1. Teachers may not be perfect, but they must be the most sincere to children. The reason why teachers become teachers is because they have a sense of mission for "education". Education is a career that determines a person's life. The original intention of all teachers who choose

2024/06/1022:54:33 education 1720

1. Teachers may not be perfect, but they must be the most sincere to children. The reason why teachers become teachers is because they have a sense of mission for


Teachers may not be perfect

but they must be the most sincere to children

The reason why teachers become teachers is because they have a sense of mission for "education".

Education is a career that determines a person's life. The original intention of all teachers who choose this career must be serious and sincere.

It is precisely because he loves children that he is willing to teach children who are complete strangers, not just to support his family.

I remember someone said:

Teacher is the only person in the world who has no blood relationship with your child, but always pays attention to the child and tries his best to help the child.

As a teacher, what I fear most is delaying my children, so I never dare to relax.

Even if there is a slight negligence or mistake, I will feel guilty in my heart.

Yes, there is no perfect teacher, and all teachers are on the road to professional growth.

Teachers must be the most sincere towards their children, and their desire to be understood by parents is also the most urgent.


It is hard for parents to take care of one child

It is even more difficult for teachers to manage fifty children

I often hear parents say: "Teacher, please take more care of my children!"

We all understand the feelings of parents, but as a Teacher, it is very difficult to face such a request.

There are more than 50 students in a class. If more than 50 parents ask the teacher like this, what should the teacher do?

It is already hard work for parents to take good care of a child, and it is often harder for teachers to manage a class well than we imagine.

faced his only child. Of course, his parents took care of everything meticulously and wished they could give the best to their child.

But the teacher is facing forty or fifty children. Even if he really wants to treat all the children, he is powerless.

1. Teachers may not be perfect, but they must be the most sincere to children. The reason why teachers become teachers is because they have a sense of mission for

Excellent teachers all know that treating everyone equally is the best education.

Please be more considerate of the teacher, understand the teacher's difficulties, and try to let the children learn to grow.


If teachers and parents have bad feelings

Education will only become a deadlock

Every time a conflict occurs between home and school, we must reflect: Is the conflict really unavoidable?

On the road of children's growth, teachers and parents have the same responsibility and mission, with the same purpose and the same direction.

Since it is all for the good of the children, when conflicts or conflicts arise, don’t just focus on your quick success and forget about the children.

It is the responsibility of teachers and parents to truly help children solve their problems.

As long as parents and teachers reach a consensus again, the problem will be easily solved.

The attitude of parents towards teachers directly determines the attitude of teachers towards their children.

Compared with parents who question themselves, teachers are more willing to get close to parents who trust them, and pay more attention to the children of these parents.

I am familiar with his teacher and believe in his teaching. Only by clearing the air and eliminating misunderstandings can teachers and parents work together to support children's education.


No matter how good the teacher is, he cannot satisfy all parents.

There is a widely circulated saying: No matter how good the teacher is, he cannot satisfy all parents.

Some teachers are used to strict education, and some teachers prefer appreciation education .

No matter whether it is strict or encouraging, no matter the level of qualifications, no matter what kind of children they are facing, teachers are trying their best to teach every child well.

Teachers are not omnipotent, but they will definitely try their best.

Everyone has different positions, thoughts, values, and educational backgrounds. We should not use the same standards to measure education.

hopes that parents will consider the problem from the perspective of educating their children, understand the teacher's good intentions, and not negate the teacher's efforts just because of a single mistake.

Teachers do not seek to be recognized by all parents, but they do their best to teach children well and have a clear conscience.

I am really sorry that I cannot satisfy all parents, but please believe: teachers have been working hard in the past, present and future...


No matter how responsible the teacher is, there will be times when he is negligent

When the teacher cannot be the first When the time comes to answer the phone, I hope you can understand that the teacher may be in class and cannot answer the phone;

When a child is accidentally injured at school, I hope you will not rush to pursue the blame. The teacher actually feels sorry for the child and feels guilty.

Teachers are also ordinary people. No matter how responsible and dedicated they are, they will inevitably make mistakes due to negligence. Although

has a passion for educating children, he sometimes lacks experience.

Although I want to protect my children at all times, I can't always be with my children and help them keep everything in order.

So please understand and thank you for your consideration.

Every teacher hopes to meet parents who believe in him, support him, and cooperate with him.

Having more tolerance and understanding, less blame and care, and closer ties between teachers and parents are the greatest blessings for children.

1. Teachers may not be perfect, but they must be the most sincere to children. The reason why teachers become teachers is because they have a sense of mission for


Never regard teachers as "opponents"

We are originally "best partners"

If children are compared to a carriage, then parents and teachers are the two horses pulling the carriage.

A single horse is weak and cannot pull a cart.

If the two horses stand still, the carriage will not move. If the two horses collide, the carriage will fall and fall apart.

Only two horses working together can drive the carriage to its destination.

The cooperation between teachers and parents is the most powerful joint force in educating children.

Teachers should take the initiative to get close to parents and know how to seek their cooperation and support;

Parents should learn to understand teachers and know how to cooperate with teachers' education and work;

The encounter between parents and teachers is an encounter of love and trust.

Educationist Suhomlinsky believes that the effect of school education depends on the consistency with family education.

"If there is no consistency, then school education will collapse like a house made of paper."

Education is not easy. For the future of children, teachers and parents should work closely together!


Only if there is harmony between home and school

will children be happier

Conflicts between home and school are inevitable, but they are not completely unavoidable.

Communication, understanding, trust, and support are the only ways to resolve conflicts.

Only by uniting schools, teachers and parents into a powerful force can we ensure that children receive a good education.

When home and school are harmonious, children will definitely be happier!

Please treat the teacher with trust. If the teacher gains your trust, he will be more devoted.

Please support teachers with sincere strength. The best gift for children is parents’ support for teachers.

Parents’ small changes and teachers’ dedicated efforts will ultimately benefit your children.

On the road to educating children, if you are not willing to work side by side with the teacher, who can you trust?

encourages all parents:

must work closely with schools and teachers to support children, help children grow and progress, and escort children's growth!

from: Family Window

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