If you are impetuous, anxious, confused, or unhappy at this moment, you must read it❗️No matter you are an office worker or a student party, you will have a barren period. Emo is always stressful, and you have to deal with a lot of things, and then the worries will come back. Inc

At this moment, if you are impetuous, anxious, confused, or unhappy, you must read it❗️No matter you are an office worker or a student party, you will have a barren period. emo You are always under a lot of pressure and have to deal with a lot of things, and then you will be troubled. When you are growing up, you are under great mental pressure, and you often feel inexplicably irritable. At this time, you must adjust your state and sort out your emotions. When you encounter anxiety, you might as well try the following methods, maybe they will be useful ~

1 , Diversion of attention

Bad emotions occur because there are realistic stimuli, which lead to irritability, lack of energy, inability to concentrate, decreased memory, etc. When you have bad emotions, don't let yourself indulge in stimulating events, and divert your attention more. When you no longer pay attention to stimulating events, your emotions will slowly relax and adjust.

2. Talking about psychological troubles

Everyone has emotions, and their emotions will fluctuate up and down. If you continue to be irritable or depressed, you should try to adjust. When you can't get rid of bad emotions, you can try to find psychological support, such as finding someone to talk to about your psychological distress and venting your bad emotions, then your emotions can be adjusted

3, positive psychological hints

psychological hints in the self It is very effective when adjusting bad emotions. Positive psychological suggestion can make our mood improve quickly. People often say "Ah Q's spiritual victory method". From a psychological perspective, it is a kind of positive self-suggestion.

4. Leave the room

and change the environment. Do it immediately. Various situations can trigger low mood. This emotion always haunts you and leaves a mark on you. If you stay in the same environment, it will keep nagging you and lingering in your mind. Go into a new environment, expose yourself to different things, different people, and experience different feelings, and you can easily leave your low mood behind.

Pictures come from the Internet

5. Do something happy

When you are in a bad mood, go see a funny movie, play a favorite song, go for a walk in the local park, or have a drink at that big cafe Coffee and a piece of pie . In short, smile, do something that makes you feel good, and your bad mood will go away.

6. Grumbling.

. Complaining and muttering. When tutoring someone, I can clearly tell if they are in a bad mood. When I find that they are in a bad mood, I will say, "Okay, I'll give you four minutes to complain, complain, and mutter all your worries. Once the four minutes are up, no more complaining, okay?" "So, they vented to their heart's content for four minutes. Just take a few minutes to do BMW (that's what I named it), let it all out, and it will all melt away.

7. Exercise

Physical exercise can directly affect our mood. Countless studies have proven that exercise can release endorphins and serotonin (the body's happy chemicals), which can positively affect your mood. Not only does physical activity release those feel-good chemicals, it's also a great distraction. It takes your attention away from your low mood and allows you to do something to distract your body and brain.

8. Get yourself out of trouble

A bad mood is something that cannot be changed. Sometimes, it's okay to just let nature take its course when you're in a bad mood. If something always makes you feel exhausted and in a bad mood, it means that something in your life is definitely not done right. Letting your bad mood take its course can lead you to a dark side that you wouldn't normally feel.

pictures come from the Internet

9, psychological suggestion method

Suggestion is a psychological phenomenon, which can be divided into positive suggestion and negative suggestion. When you are in a bad mood, if you take negative cues to yourself, it will only "add insult to injury" and make you more irritable.At this time, you should take positive hints to yourself and warn yourself that this is a normal phenomenon and the dark clouds will eventually clear. At the same time, recalling some of the beautiful scenes you have experienced before and things you are proud of can relieve psychological pressure.

10, Goal Shifting Method

When you are impatient, you can relieve it by shifting your attention. You can do some interesting things, such as listening to music, painting, traveling, etc.

11. Thought Exchange Method

Psychological research shows that everyone has the same feelings as others. The desire and need to communicate. Some people don't want others to know what's on their mind, whether it's joy or sadness, and they don't want to express their psychological feelings. This not only does not help solve the problem, but also aggravates their irritability, and over time may lead to psychological disorders. The correct approach should be to find a close friend to pour out your bitterness and tell your true psychological feelings. After that, you can often feel that the irritability in your heart can be eliminated.

12, exercise release method

Proper exercise can promote the secretion of dopamine , reduce negative emotions, and increase happiness. Proper exercise can also increase the oxygen supply to the brain, which is beneficial to relieving mental stress and impatience.

Pictures come from the Internet

good La~ Today’s sharing ends when you see this. I hope you can be happy every day in front of the screen, Fighting!