What is death anxiety, and why do people have death anxiety?

Do you have inexplicable fear, and the idea of ​​"will you be killed by a car" suddenly pops up when you are walking on the road? Really scared of the feeling of losing everything all of a sudden? Death anxiety is a person's feelings of fear and anxiety about the fact that death is to come. Under normal circumstances, such thoughts and emotions will not cause serious trouble to people, and only after some kind of stimulation or suggestion will they cause anxiety.

Death anxiety is generally divided into two types: explicit death anxiety and covert death anxiety. Explicit death anxiety refers to the fear of destruction that accompanies most death anxiety. Some people can't understand the state of "disappearing" after they die and want to know where they go after they die. Some people have been thinking that the question is out of the question because the result is unbearable for them - that means neither their personal nor their past memories are gone. Covert death anxiety is very covert. For example, a man who suffers from stomach disease and is very concerned about stomach cancer dreams that he is going on vacation, but the next picture is that he is lying on the ground in unbearable pain. The man wakes up from the dream in horror and immediately realizes the dream Meaning: This means he will die of stomach cancer.

Actually, there are other things that can trigger death anxiety, such as being seriously ill, passing a loved one, or witnessing an unexpected death. The causes of death anxiety are very complicated, such as the following case:

Sun Hong is a psychological consultant. She was gifted at drawing when she was in school, but she gave up drawing after studying psychology. There are a lot of unfinished works in her house, but she doesn't have time to finish them because she wants to make money. In fact, she is not short of money, but she needs to compete with her husband to see who earns more. The death of a close friend of hers two years ago created anxiety in her life.At first, she didn't think it was caused by the death of her friend, and just complained to the doctor about her anxiety, but when the doctor asked her why she didn't finish the painting but competed with her husband to make money, she couldn't answer.

When she came to the New Concept Psychological Research Institute of Changsha Psychological Consulting Company for the psychological consultation, Professor Rong Xinqi asked her what aspects of her fear of death, and she said that she had not done anything after fearing death. In fact, her subconscious is that she doesn't really enjoy life except to make money. The fear of death is often closely related to the feeling that life is in vain. In other words, the less you have truly lived, the greater your fear of death; the less you can fully experience life, the greater your fear of death. Later, after Sun Hong's step-by-step hypnotherapy and cognitive behavioral correction, she slowly accepted her past and future, and was no longer anxious.

When there is nothing to worry about, people try to worry about something, and death anxiety is wider than people think. Death is the ultimate destination for anyone, and no one can escape. Therefore, a lot of anxiety that is not directed is actually death anxiety in the final analysis.

Years ago, the psychologist Rollo May said, "When there is nothing to worry about, people try to worry about something." Undirected anxiety is actually through some things in life, such as skin aging Anxiety that comes from , retirement, or having nothing to do. All kinds of anxiety are directed to the result, that is, the anxiety that people will eventually die.