I often feel that happiness comes very easily to girls. They feel happy when they buy something, and they feel excited when they eat the food they like. Even if they find some useful experiences or gadgets, it is worth being happy for a few days. Two days ago, I was talking to a

I often feel that it is very easy for girls to feel happy. They feel happy when they buy something, and they feel excited when they eat the food they like. Even if they find some useful experiences or gadgets, it is worth being happy for a few days.

Two days ago, I was talking to a friend about the problems she encountered in her life. I routinely gave her some small methods, and actually helped her solve them. It’s interesting to say that these methods are actually not very expensive. Some of them only cost a few cents, but they can solve big and difficult problems in life and skin care!

So this time I will talk about these small methods that I have saved for a long time. I hope these low-cost happiness can continue your happiness, hiahia!

What is the biggest headache for girls in summer? At the top of the list are acne breakouts caused by "excessive heat" and even some skin inflammations. But... listen to the advice of Little Sheep , when you are frantically looking for various acne products, it is better to try iodophor ... (yes, you read that right...

The first time I knew this method was Because the corners of my mouth were crazy for a while, a doctor friend later told me that I could apply povidone iodine. As a result, within a few days, the corners of my mouth really improved, and it has never relapsed until now...

My friend said that iodine can kill inflammation, so it can be used for skin wound inflammation, even acne.

Since then, whenever I have acne on my face, I will apply iodine. No matter how big it is each time, will almost start to shrink in 2 or 3 days!

It costs more than ten yuan to buy a large box, and it only costs a few cents each time. Isn’t this very low-cost and useful? The method of clearing acne! But don’t worry! Before using it, Little Sheep would like to remind you: Do not use it on a large area

Whether it is my previous angular stomatitis or a single acne, it is just a small area. It is only suitable for local use, otherwise the ingredients in it will have an impact on the skin and body. So if you have large areas of acne, go see a doctor directly!

  • It will hurt.

If your acne has broken out, then every time. Please be mentally prepared before using it for the first time, just like applying it to a wound, it will hurt for at least a few minutes.

  1. Use it multiple times a day.

Don't expect your acne to "miracle" disappear just by using it once a day... you can take it with you. Wear a cotton swab with iodophor and continue to use it 1 or 2 hours after each application. This can quickly eliminate acne.

  1. will cause color.

Because iodophor itself is colored, the skin will naturally be stained if used frequently (but It will wash off after a while). If you really mind, you can try the one below, which I have been using and it doesn’t stain at all.

It is normal to have various scratches and wounds in daily life. . And do you have various hemostatic, waterproof, large and small band-aids at home? Then...listen to me, you can throw away all of them. You only need a bottle of liquid band-aids.

In fact, this bottle is enough! I have had it at home for many years, but to be honest I have never used it, because for liquids? band-aid? I really don’t believe it, especially when the wound is deep and large, and there is all kinds of bleeding, are you sure it can still work...

Until☝️a few days ago, when I was unpacking the express delivery, I was so excited that I thrust the scissors into my palm

, after subconsciously taking it out quickly, 🩸directly "squirted" in various ways...

was too panicked and quickly found a waterproof band-aid to tie it up. Although the bleeding stopped after a while, after taking a bath and other such "torture", it It became like this 👇

(The picture will cause discomfort, I don’t want to scroll more to see it!)

There was no other way, so I tried a liquid band-aid, and the result... I was very sincere about Q! ! ! There is a slight pain when it is first applied, and it forms a film within about a minute. The film of has a certain thickness, so it has a protective effect on the wound against collision.

And it is the most sealed and waterproof I have ever used in my life! No matter what you take or do, will not penetrate or contaminate the wound at all.

The most important thing is that you have noticed that due to the hasty treatment of the wound, I did not perform disinfection at all🦠. But I didn’t expect that the ingredients in this product, , made me feel pain-free in about 3 days.... So, why didn’t I like to use it before? ? ?

The disadvantage... is that this thing smells like glue when I first use it. What's going on...

In the past two days, I had a sudden idea to decorate a house at home. I started searching for various styles and experience on the Internet, and I accidentally saw it. One content 👉 "What is low-cost luxury at home?" Some people said it was flowers, some said it was books, etc.

But my answer has always been aromatherapy.

Why? Because aromatherapy is not just about looking good, but also creating a sense of atmosphere when used. More importantly, its fragrance will fill every corner of your home with a sense of high ·! Especially when friends come to your home, they will feel that you are a person with good taste as soon as you smell it. This is why I always insist on restocking various aromatherapy products at home.

But I know that many people must think that this thing is not cheap, and it can easily cost several thousand. Frankly speaking, I will buy anything at this price, but in the past few years, I have mostly bought some top-notch products with beautiful packaging and good taste but at a fair price!

Hmmm... Let me recommend you three that I have repurchased the most:

  • Boy Smells

Old fans should know my love for it, right? Recommended on various platforms more than once! Let’s talk about its appearance first. has a variety of black and pink contrasting colors, reflective and frosted series. can be chosen according to your own preferences and is very decorative at home.

