"The surname is a symbol that marks the blood lineage of the family." As ancient books say, the surname is a very important identifier for us. In the most primitive times, the ancients would carry out totem worship of a clan.

2024/07/0220:56:32 news 1537

"The surname is a symbol of family bloodline"

As ancient books say, the surname is a very important identifier for us. In the most primitive times, the ancients would carry out totem worship of a clan.

The surname came into being. After the surname is generated, it will usually be passed down with the descendants. Generally speaking, it is more stable. The surname marks the blood relationship of a person's family. In ancient times, what was your surname? It can decide what your destiny is.

For example, the eight most famous surnames in the Qin Dynasty - ji, jiang, , ying, , gui, yao, 姞. At that time, as long as your last name was one of them, you must be rich or noble.

Surnames can be said to be extremely important to the ancients. When you are lucky, your surname will bring you endless glory and wealth, but when you are unlucky, your surname will also bring you innocent people and disaster.

Pu Shougeng

To talk about the most annoying surname of Zhu Yuanzhang, we have to talk about Pu Shougeng. Pu Shougeng's ancestors are actually Arabs , so they have been engaged in maritime trade for generations. Because of foreign trade, he could be said to be a famous rich man in his early years.

In the Southern Song Dynasty , pirates were rampant , and even the officers and soldiers were helpless. Pu Shougeng was very familiar with things at sea because he often traded at sea. Seeing this situation, Pu Shougeng and his brother stood up to offer suggestions to the emperor , and spent a lot of money, and finally helped the officers and soldiers repel the pirates.

Pu Shougeng was also awarded the official position because of this, and was in charge of coastal defense. However, Pu Shougeng was originally a businessman, and he got an official position at this time.

It seems that even if Pu Shougeng is not a hero, he has not done anything evil, so why is Zhu Yuanzhang resentful? Now we have to take a look at the second half of his life.

After Pu Shougeng became a court official, it can be said that he was rich and powerful , so he cultivated his own power in the Quanzhou area. Although Pu Shougeng's life can be said to be getting better day by day, the days of the Song Dynasty are coming to an end. .

As the power of the Yuan Dynasty became increasingly prosperous, the Song Dynasty found it difficult to fight against it, so they had no choice but to go all the way south, and finally took refuge in Quanzhou .

Emperor Zhao Bing After arriving in Quanzhou, he hoped that Pu Shougeng could use his own power to fight against the Yuan Dynasty, but Pu Shougeng refused . Without Pu Shougeng's help, the emperor was eventually wiped out, and the era of the Song Dynasty ended. In the end, Zhao Bing became the last emperor of the Song Dynasty.

Seeing the demise of the Song Dynasty, Pu Shougeng immediately took advantage of the situation and defected to the Yuan Dynasty. In order to show his loyalty to Kublai Khan, he not only gave his money to the Yuan Dynasty, but also searched for the clan members of the Southern Song Dynasty to kill. So he relied on this traitorous behavior to seek glory and was reused by Kublai Khan.

The Yuan Dynasty also relied on Pu Shougeng's full help to quickly establish a foothold in the Central Plains.

The rule of the Yuan Dynasty can be said to be a dark period in the history of our country. The system of the Yuan Dynasty was dark. The laws of the Yuan Dynasty protected the Mongolians and showed no concern for the displaced lives of ordinary Han people . Zhu Yuanzhang lived in the In such a dynasty, when Zhu Yuanzhang was still a child, a severe drought occurred in his hometown and there was no harvest.

The locust plague and plague occurred again in the second year. Zhu Yuanzhang's family members died one after another, leaving only him and his second brother as companions.

Desperate, Zhu Yuanzhang had no choice but to go to Huangjue Temple to be ordained and become a monk. A few years later, there was another famine in the local area, and there was no alms in the temple, so the monks were sent out to travel for alms.

Because people's livelihood was difficult and the Yuan Dynasty turned a blind eye, the farmers revolted , and Zhu Yuanzhang defected to the Red Scarf Army . After a bitter battle, finally in 1368, Zhu Yuanzhang proclaimed himself emperor in Nanjing, and his country was named Daming.

After Zhu Yuanzhang ascended the throne, he made all the men named Pu in Quanzhou into slaves, and the women with the surname of Pu were used as prostitutes for generations.

This approach has two meanings. We all know that Zhu Yuanzhang was a man who rose from poverty to the position of emperor. Such a person understands the hardships of people's livelihood.

In the later period, Pu Shougeng betrayed his country and sought glory. The Yuan Dynasty harmed the people, and Zhu Yuanzhang's childhood was very unfortunate because of this. Therefore, Zhu Yuanzhang must hate people like Pu Shougeng. This is one of them.

Another most important point is that Zhu Yuanzhang, as the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty , was an example from the early Southern Song Dynasty to the Yuan Dynasty, which lasted only a hundred years. At this time, he had been giving such severe punishments to the Pu family, and he was doing it for the world to see. kills chickens to scare monkeys . Only by setting an example can people like Pu Shougeng be afraid and stabilize the world.

The fate of the Pu family, as Pu Shougeng gained great power in the early stage, saw constant benefits. After half a lifetime of wealth, they were then enslaved in the army under Zhu Yuanzhang. We cannot judge what such a punishment would be like for them. Is fair to .

But in that era, in addition to capable people and nobles, there were also a few ordinary people whose fates rose and fell with the wind. The influence of surname on their destiny is just one of many factors.

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