The "2020 Public Mental Health Insight Report" released by Simple Psychology shows that 81.81% of the respondents reported that they had experienced emotional distress such as anxiety and depression.

Depression, anxiety, and stress are the three major "emotional diseases" of modern people. The "2020 Public Mental Health Insight Report" released by Simple Psychology shows that 81.81% of the respondents reported that they have experienced anxiety, depression and other emotional distress.

Many times, our emotions cannot be expressed through words. Those hidden emotions are not expressed and become the trigger for future emotional outbursts, relationship breakdown, and family disputes.

Under certain conditions, mental health conditions may even affect a person's speech or verbal abilities, serving as a compensatory mechanism whereby individuals can express their emotions through creative expression such as poetry, music or art.

Vincent Van Gogh was very good at projecting turbulent emotional experiences onto the canvas. He believed that “what lives in art, and will live on forever, is first the painter himself, and then the painting (What lives in art and is eternally living, is first of all the painter and then the painting).”

Nowadays, many people are beginning to consciously resort to psychotherapy to maintain their mental health. In Britain and the United States, "Art Therapy" is increasingly recognized and used.

1 What is art therapy

Art therapy is by default a treatment method based on painting. It is classified into the category of expressive arts therapy together with dance therapy and drama therapy.

The definition of art therapy: The therapist uses creative expression to allow the client to explore personal problems and potential through non-verbal expression and artistic creation experience, thereby enabling the client to improve their self-esteem, build inner strength, and improve their Skills in getting along with the outside world.

Art therapy makes up for the shortcomings of psychotherapy with language communication as the core: Not everyone can express the problems that trouble them in detail and in depth .

Art therapy can help many people, including children, special children, teenagers, adults, mentally ill patients, cancer patients, hospice caretakers or the bereaved.

For example, in hospitals, art therapists provide art therapy to children with cancer to relieve their fear of death and fulfill their last wishes. (Wang Dongmei, 2020)

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2 Why is art therapy healing?

Currently there are two main views on the "principle of action" of art healing:

1) The process of creation has the ability to repair

Creation will bring satisfaction, emotional release and change people's negative thoughts. For example, using clay, toners, and paints can have a soothing effect on their own. The process of creating increases the brain's levels of serotonin, a substance that fights depression and triggers the "relaxation response" that lowers heart and breathing rates, thus relieving stress.

2) Art works have symbolic meaning

Compared to the creative process, consultants pay more attention to the work itself, because the work expresses emotions, such as joy, contradiction, and conflict. The counselor and the client explore the completed work together and explore emotional changes or psychological conditions during communication.

Therapists use creative expression methods to allow clients to explore personal problems and potential through non-verbal expression and artistic creation experiences, thereby enabling clients to improve their self-esteem, build inner strength, and improve their skills in getting along with the outside world. .

On the website of the American Art Therapy Association, a depressed patient said that he often heard someone whispering in his ear. After receiving art therapy, he began to use art creation to explore and repair the previous inner trauma. Establish a dialogue with these "voices" and gradually become outgoing and confident .

"I am trying to find the lost person, the person who is not afraid to speak his mind, the person who is more outgoing and confident, the person who is no longer afraid of the past, the person who faces the pain and becomes stronger because of it"

should Students' expectations, Simple Psychology Uni and WABC Art Path Academy are based on the core curriculum framework of the American art therapy education system and integrate WABC Art Path Academy's many years of domestic practical experience in the field of creative arts. From the curriculum structure, course content, The learning package has been comprehensively upgraded, and "Art Therapy System Course" has been developed. This is a new iterative upgrade based on the introductory course, from the ethics of art therapy to theory to the understanding of media materials and how to apply them in real objects, learning experience Have a qualitative improvement.

class start reminder: The 7th issue of "Art Therapy System Course" starts on July 8th!

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upgrade 1: 8 core topics, the structural framework is more complete and you can learn even with no basic knowledge!

Some people feel that they have no artistic ability or talent for painting, and are resistant to activities with the word "art" in them, or stay away from them, but in fact people have potential.

First of all, we must not "self-denial".

foundation is not a shortcoming in the field of art therapy. They are even more able to accept various creative forms of art therapy than those who have received professional art training, because they have no constraints on painting or creative skills.

Through the 6 required modules, you can learn here 👇

✅ the "historical development" and "system theory" of art therapy, and establish a more comprehensive cognitive system

✅ the "practical technology" and "application principle" of art therapy, It can both heal oneself and help others

✅ "Ethical Principles" and "Development Plan" for art therapists, establish art therapy values ​​

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Upgrade 2: Personally taught by the former chairman of the American Art Therapy Board!

In the previous course, the teacher shared the "teaching philosophy" about art therapy which was great!

"We live our lives guided by some simple truths - we all desire to create things, to be free, to be seen and to relate to the world around us.

My worldview and theoretical framework are informed by Humanistic Psychology , Multiculturalism , Feminism, and Inspiration from the Visual, Contemplative, and Creative Arts

I believe that by stimulating their own unique creative potential and personal power, each person can use their innate wisdom to connect with themselves at home, at work. Establish harmonious, lasting and satisfying relationships. "

If you have any difficulties or obstacles in the learning process, you can raise them. The head teacher will continue to collect your questions to ensure that your questions can be answered faster and more professionally. Teaching feedback!

upgrade 3: 1v1 teaching assistant feedback + weekly community Q&A + official learning certificate certification. The ultimate cost-effective

✅ bilingual subtitles high-definition video course, unlock

✅ dual-platform joint certification hours at 12 noon every Friday, and learning is recorded!

Students who meet the graduation standards will receive a Simple Psychology Uni

American art therapy certified supervisor Dr. Penny Orr teaches

4 major course highlights + 6 major compulsory modules + 8 major core topics

v1 teaching assistant feedback + weekly community Q&A + official learning certificate certification

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