Some say the real secret to success is that there is no secret. This statement is not unreasonable. Because there is more than one secret to success, and for different people, there are different factors that determine their success. To find out if you have the secret to success,

Some people say that the real secret to success is that there is no secret.

This statement is not unreasonable.

Because there is more than one secret to success, and for different people, there are different factors that determine their success.

If you want to know if you have mastered the secret of success, take the test below.

For each question below, choose a number from 1 to 5 to indicate how much you agree with the statement or how it applies to you.

has 35 questions in total. Choose only one number for each statement. Choosing 5 means you agree with it the most or is the most suitable for you, and the order decreases to 1 means you disagree with it the least or is the most unsuitable for you.

1.I am a doer, not a dreamer.

2. I work hard because I am driven by my inner beliefs and pursuits, not just for pay.

3.In life, I always create my own opportunities, good or bad.

4. I always feel that it is too early to get off work.

5. I am the kind of person who always has a lot of work to do.

6.I am a very confident person.

7.I never give up on a good plan.

8.I can be ruthless at times in order to get what I want.

9. Regardless of their social status, I always make people feel like working at my company is a meaningful experience.

10.Perfection is an impossible ideal.

11. It is very important to try your best to do everything well.

12.Success in life goes far beyond achieving the goals you set.

13. Even though I deeply love my hobby, I would be prepared to give it up if doing so meant a successful career for me.

14. I like to get to the bottom of things.

15. I believe that you should seize every opportunity in life, even if you have to take certain risks sometimes.

16.I can easily concentrate on one thing for a long time.

17.I always look to the future.

18. I am not a snake oil three-legged cat.

19.I can express my thoughts and feelings to others effortlessly.

20. Every day I feel more confident.

21. There is no such thing as a good loser, although some losers are slightly better off.

22.I am not afraid of success, even though it may bring about enemies in me.

23.I will never give up in anything I do.

24.It is impossible to achieve success without interacting with other people.

25.I feel important and special when I'm in someone else's company.

26. Everyone can overcome social barriers.

27. I strongly believe that once you start working, you have to finish it.

28. I don’t like hearing other people brag about their achievements.

29.I worry much less than the average person.

30.I never take half measures.

31.I don’t feel nervous when speaking in front of a large audience.

32.I am not afraid of failure.

33.Hard work is the way to success.

34. I know exactly what I will look like in five years.

35.I am the kind of person who keeps trying.

Score distribution

Which one of the 1 to 5 numbers you choose will get a few points, and finally the total score is calculated.

score analysis

1.126~175 points

Your score shows that if you have not succeeded yet, then your success is just around the corner; if you have achieved a certain degree of success, then you will achieve greater success. You possess almost all the qualities needed for success, such as character, persistence, talent, and imagination. And of course the most important thing is ambition, which inspires you to strive to achieve what you can achieve. The caveat is that you need to be careful not to become a complete workaholic at the expense of your family or ultimately your personal happiness. If you can successfully maintain a balance between the two, you will be able to achieve most of your goals, both in your personal and professional lives.

2.90~125 points

You do desire success and have many of the qualities needed for success, but maybe you should work harder and instill some more confidence in yourself that you can succeed; maybe you just Dreams of success, but no hope of achieving them. Only by relying on yourself and eliminating self-doubt can you turn these dreams into reality. Many successful people set goals for themselves and then move toward them from where they are now.

3. Less than 90 points

If you want to be successful in the field you are engaged in, you still need to put in a lot of effort. For some people, success is having a stable job that pays well and being able to do it; for others, success is reaching the top of the industry in which they are engaged; and still others believe that success is not Beyond fame and fortune. The size of success is different. The key is to give yourself a clear positioning.