Expert Fu Yanling: Professor at Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Keywords Skin that sweats too little is called the human body’s second kidney. It reduces the burden on the kidneys through perspiration, regulates body fluid volume, and discharges harmful substan

2024/07/0304:09:32 news 2000

Expert Fu Yanling: Beijing University of Chinese Medicine Professor

Keywords Sweating too little

The skin is called the second kidney of the human body. It reduces the burden on the kidneys through perspiration, regulates body fluid volume, and discharges harmful substances in the blood. Perspiration is so important, but many people choose to close this important human body detoxification channel. How much sweat should you sweat every day in summer to detoxify? What are the misunderstandings about sweating to detoxify? Please watch "Observing Sweat to Understand Health 1" presented by Professor Fu Yanling of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine.

Expert Fu Yanling: Professor at Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Keywords Skin that sweats too little is called the human body’s second kidney. It reduces the burden on the kidneys through perspiration, regulates body fluid volume, and discharges harmful substan - DayDayNews

Can sweating really detoxify? The answer is yes. The kidneys detoxify through urine, and the skin also detoxifies through sweat. Some scientists compared urine and sweat and found that the main components of the two are similar. Even some metabolic waste that is not easy to appear in urine is more likely to appear in sweat. There are eight major methods of treating diseases in traditional Chinese medicine, among which sweating ranks first . Various diseases can be treated by sweating. In clinical practice, it is often seen that patients who do not like to sweat are more likely to develop skin diseases and other diseases.

Expert Fu Yanling: Professor at Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Keywords Skin that sweats too little is called the human body’s second kidney. It reduces the burden on the kidneys through perspiration, regulates body fluid volume, and discharges harmful substan - DayDayNews

Different people have different skin sweating areas and sweating speeds, which are affected by many factors such as amount of activity, activity time, activity intensity, outdoor temperature, and humidity. However, some people do not like to sweat even after strenuous exercise in high temperature environments. In this case, some methods must be used to awaken the body's sweating mechanism. Experts who were guests in this program told us that the lack of sweating in is usually related to three factors in . So which of these three factors are it?

Expert Fu Yanling: Professor at Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Keywords Skin that sweats too little is called the human body’s second kidney. It reduces the burden on the kidneys through perspiration, regulates body fluid volume, and discharges harmful substan - DayDayNews

For specific content, please watch " Health Hall " broadcast at 17:25 today.

Expert consultation time

Fu Yanling

Beijing University of Chinese Medicine Traditional Chinese Medicine Hall Monday afternoon address: North Third Ring East Road and Heping East Bridge Tel: 64286902; Beijing Xingyuan Jinfangguo Hospital Tuesday morning, Wednesday morning, Thursday morning Address: Houshayu, Shunyi District Tel: 69458489/13021280792; Thursday afternoon, Guangji Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Address: No. 12, District 1, Anhua Xili, Chaoyang District Tel: 64251651 ext. 8006

Note: Outpatient time, location, and type of outpatient service (general, specialist or special needs outpatient clinic due to emergencies) ), please refer to the hospital’s announcement on the day for changes in registration fees.

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