As a girl who has majored in liberal arts since high school, she has been around zero people of the opposite sex since she started working, and she has become an older leftover girl. Of course, the main reason is me: high requirements and narrow circle. Later, I decided to break

As a girl who has been majoring in liberal arts since high school, she has been around zero people of the opposite sex since going to work, and she has become an older leftover girl. Of course, the main reason for is me: high requirements and narrow circle. later made up his mind to break out of the small circle, but his colleagues slapped him on the head and gave him Neighbors app . I met my boyfriend on the 5th day, and we really fell in love.

Neighbors Planet is a place where handsome men and beautiful women gather with good looks, high education and high income. Now that I recall the time when we first met, it was really dreamy, prosperous and in a trance...Haha~

I just started using this software. We are newbies and don’t know how to chat. I was scrolling through the recommendations on the home page, and suddenly I saw a rather naive boy. Isn’t this what I like? My heart was pounding.

I have to mention the hand-holding review mechanism here. I really respect it~ In addition to ’s real-person certification and ’s, the pictures uploaded by must also be real people. Wearing a mask, profile, or using an online picture will not work! Otherwise, the review will not pass!

said quietly: is so damn strict, but it is so reliable! I can’t accept ! But think about it, if there is no sense of trust between people and they still talk about bullshit love, it’s fine...

Because we can only chat after both parties like each other, so I kept waiting and waiting, waiting and waiting, I took my mobile phone and posted it all afternoon... In the evening, he also replied with a like. I was so excited, sisters! ! Is this damn love finally my turn? Yeah yeah yeah~

After we clicked on each other, we would contact each other almost every day and share each other’s daily life, happy things, troublesome things...unknowingly, we got used to it In order to be with each other, we are no longer satisfied with the connection on the Internet.

The first meeting was beyond expectations. She looks much better in person than in the photos! Totally in line with my aesthetic point of view, she is very white, clean and refreshing. Such a clean boy is a plus! Hee hee... Even though he is an engineering guy, the restaurant he chose has quite an atmosphere. We had a great time eating that day and chatting happily~ I don’t know if it was because the fireplace was too hot or something, but the look on our faces Everything was red...

After we got along, it was exactly the same as the information he certified in the platform profile. He had a high degree of education and a height of 175cm. He even explained several relationship histories to me clearly~

before leaving. At that time, he also asked me if we could watch a movie together next time. I have nothing to hesitate about, of course yes! ! Hee hee...
I actually watched a sweet and sad love movie, and I was so moved that I burst into tears... Just as I was wiping my tears, he shyly asked me if I wanted to hold hands. It was obvious that he was also nervous, but he still pretended to be calm.

Then I took the initiative to hold his hand. I am not a proactive girl, but when I met him, I felt it was worth it! What follows is Tiantian’s daily life. Being with him has never made me envious of others.

He will write down the things I like, and I will receive them within a few days. He said that gifts do not have to be given during holidays. There are surprises every day, it’s really good to me ~

Now we will also travel a long way to check in for the store that we have been cultivating for a long time. Let’s unlock the first experience of skating, watch the sunset, go to the game arcade, and go skiing together. , to explore every corner of this city.

As for me, I like two people to dress up as a couple and go shopping together...

When I was single, I kept saying that being alone is so free. It wasn’t until I fell in love that I truly felt what happiness was.
So sisters who are still single, if you feel that your circle is narrow, you might as well give it a try boldly! Don’t be afraid of unreliability, just swipe frequently and you might just meet your love!

It’s 2022, are you still looking forward to meeting love around the corner? Wake up sisters! Anyone who wants to fall in love, support me! ! Life is hard enough, sweet love is worth having for everyone! Say no more, I'm going out. He said he wanted to give me a surprise today. What would it be? It’s not a proposal! Probably not, stop thinking about it, bye~