Learn a law of effect every day, give yourself a reason to persist every day, and take a small step forward every day. It’s so long-winded and endless that it’s unbearable. This kind of psychological phenomenon that causes extreme psychological impatience or rebelliousness due to

2024/06/2415:18:33 psychological 1437

Learn a law of effect every day, give yourself a reason to persist every day, and take a small step forward every day.

When I was in school, I was most afraid of the teacher dragging me down in class; after work, I was most afraid of the leader’s speech.

is verbose, endless, and unbearable.

This psychological phenomenon in which is stimulated too much, too strongly or for too long, causing extreme psychological impatience or reversal, is the over-limit effect .

Learn a law of effect every day, give yourself a reason to persist every day, and take a small step forward every day. It’s so long-winded and endless that it’s unbearable. This kind of psychological phenomenon that causes extreme psychological impatience or rebelliousness due to - DayDayNews

The overrun effect originated from Mark Twain .

Once, he went to attend a donation speech. When started, he thought the pastor’s words were very good and wanted to donate money. But the longer I listened, the more impatient I became. In the end, instead of making any donation, I even walked away with 2 yuan. I originally wanted to do something good, but others just didn't give me a chance.

Learn a law of effect every day, give yourself a reason to persist every day, and take a small step forward every day. It’s so long-winded and endless that it’s unbearable. This kind of psychological phenomenon that causes extreme psychological impatience or rebelliousness due to - DayDayNews

A class lasts 45 minutes. By the end of the get out of class, the key points have not been finished. This teacher did not prepare the lesson well before class. Why does set a lesson to 45 minutes? In fact, it is to avoid the "over-limit effect".

Everything has a limit, too much is never enough.

If you pour too much water, you will drown;

If you apply too much fertilizer, you will be burned;

If you eat too much rice, you will choke to death.

Learn a law of effect every day, give yourself a reason to persist every day, and take a small step forward every day. It’s so long-winded and endless that it’s unbearable. This kind of psychological phenomenon that causes extreme psychological impatience or rebelliousness due to - DayDayNews

There are over-limit effects everywhere in life:

I am afraid that my work will not be focused.

In history, there were people who were beaten because the memorial was too long. This person was Ru Taisu in the early Ming Dynasty.

Every memorial he gave was very long, and one time it was too long. Zhu Yuanzhang is too lazy to read , so he calls Wang Minnian of Zhongshu Province . Wang Min read more than 20,000 words, but still missed the point. Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't bear it anymore, so he called Ru Taisu, scolded him, and had him dragged out and beaten hard. Song Lian interceded and said: Ru Taisu is loyal, I hope your majesty will think again. Zhu Yuanzhang patiently looked at it again and found that he had made five suggestions, all of which were pretty good. However, these five suggestions totaled only more than 500 words, and the rest were all nonsense.

Learn a law of effect every day, give yourself a reason to persist every day, and take a small step forward every day. It’s so long-winded and endless that it’s unbearable. This kind of psychological phenomenon that causes extreme psychological impatience or rebelliousness due to - DayDayNews

Feelings are afraid of turning over old accounts.

No one likes to be in debt. If old accounts can be settled early in the morning, turning over old accounts is just exposing the scars.

For example, if the other person has cheated on her before, every time the two of them have a conflict in the future, they will bring it up endlessly.

No one can make mistakes without being a sage. No one wants to carry a burden and be out of breath.

If you couldn't accept it at the beginning, just break it up; now that you accept it, don't settle old scores.

Let's talk about the matter, basins are called basins, and cans are called cans.

When there is a dispute, dragging the past will only make the conflict deeper.

Learn a law of effect every day, give yourself a reason to persist every day, and take a small step forward every day. It’s so long-winded and endless that it’s unbearable. This kind of psychological phenomenon that causes extreme psychological impatience or rebelliousness due to - DayDayNews

Education is afraid of nagging

Nowadays, it is said that "make a mistake once, only criticize once". Family education and school education should avoid repeated criticism and repeated praise.

If you talk too much, your child will become impatient and even talk back or run away.

Those kind of unnutritious words, said in the same way, turn into nagging:

You must study hard and get into a good university in the future;

If you don’t study hard, you will have to move bricks in the future;

XXX got 100 points in the exam, look at it You...

This is not education, it is trying to drive people crazy.

Learn a law of effect every day, give yourself a reason to persist every day, and take a small step forward every day. It’s so long-winded and endless that it’s unbearable. This kind of psychological phenomenon that causes extreme psychological impatience or rebelliousness due to - DayDayNews

How to avoid the over-limit effect:

1, clarify the purpose

2, cannot be self-centered

3, pay attention to methods

4, grasp the "degree" of doing things

5, always think in other people's shoes

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