"In the middle of July and the middle of the twelfth lunar month, the elderly are living with trepidation." Today, July 16, the dog days that the elderly fear most are officially here. The able-bodied young people still find the summer unbearable, not to mention the "air conditio

2024/07/0304:11:32 news 1642

" In the middle of July and the middle of the twelfth lunar month, the elderly are living with fear ", Today is July 16th, the dog days of summer are officially here, The dog days that the elderly are most afraid of are officially here. , and the able-bodied young people still find the summer unbearable. , not to mention the elderly who "are afraid of the cold if they blow the air conditioner, and are afraid of the heat if they don't use the air conditioner" .

When the external environment cannot be controlled, can only focus on " internal adjustment of " to help everyone successfully survive the dog days of . I have a headache today. As the old saying goes, "If you eat three melons with your head down, the doctor will praise you." What does three melons mean? What does it do? What should I eat? Below , I will give you a detailed explanation.

The first melon: Bitter Melon

You only know that Bitter Melon can eliminate fire, but you don’t know that it eliminates heat evil , relieves exhaustion , and clears heart fire . This is simply specialization It is a good medicine for the unbearable humidity and heat in the hot summer days. As long as the body is not weak and cold, it can be used to relieve the heat in the dog days of summer.

Recommended practice: [Bitter Melon Stuffed with Meat]

. Prepare a piece of pork belly, chop it into minced meat, add chopped green onion and minced ginger, add 1g of salt, 0.5g of pepper, 2 drops of dark soy sauce, 3g of cooking wine, stir with your hands Add flavor to the minced meat, beat in an egg white and stir vigorously in one direction, add a little cornstarch and mix well, so that the minced meat will taste tender and chewy.

. Clean two bitter melons, cut off both ends, scoop out the pulp inside, cut them into 2 cm thick circles, place them on a plate, then put the minced meat filling inside the bitter melons and set aside.

. Heat oil in a pot. After the pan is fully slid, pour out the hot oil and add cold oil. Put Stuffed Bitter Melon into the pot. Shake the pot constantly to heat the bottom of the Stuffed Bitter Melon evenly. Fry one side until fragrant and then turn it over to fry. On the other side, fry both sides until fragrant and set, then pour it out to control the oil.

. Heat oil in the pot, pour in minced ginger and garlic and stir-fry until fragrant. Add a spoonful of water, 10 grams of light soy sauce, 2 grams of chicken powder, and 1 gram of salt. Stir well and bring to a boil. Then pour in the stuffed bitter melon. Carefully flatten, and after the soup boils, simmer over low heat for 1 minute. Add a few drops of water starch to thicken the soup.

. When it comes out of the pot, pour in red peppercorns, take out the stuffed bitter melon with chopsticks, place it on a plate, pour a little soup on top, and it's delicious.

The second melon: Winter melon

Winter melon Known as "Nutritional Reservoir in Summer". In summer, you sweat a lot, lose water quickly, and lose potassium quickly. Winter melon, which replenishes water and potassium, can not only relieve dry mouth and tongue, but also It can whet the appetite, strengthen the spleen and relieve fatigue . What else would you want to eat in the summer without eating such high-quality melons?

Recommended practice: [Winter Melon Balls with Tomato Sauce]

. First, we prepare half a small winter melon, peel the skin clean, remove the flesh and then rub it into thin strips with a scraper. After processing, add a spoonful of salt and mix well and marinate. For 10 minutes, remove the moisture from the winter melon.

. Peel the tomatoes and cut them into diced tomatoes; make a piece of old tofu and crush it into pieces with the back of a knife; put the pickled winter melon into cotton cloth and squeeze out the juice inside. Do not throw away the squeezed out winter melon water, it will be returned later. it works.

. Then put shredded winter melon and tofu together and mix evenly. The tofu mainly plays a fluffy role and makes the fried balls softer. Add a small handful of shrimp skin, add 2 grams of pepper, and add an egg to add more To make it smooth and tender, stir evenly in one direction; add half a spoonful of flour and half a spoonful of starch, and mix into a soft dough. You don’t need too much starch and flour. They are mainly used to increase the stickiness, and then knead the dough into a soft dough. Place a round ball on a plate ready for steaming.

. Boil water in a pot. After the fire reaches steam, put winter melon meatballs in and steam over medium heat for 10 minutes.

. While steaming the meatballs, we stir-fry a little tomato juice, heat the pot, add a little base oil, pour in diced tomatoes and stir-fry over medium heat, stir-fry the tomatoes until soft and minced, then pour in the winter melon juice to increase the fragrance. , add 5 grams of oyster sauce to increase the freshness, bring to a boil over high heat and simmer for another 2 minutes, then pour in a little water starch, turn off the heat when the tomato juice becomes thick and bubbly.

. At this time, the meatballs are also steamed. We take them out, pour tomato juice evenly, sprinkle with chopped green onion, and it is delicious.

The third melon: Luffa

Luffa is a treasure and can be used as medicine for the whole body. As the food with the best nutritional value among many melons, Luffa’s internal structure is surprisingly similar to the veins of the human body. , crisscrossed and interlocking. , is a good hand to dredge the meridians and to regulate Qi and blood . If the meridians are unblocked, the whole body will be light, and if the Qi and blood are sufficient, the spirit will be good. This is not what the elderly want.

Recommended practice: [Crab Roe Luffa Soup]

. Peel off the skin of the loofah and wash it, remove the pulp inside, then cut it into thin strips and soak it in water; Peel the yam and cut it into thin strips. Soak in clean water to prevent oxidation and blackening; cut the fungus that has been soaked in advance into small pieces; soak a small handful of wolfberry in clean water; prepare two eggs, stir and beat into egg liquid and set aside.

. Boil water in a pot. After boiling over high heat, pour in a little white vinegar. White vinegar can prevent the ingredients from oxidizing and turning black. Then drain the loofah into the pot, blanch it quickly for 30 seconds, pour it out, and rinse with water to cool down.

. Then pour the yam into the pot, blanch it for 30 seconds, take it out, and rinse it with clean water. Rinse with clean water to maintain the color and taste.

. Heat oil in a pot. When the oil is 50% hot, pour in the egg liquid. Quickly stir-fry the egg liquid until it is set. Dish it out and set aside.

. Boil water in the pot again, add 2 grams of salt, 1 gram of chicken powder, and 1 gram of pepper to taste. Bring the water to a boil over high heat, pour in the scrambled eggs, boil the soup again, and then add all the ingredients. Pour in a little sesame oil, mix well and take it out of the pan. Finally, sprinkle with soaked wolfberry and it's delicious.

If you want to spend the dog days of summer easily, choosing the right food is crucial! These three kinds of melons, "2 green and 1 white", may seem ordinary, but they each have their own magical powers. Bitter melon relieves heat. , Winter melon quenches thirst. , Loofah regulates meridians and regulates qi and blood. , All medicinal foods have the same origin. Don’t forget to make the "Fu 3 Fresh" for your family to eat, "to drive away summer evils, ward off summer evils", and enjoy a healthy summer ! In addition, daily diet should avoid hot and spicy foods, so as not to damage the spleen and stomach and cause unnecessary inflammation.

No. 1 food editor: Xiaoya

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