Summer is coming, and many students will go out to play in the wild. This season is also the season when various fruits are ripe. There are many types of wild fruits, but some wild fruits are toxic, and their appearance, taste, and ripening time are very similar to non-toxic wild

2024/07/0117:23:32 news 1489

Summer is coming, and many students will go out to play in the wild. This season is also the season when various fruits are ripe. There are many kinds of wild fruits, but some wild fruits are toxic, and their appearance, taste and maturity time are very similar to non-toxic wild fruits. If they are not carefully identified, it is easy to accidentally pick them up and eat them by mistake, which can lead to food poisoning . In severe cases, it may be life-threatening. Here, Shi Anjun will introduce common poisonous wild fruits to everyone -

一, Massan fruit

Summer is coming, and many students will go out to play in the wild. This season is also the season when various fruits are ripe. There are many types of wild fruits, but some wild fruits are toxic, and their appearance, taste, and ripening time are very similar to non-toxic wild - DayDayNews

Massan fruit is about the size of a pea, round fleshy , green when immature, and bright red when mature. It gradually changes to purple-black color and tastes sweet and slightly astringent. Massan fruit contains massanine, and the whole plant is toxic. The young leaves and immature fruits are more toxic. Ingestion may cause spasm and vomiting in mild cases, and may lead to respiratory failure and death in severe cases.

2. Nightshade

Summer is coming, and many students will go out to play in the wild. This season is also the season when various fruits are ripe. There are many types of wild fruits, but some wild fruits are toxic, and their appearance, taste, and ripening time are very similar to non-toxic wild - DayDayNews

Nightshade has small white flowers in summer. The fruit is green when it is immature. The immature fruit is toxic.

3. Nandina

Summer is coming, and many students will go out to play in the wild. This season is also the season when various fruits are ripe. There are many types of wild fruits, but some wild fruits are toxic, and their appearance, taste, and ripening time are very similar to non-toxic wild - DayDayNews

Nandina fruit is red, and it is easy to be attracted by its bright color. However, the entire Nandina plant is poisonous, especially the small red fruits, which are more toxic. Once eaten by mistake, it can cause muscle spasms , respiratory paralysis, and severe coma.

4. Leprosy fruit

Summer is coming, and many students will go out to play in the wild. This season is also the season when various fruits are ripe. There are many types of wild fruits, but some wild fruits are toxic, and their appearance, taste, and ripening time are very similar to non-toxic wild - DayDayNews

The fruit of leprosy fruit looks like green jujube when immature. When mature, it is yellow and toxic. Eating it by mistake can cause dizziness, vomiting, hallucinations, and even death in severe cases.

5. Datura

Summer is coming, and many students will go out to play in the wild. This season is also the season when various fruits are ripe. There are many types of wild fruits, but some wild fruits are toxic, and their appearance, taste, and ripening time are very similar to non-toxic wild - DayDayNews

The fruit of Datura is the size of an egg and has thorns on the outside. If eaten accidentally, symptoms such as vomiting, syncope, drop in blood pressure, and lethargy may occur. In severe cases, death may occur.

6. Phytolacca

Summer is coming, and many students will go out to play in the wild. This season is also the season when various fruits are ripe. There are many types of wild fruits, but some wild fruits are toxic, and their appearance, taste, and ripening time are very similar to non-toxic wild - DayDayNews

The ripe fruit of Phytolacca is in the shape of a purple-red cone-shaped spike. It is very toxic. If eaten by mistake, it can cause dizziness, diarrhea and other symptoms in mild cases, and can lead to coma and incontinence in severe cases. .

7. Tung seed

Summer is coming, and many students will go out to play in the wild. This season is also the season when various fruits are ripe. There are many types of wild fruits, but some wild fruits are toxic, and their appearance, taste, and ripening time are very similar to non-toxic wild - DayDayNews

Tung seed is the seed of the Tung tree. Its fruit is spherical or oblate, with wrinkled skin. The eleostearic acid contained in tung seeds has a strong stimulating effect on the human gastrointestinal tract. Ingestion can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, chest tightness , weakness and other symptoms. In severe cases, it can damage the liver, kidneys, spleen and nerves. .

Food Safety reminds you again:

When traveling in the wild

Never pick and eat wild fruits at will

to avoid poisoning

Once eaten, nausea and vomiting may occur

Abdominal pain, bloating, confusion and other poisoning symptoms

Immediately induce vomiting and seek medical attention as soon as possible

Don’t be heartbroken Just be lucky that

delayed the rescue time!

Source | Yunnan Market Supervision

Editor and Review | Xu Jing

Editor | Zhu Rui

[Source: Weidaguan]

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