she fell into a coma, what Zhao Yiman still remembered in her heart was her belief. Her purpose was to fight against the Manchus and the Japanese and save the people from dire straits.

This poem was written by Guo Moruo in memory of Ms. Zhao Yiman at her memorial hall. Ms. Zhao Yiman was born in 1905 in a small mountain village in Yibin County, Sichuan Province. When Zhao Yiman was 20 years old, she was already the leader of the Yibin patriotic movement. - DayDayNews

The cruelty of the Japanese army can be imagined, but Zhao Yiman remained consistent and did not reveal any information to the hateful enemy. Ms. Zhao Yiman's spirit can be described as "not cherishing the head of a new motherland, but willing to fertilize China with her blood."

In August 1936, while being escorted to the execution ground, facing death, Zhao Yiman was neither sad nor happy. She asked the guards for paper and pen, and wrote down her love for her son Ning'er , also known as Chen Yexian. 's Yin Yin hopes that this letter not only expresses her regret that her son has not fulfilled his responsibilities as a mother, but also hopes that one day Ning'er will be able to "Wang Shibei sets the Central Plains Day, and never forgets to tell Nai Weng about family sacrifices." It's a pity. Ms. Zhao Yiman never saw the day when the Chinese people stood up and died under the butcher knife of the Japanese army on August 2, 1938.

It was later revealed that one of the main perpetrators of the torture, Wu Shugui, who was known as the "Living King of Hell", confessed: Zhao Yiman is like a piece of iron. In the end, they still didn't figure out Zhao Yiman's true situation.

This poem was written by Guo Moruo in memory of Ms. Zhao Yiman at her memorial hall. Ms. Zhao Yiman was born in 1905 in a small mountain village in Yibin County, Sichuan Province. When Zhao Yiman was 20 years old, she was already the leader of the Yibin patriotic movement. - DayDayNews

The Ning'er in Zhao Yiman's mouth burst into tears when he saw the suicide note written by Ms. Zhao Yiman to him at the Northeast Martyrs Memorial Hall for the first time. Only then did he realize what a great mother he had when he was living under someone else's roof. It turned out that his mother Always love myself. This touch made the introverted Chen Yexian choke up. Chen Yexian handwritten a suicide note as a souvenir. After returning home, he used a steel needle dipped in blue ink to carve the words "Zhao Yiman" on his body.

At that time, China was in urgent need of industrial talents, so he went to work at Beijing Industrial School. Later, Chen Yexian refused the pension provided by the state. He said that he could not use his mother's pension for food and clothing. Years later, he handed over his suicide note to his daughter and told his daughter Chen Hong: Don’t think of yourself as a descendant of martyrs. Tell your descendants not to cause trouble to the country and to handle their own affairs. Only in this way can they live up to their responsibilities. Grandma who died for the country.

But maybe Zhao Yiman never thought that his son actually hanged himself at the age of 53. According to colleagues who work with Chen Yexian, Chen Yexian is introverted, not good at talking, and is often depressed. It may be that Chen Yexian has been in a situation of being dependent on others since he was a child, and did not feel the father's love and mother's love that he should have at that age, so he later hanged himself.

This poem was written by Guo Moruo in memory of Ms. Zhao Yiman at her memorial hall. Ms. Zhao Yiman was born in 1905 in a small mountain village in Yibin County, Sichuan Province. When Zhao Yiman was 20 years old, she was already the leader of the Yibin patriotic movement. - DayDayNews

Chen Yexian’s daughter Chen Hong is as loyal as Ms. Zhao Yiman and does not accept the apology and compensation from the Japanese veterans. She said she could never forget Japan's hatred of China. He hates Japan for refusing to acknowledge the war of aggression against China. It can be seen that Chen Hong has the same stubborn heart as Ms. Zhao Yiman. In addition, Chen Hong often tells the stories of her grandmother Zhao Yiman to the people of Northeast China regardless of the cost. She wants more people to know about her. The spirit of my grandmother Zhao Yiman.

Chen Hong’s attitude towards Japanese veterans reminds me of the attitudes of many netizens towards the incident involving Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in recent days. Netizens have different attitudes. But what the author needs to express is: Although the Anti-Japanese War has passed by like a fleeting moment, the traces of history will never wash away the original sins. The author will always remember the crimes committed by the Japanese army.

This poem was written by Guo Moruo in memory of Ms. Zhao Yiman at her memorial hall. Ms. Zhao Yiman was born in 1905 in a small mountain village in Yibin County, Sichuan Province. When Zhao Yiman was 20 years old, she was already the leader of the Yibin patriotic movement. - DayDayNews

In today's China, the two-dimensional market is getting wider and wider. Many Japanese animations are deeply loved by Chinese teenagers. There is nothing wrong with liking something, but I hope that Chinese youth can remember that period of humiliating history in their hearts while loving it. Being able to stay true to your roots, shake off the air conditioning, and just move up. I also hope that Chinese youth will not forget that Ms. Zhao Yiman sacrificed for the country. Whether it is Ms. Zhao Yiman or the thousands of revolutionary martyrs who sacrificed for the country at that time, they are the most lovable people in China.

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