# Summer Jian Guan# How I got into Mingshuo, I have to start with watching a young lady on Douyin. At that time, I accidentally saw this young lady at home. She was so good. She recruited a lot of people and had a lot of fans. , since Recruitment has 50,000 fans, I was thinking a

Unexpectedly, at dawn the next day, she asked me to sit with my husband in their lobby on the first floor. She suddenly and cautiously said to me, she said she was really sorry. The cosmetics factory I told you about today is no longer hiring. You How about I introduce you to another factory? I'm really sorry, I didn't know until last minute! At that moment I really wanted to kill her, so I told her in a very angry tone why you didn't tell me in advance, do you know where I came to find you? She just kept saying sorry!

She saw that I was very angry and said to me, how about you think this is okay? There is a small factory that is still recruiting workers today. The work is quite easy. It costs 30 for an hour. Can you go? , the situation improved and I went back, I thought to myself, yes, I am not welcome to go back. At that time, I didn’t know that I was admitted to Master’s degree. I only knew that I had a large group of people, about 50 people, where could I go? When I found out that I was admitted to a prestigious master's degree program, I was confused at that time. Because I had heard about it, and because of the epidemic, I stayed!

Later, I found that the work was not very tiring. There were all regular shifts, and there was also an old employee. He said that he had come here many times, and every time he worked as an hourly worker. After working for three months, he received 20,000 to 30,000 yuan, and he was not the only one. Many people have said this. Mingshuo relies entirely on hourly workers, and there are very few formal workers, because the wages of formal workers are so poor, and the food is quite unpalatable, just like the leftovers. It is not an exaggeration at all, but Suzhou I have also been to other factories, and after comparison, I realized that Mingshuo is more suitable for me. It has office hours, is not tiring to work, and is suitable for girls. You can find a girlfriend or a wife. There are many girls, and more young women! [呲ya][呲ya]