In 1948, psychologist Fowler conducted a personality test on students. He gave all students the same paragraph at the beginning of the article: You want to be liked by others, and you are very strict with yourself, even critical; although you have some flaws, generally speaking Y

2024/04/1616:26:33 psychological 1086
In 1948, psychologist Fowler conducted a study on students. For the personality test, he gave all students the same text at the beginning of the article:

You want to be liked by others, but you are also very strict with yourself, and even picky;

Although there are some flaws, in general You have ways to make up for it;

You have considerable untapped potential that has not yet been used in daily life;

Your seemingly tough, strict and self-disciplined appearance hides a soft and worried heart;

You like a certain degree of change , and feel dissatisfied when restricted;

Sometimes you are outgoing, approachable, and sociable, and other times you are introverted, cautious, and silent...

How well do you think these statements fit with yourself?

Fowler asked the students to rate the accuracy from 0 to 5. In the end, the accuracy value of everyone was as high as 4.26 points. In other words, most students feel that this description fits them well.

We often feel this way when looking at horoscopes or some analysis of metaphysics. When we look at the analysis of our own zodiac sign, we will find that there are some descriptions that express our inner feelings. When we look at other zodiac signs, we will also find some that are very similar to ourselves. description of.

Therefore, we are very susceptible to the suggestion of some general descriptions, so when the fortune teller says, "You had a rough early life, some bumps in your middle age, and you will get better in your later years." Most people will breathe a sigh of relief. , and believed it deeply, even if he said the same thing to everyone.

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