Psychological expert Professor Rong Xinqi said that diverting attention from bipolar disorder is a better coping technique for bipolar disorder. Hypnosis is a better method of self-diversion. Distracting someone with bipolar disorder may sound simplistic, and sometimes it is, but

Psychologist Professor Rong Xinqi said that diverting attention from bipolar disorder (bipolar disorder) is a better way to deal with bipolar disorder techniques. Hypnosis is a better method of self-diversion.

Distracting someone with bipolar disorder may sound too simplistic, and sometimes it is, but sometimes simple things are effective.

Next, Professor Rong will talk to you about how can effectively divert attention to control and alleviate bipolar disorder ?

① A simple way to divert attention

When you are experiencing some kind of pain, for example, depression, anxiety, or a mixed emotional state. The easiest way to distract yourself is to do something that your bipolar disorder symptoms don’t want you to do.

For example, your anxious self may want you to move faster, but this can actually make your anxiety worse. So, other than that, maybe you can do something to keep your body moving while still busy, like yoga.

And depression will make you sit there sobbing, crying, and dwelling on your failures - real or imagined. So instead, maybe you clean the house or cook a meal. These things aren't difficult, but they do keep your body busy and your attention elsewhere.

In short, get your body moving and do something else to distract you from your bipolar disorder.

② More complex methods of diverting attention

Although it is helpful to distract attention by moving the body, sometimes this is not enough. In the face of illness, this is not even possible because you are very "sick".

However, psychotherapy can be used to achieve the effect of diverting attention. Research shows that hypnosis can achieve the purpose of diverting attention, and hypnosis can make people more focused. Self-hypnosis therapy can have a good effect on diverting attention.

Professor Rong said that hypnosis itself is a state of high concentration and concentration. The body is relaxed and the breathing is even, which is a state of relaxation with high suggestion of subconscious reception. Therefore, it can be effective in diverting attention.

Distracting from the symptoms of bipolar disorder is not that easy

Although these two distraction methods sound simple, they are not easy. This is because bipolar disorder can be very severe, and the results achieved by rough treatment may not be very good. Distraction from bipolar symptoms may only work for a few minutes at a time and requires significant effort.

Hypnotic self-healing to divert attention also requires constant practice. If you have the conditions, start learning from 0, or first learn about hypnosis and hypnotic healing by being hypnotized. Secondly, join the self-hypnosis healing class to learn hypnotherapy. (On the 15th of this month, I will hold the 61st hypnotherapy class. If you are interested, you can find out more.)

Only through continuous learning and practice, slowly, you will know what kind of distraction methods What works best for you, you will also know what kind of mental space is safe. Over time, managing and relieving bipolar disorder will become easier.

The original text is from Professor Rong Xinqi's Hypnosis and Psychology Hall. If you need to reprint, please obtain permission and indicate the source. If you have any questions, you can click on the avatar to send a private message.