I often hear people say: Depression is a disease of the rich. Only rich people get depression. People are too pretentious. Doesn’t poor mental endurance mean a bad mood and sad mood? Is it such a big fuss? Admittedly, due to individual differences Depending on the severity of the

I often hear people say:

Depression is a disease of wealth. Only rich people will get it.

Depression is that people are too pretentious and have poor mental endurance.

Isn’t it just a bad mood and a sad mood? As for making such a fuss ?

It is true that due to individual differences and the severity of the condition, each person's symptoms of depression will be quite different, but basically all symptoms are inseparable from these three major psychological changes.

Friends who still lack understanding of depression/depression must read this article carefully!

01. People who are in a bad mood

People who are in a bad mood always look listless and depressed. When you talk to them, you can feel their unhappiness and lack of energy. Even if he is trying his best to disguise, you can still feel that something is wrong, and the state of his eyes cannot deceive others.

Neurotic depression generally pushes the responsibility to external factors based on the emotions of hopelessness, helplessness, and worthlessness, without obvious self-denial, doubt of self-worth, or other similar feelings.

The main manifestation of endogenous depression is to attribute various responsibilities to oneself, thinking that all faults are one's own responsibility, and that one's life is causing trouble to the family. The sense of uselessness and guilt is obvious, and one feels that oneself The reason for the current situation is the deserved punishment.

In addition to the symptoms described above, some patients may also be accompanied by anxiety symptoms such as nervousness, fear, worry about the past, palpitation, shortness of breath, and other anxiety symptoms. In severe cases, there will be various agitation symptoms, which can be described as being uncomfortable and worse than death.

02. Don’t want to talk, reduced language

The typical manifestation is that the number of words the patient speaks every day decreases, the speaking speed slows down, and the voice becomes smaller, as if he is very tired and weak.

If the patient's personality is relatively extroverted, and he used to be lively, cheerful and joking, it will be easier to detect changes in time.

And if the patient himself was previously introverted, spoke little, and did not like to communicate with others, this symptom will be more difficult to detect.

Due to depression, the brain's reaction speed and logical judgment ability will decrease, which will have a certain impact on the language functional area.

03. Don’t want to move

From the outside, they appear to be slow and lazy. They often lie in bed all day without moving, and don’t want to go out, let alone socialize. In their own words, they describe it as “feeling whole.” It feels like my body is being hollowed out!”

What’s more, I can’t even take good care of my personal hygiene. I can go for a month without washing my face, hair, or clothes, which gives people the feeling of “this.” How can people be so lazy? "

Ordinary people would think the above descriptions are too exaggerated. How could someone be like this?

But for friends who are depressed, these descriptions are not exaggerated at all. The reality is only more complicated and even more serious.

So living in this stressful era, each of us should pay more attention to our mental health!

enen psychology