The second thing is the smell. Although it is an American brand, I actually smelled the classic British aroma in it, which reminded me of all kinds of warm and romantic familiar memories of Christmas! It’s a flavor I’ve been looking for for a long time, and I almost burst into tears! ! !

The Broken Rosary that I bought recently is the same. It mainly has floral and woody fragrance. The cedar , rose and fresh moss and irises in it make the fragrance exude a sweet feeling. The smell is the same as that of British department stores and restaurants! mold! one! Sample! is the one you want in your memory but can never find in China...

What's even more exaggerated is that the average price is only 2 or 300 (except for limited editions), can you believe it? Can you believe it? ? ?

  • Lumira

Limira is an Australian fragrance brand that I fell in love with some time ago. What is very interesting about it is that it has created a destination series of fragrances. is ☝️ showing the iconic fragrances of each region in the world. such as Cuban tobacco, Provence cypress, etc., whether it is personal preference or yearning and memories of this country, it can be satisfied! ! !

In line with the principle of safe and complete brand, I bought a Persian rose . When I received it, I was stunned by the smell... To be exaggerated, I have never smelled such a fresh and natural rose treatment in aromatherapy or perfume. .

The smell is like the purity directly distilled from roses, which seems to be mixed with dew on morning flowers. is quiet and lofty. has no sense of ostentation at all because of the base notes of black tiger skin, musk, , etc. Steady and elegant. , so I put it directly next to my bathtub, and it was a joy to take a bath.

  1. Carriere Freres

This is a brand that I replenish regularly all year round. I have posted it on Weibo many times before. Why do I like it so much? First of all, it is a long-established French aromatherapy brand. Anyone who loves to use aromatherapy will know its status.

Secondly, its main focus is pure food, so even if it is a blind selection, the taste is not vulgar, and is all appropriately fresh and natural. Even the "Rose Loves Pepper" that I bought recently, I originally expected it to have the pungent smell of pepper, but it turned out to be a restrained cold fragrance, which aggravated the aroma of the candle, but restrained the "gorgeous" feeling of the rose. I love it. Got it! ! !

Especially after being placed in the living room for a few days, it slowly seeps into every corner of the living room like several pots of beautiful flower plants. So I really don’t know which brand or scent to buy. I choose this brand and I won’t be fooled by whatever I choose.

Anyone who knows me knows that Little Sheep is a typical oily head. In addition, hair loss has been serious in the past few years, so I began to research various methods to prevent hair loss. As a result, I accidentally found a good oil remover in 🍠! !

At first, it seems that many people know that it is a Chinese brand with high cost performance, but few people have heard of its oil control gel. Although it is said to be condensation, actually becomes watery when squeezed out, which is very refreshing. Before each shampoo, use dry hands and squeeze dry hair onto the scalp, press for a few minutes, and then proceed with normal shampooing steps.

To be honest, I didn’t feel any obvious symptoms when I first started washing and drying my hair. I thought it was an IQ tax, but it turned out to be the next night, at night! My hair was still as fresh as if I had just washed it ... I thought I had miscalculated the time...

Since I wasn't going to go out for the next day, I deliberately didn't wash my hair when I took a shower that night, but on the third night My hair is still not oily at all! The oil control of is simply amazing! It can completely solve the problem of girls being afraid of oily and flat hair when going out in summer!

I saw some people on the Internet even saying that you should not wash your hair for 4 or 5 days after using it. This... is not necessary...

Come on! How many people are troubled by losing 💤? ! However, a friendly reminder from Little Sheep, this part is only for severe patients. If it is only mild, please skip it directly...

How did I discover this thing... because my dad is heavier than usual~~~ 💤The patient tried various scientific methods and folk remedies but nothing worked...

Until a few years ago, his doctor friend prescribed him a medicine called " alprazolam tablets "💊. I ate one before going to bed, that night! Immediately! The sleeping problem was solved, and according to my dad, I slept really well! So since that time, he got rid of the failure problem.

But why did I say earlier that it is only for severe patients... Because this is medicine first, and medicine naturally has its side effects. If it is not absolutely necessary, some products such as melatonin may be able to help you. The second most severe loss of is in many cases accompanied by emotional, mental stress and other problems. The essence of is also more useful in this aspect.

Third...this is a prescription! ! ! So if you are a severe patient, you can ask your doctor if this 💊 is suitable for you to take, and the dosage should follow the doctor's advice.

🔗: No link, follow doctor’s advice! !

This time, I combined my experience and useful single product recommendations, so I accidentally wrote a bit too much haha. In order to facilitate your purchase, I directly put the links. This time it is convenient enough! ! !

After reading this, let’s talk to me.

Do you have any great experiences in your life?

The comment area is waiting for you

See you soon ~

Some of the pictures in this article are from the Internet, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

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