Belgium only became an independent country after breaking away from Dutch rule in 1839. It is now known as the center of Europe, so it has the headquarters of the European Union and NATO in the capital Brussels.

Belgium became an independent country only in 1839 from the rule of the Netherlands. Now is known as the center of Europe, therefore has the headquarters of EU and NATO in the capital Brussels . Walking on the street, you can see the prosperous side, the poor people begging, and the magical legends.

1, taken at 14:59 on December 6, 2018, in front of the Brussels municipal government office. She looked like a refugee from the Middle East. She was begging on the street with her son in her arms.

2, taken in front of the Brussels Stock Exchange at 15:07 on December 6, 2018. Another beggar, he didn’t even have wrapping paper or anything like that, he just sat on the ground and begged in the cold winter.

3, taken in front of the Brussels Stock Exchange at 15:07 on December 6, 2018. A group of children in line passed in front of the beggar, showing curiosity and confusion.

4, taken at Boulevard Anspach in Brussels at 15:08 on December 6, 2018. At the grilled fish stall on the street, smoke drifted from the burning firewood in the brazier.

5, taken at 15:11 on December 6, 2018 on Rush Avenue in Brussels. I ordered a piece of grilled fish to try, but it still felt soft and didn't seem to have a grilled flavor.

6, taken in front of the Brussels Stock Exchange at 15:22 on December 6, 2018. Black janitor cleaning up trash. Since I set foot on European soil, I have found that all positions such as cleaning, doormen, toilet managers, etc. are filled by black people.

7, taken at 15:22 on December 6, 2018, on Rue Henri Maus, south of the Brussels Stock Exchange. The sidewalks on both sides of the street are filled with independent temporary shops.

8, taken at Brussels Grand Place at 15:43 on December 6, 2018. The most eye-catching building on the Grand Place is the Brussels City Hall, which is the most typical Gothic building in Belgium. . There is a swan statue on the left door of the city hall is the Swan Café, where Marx and Engels once drafted together " Communist Manifesto ". Opposite the city hall was the palace of Louis XIV of France, which is now the National Museum.

9, taken at 16:03 on December 6, 2018, at the corner of Rue du l´Etuve and Rue du Chêne, not far from the Grand Place in Brussels. Smaller than cheap (Manneken Pis), also translated as peeing boy, peeing child, etc., is a little boy about half a meter tall, lifelike, naked and akimbo, peeing. It is the city logo of Brussels, the capital of Belgium. This smaller bronze statue was built in 1619 and was created by the Belgian sculptor Jerome Duquesnoy. There is a legendary story about its origin. It is said that when the Spanish occupiers evacuated Brussels, they planned to blow up the city with explosives. Fortunately, a little boy went out to urinate at night and extinguished the fuse and saved the whole city. This image was carved in memory of the little hero. In 1747, French Louis XV had him dressed in clothes for the sake of "elegance". He is still wearing clothes now. I don't know if he is continuing the tradition at that time. Probably to show the equality between men and women, Brussels people built a building with a naked girl squatting and peeing not far from here, but I didn't go to see it.

10, taken in front of the EU headquarters in Brussels at 18:09 on December 6, 2018. The European Union Headquarters Building, also known as the Bellaymont Building, is located between Stephen Street and Rue de la Loi.

11, taken on Rue de la Fusêe, Brussels at 19:03 on December 6, 2018. The NATO headquarters is located on this avenue, and further ahead is Brussels Airport.