Ding Zhen has never forgotten his original intention and has become popular until now. No matter how the outside world evaluates him or how some people slander him, he always practices what he set out to do at the beginning of his popularity: "Take your hometown to the world and

2024/07/0300:18:33 news 1943

Ding Zhen has never forgotten his original intention and has become popular to this day. No matter how the outside world evaluates him or how some people slander him, he always practices what he preached at the beginning of his popularity: "Take your hometown to the world and let more people see their efforts." Whether working in the cultural tourism industry or the entertainment industry, promoting hometown tourism is always an important priority.

I have not forgotten my original intention. I came to play Toutiao just to beat Ding Zhenhei. Today I came across two paragraphs of micro headlines by this author, and I have something to say.

Ding Zhen has never forgotten his original intention and has become popular until now. No matter how the outside world evaluates him or how some people slander him, he always practices what he set out to do at the beginning of his popularity:

1. Ding Zhen is famous on his own, which is an objective fact. He got out of the industry based on a seven-second video. There is no driving force behind it. It is purely elected by the people. After becoming popular, he signed a contract with Litang Cultural Tourism and Sports Company and contributed his personal traffic to his hometown. He received official recognition and further became popular. Many people twist the truth about Ding Zhen's popularity simply to say that it was "hardly recommended by capital" and "hardly recommended by the official", so the facts cannot be changed. It was Ding Zhen who became famous first and then received official recognition.

2. Ding Zhen fans do not hate his original team. Although "the whole world knows that we are unprofessional", this team is full of human touch, including local government leaders, highly educated external personnel, and close friends with Ding. We are truly Tibetan compatriots on the same frequency, warm and harmonious. However, some people gradually forgot their original intentions and exaggerated a certain member of the team, causing fans to rebel collectively. Who is in the current team and who it is has become a working secret. This is also in line with the general rules and there is nothing to criticize.

3. Ding Zhen’s fans support any of Ding Zhen’s works and any business activities. " Ding Zhen's Natural Notes " is a hit and has won various awards. In addition to the excellent quality of the work itself, it is absolutely inseparable from the support of fans. In the top ten polls, the scene of losing a million votes to the second place overnight is still vivid in my mind. A collection of rare items, Haolai toothpaste, and various magazines are standard items for every fan.

4. The so-called love of big penises is really small, such as selling peaches and sweating, getting off the car and saying thank you. These are all positive things, why can't they be promoted? It is said that an individual can do it, but have those people who bought peaches in public and escaped from the bill done it? Did those people sitting in front of the computer, typing on the keyboard and insulting Ding Zhen, do it? Fans want to promote his beauty, his politeness, his kindness, and his hard work. As for the so-called "high-tech beauty", it is even more nonsense. Ding Zhen is recognized as an original handsome guy.

5. How long fans persist is their personal choice. Beauty is a scarce resource, and national beliefs must be respected.

Ding Zhen has never forgotten his original intention and has become popular until now. No matter how the outside world evaluates him or how some people slander him, he always practices what he set out to do at the beginning of his popularity:

7. Ding Zhen’s Weibo account is a work account, and his content posting and following and likes are all related to work. Just because he does not use his work account to like personal relationships cannot be insinuated that he does not have a “grateful” heart. His uncle , brother, and friends all have Weibo, but he doesn’t like it either. Why? Because work is work and life is life. When you are being weird and saying that he doesn't like a certain teacher, maybe they are having dinner together in private.

After Ding Zhen became popular, he worked hard to grow, study hard, and went through setbacks without changing his original intention. He should be affirmed and should not be discredited. I hope everyone will treat a sincere young man in his twenties well.

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