1. Stay away from friends with "negative energy". People are easily affected by the environment. If they are surrounded by pessimistic and world-weary people, it will be difficult for them to become confident. On the contrary, if the people around you are confident, it will be di

1, Stay away from "negative energy" friends

People are easily affected by the environment. If they are surrounded by pessimistic and world-weary people, it is difficult for them to become confident.

On the contrary, if everyone around you is confident, it will be difficult for you to hide in a corner all day long.

Therefore, if you want to be confident and optimistic, the first step is to stay away from those "negative energy" friends around you.

2. Be brave and good at communication

Communicate with more people. In the process of communication, you can experience the fun and enhance your self-confidence.

Be brave to speak especially in crowded situations. If you feel that there is no topic, you can try Listen more to what others say,

After a long time, you will know what to say.

3. Learn to encourage yourself

This can be regarded as a kind of self-hypnosis. You may not understand many things or not be able to do them, but that doesn't matter.

Just adjust your mentality, don't look too far ahead, focus on the things in front of you, and tell yourself in your heart, it doesn't matter, I can do it step by step, one step at a time.

Tell yourself that it’s okay, no problem. This has a significant effect on building our self-confidence.

4, Dare to look directly into the eyes of others

A person's eyes can reveal a lot of information about him. Looking directly into the eyes of others when talking is not only a sign of respect for others, but also a sign of confidence in yourself.

I have done nothing wrong, so there is nothing to be afraid of. I feel so guilty. Just face it calmly. Not being able to look others in the eye usually means: I feel inferior and unnatural when I am with you.

Avoiding other people’s eyes means: you have done or thought of something that you don’t want you to know; you are afraid of being exposed to other people’s eyes, feeling that your secrets will be seen through and your secrets will be discovered by others. This requires us to calm down and face it sincerely.

5. Practice speaking in public

There are many people with sharp ideas who are unable to use their strengths to participate in discussions, not because they don't want to participate, but because they lack confidence.

People who are silent in meetings think: "My opinion may not be valuable. If I speak it out, others may feel stupid. It's better for me to say nothing.

Don't let them know how ignorant I am." "If you speak as little as possible, you will increase your confidence and make it easier to speak next time. So speak up, it's a confidence-boosting vitamin.