Kazakhstan, the full name of the Republic of Kazakhstan, is located in northern Central Asia, covering an area of ​​2.725 million square kilometers, and is administratively divided into 17 states and 3 municipalities.

2024/07/0117:16:33 news 1259

Kazakhstan, the full name of the Republic of Kazakhstan, is located in northern Central Asia, covering an area of ​​2.725 million square kilometers, and is administratively divided into 17 states and 3 municipalities. - DayDayNews

  Kazakhstan , the full name of the Republic of Kazakhstan (The Republic of Kazakhstan), is located in northern Central Asia, covering an area of ​​2.725 million square kilometers, and is administratively divided into 17 states and 3 municipalities. In 2022, Kazakhstan had a population of 19.125 million. The main ethnic group, Kazakhs, accounted for 68% and believed in Islam; Russians accounted for 20% and believed in Orthodox Christianity. Kazakhs are a mixture of Mongolian and European races. Most of them are relatively strong, with high cheekbones, dark eyes, black hair, and yellow skin. The Kazakhs, one of the 56 ethnic groups in my country, have the same origin as the main ethnic group in Kazakhstan; the Kazakh population in our country is about 1.56 million, and there are 1 Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture (Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture) and 3 Kazakh Autonomous Counties (木There are Kazakh Autonomous County, Barkol Kazakh Autonomous County , Aksai Kazakh Autonomous County ) and 13 Kazakh ethnic townships.

Kazakhstan, the full name of the Republic of Kazakhstan, is located in northern Central Asia, covering an area of ​​2.725 million square kilometers, and is administratively divided into 17 states and 3 municipalities. - DayDayNews

(1) An ancient and young Central Asian country

Kazakhstan, the full name of the Republic of Kazakhstan, is located in northern Central Asia, covering an area of ​​2.725 million square kilometers, and is administratively divided into 17 states and 3 municipalities. - DayDayNews

Speaking of being young, Kazakhstan became independent from the former Soviet Union in 1991, just over 30 years ago. Speaking of ancient times, the history of Kazakhstan can be traced back to nomadic countries such as Wusun, Kangju, and Dawan in the 3rd to 1st centuries BC. Zhang Qian visited here when he was on an envoy to the Western Regions. Historically, Kazakhstan did not have a fixed territory. They used the historical materials recording the Golden Horde in Chinese history books as evidence, and regarded the Golden Horde established in the 13th to 14th centuries as the origin of their country's history. The Kazakhs were formed during the Kazakh Khanate period in the early 16th century. This was also the earliest khanate established under the name "Kazakh" in the history of Kazakhstan. In the mid-18th century, after the Qing Dynasty defeated the Junggar Khanate , the Kazakh Khanate became a vassal of the Qing Dynasty and was later occupied by Tsarist Russia.

(2) One of the countries with "Stan" in the name

Kazakhstan, the full name of the Republic of Kazakhstan, is located in northern Central Asia, covering an area of ​​2.725 million square kilometers, and is administratively divided into 17 states and 3 municipalities. - DayDayNews

Kazakhstan is one of the 8 countries in the world with "Stan" in the name. "Stan" is derived from the Persian place name suffix -stān, which means "home" or "standing place" and has the same origin as state (country). "Kazakh" means "wandering" and "refuge", and also means "free people". As descendants of nomadic people, Kazakhs retain the unique spirit and value orientation of steppe culture.

(3) The largest landlocked country with a navy

Kazakhstan, the full name of the Republic of Kazakhstan, is located in northern Central Asia, covering an area of ​​2.725 million square kilometers, and is administratively divided into 17 states and 3 municipalities. - DayDayNews

Kazakhstan covers an area of ​​2.725 million square kilometers (about the same size as Xinjiang + Tibet in my country). It is the ninth largest country in the world and the largest landlocked country in the world, accounting for the total area of ​​the five Central Asian countries. 68% of the area. Kazakhstan is located in the hinterland of Eurasia , but it has a navy. The Kazakhstan Navy was originally established in 1996 to protect oil resources in the Caspian Sea. Due to improper operations by the sailors, the navy was almost wiped out in a storm. The Kazakhstan Navy was rebuilt in 2005. Its services include the Marine Corps, Naval Aviation, Caspian Fleet, and Coastal Artillery. Although it is small and well-equipped, Kazakhstan can be considered a well-established navy.

(4) Kazakhstan is a transcontinental country

Kazakhstan, the full name of the Republic of Kazakhstan, is located in northern Central Asia, covering an area of ​​2.725 million square kilometers, and is administratively divided into 17 states and 3 municipalities. - DayDayNews

Kazakhstan spans the two continents of Asia and Europe. Only 5.4% of its land is located in Europe. It is traditionally an Asian country. While the 5.4% figure seems small, 147,000 square kilometers is a lot of land, larger than neighboring Kyrgyzstan and about the same size as Nepal. Kazakhstan believed that it was not popular in the Asian football circle and had no development prospects in the Asian football circle. In 2002, Kazakhstan officially joined UEFA . In addition to football, Kazakhstan participates in other sports in Asia.

(5) Kazakhstan is vast and sparsely populated

Kazakhstan, the full name of the Republic of Kazakhstan, is located in northern Central Asia, covering an area of ​​2.725 million square kilometers, and is administratively divided into 17 states and 3 municipalities. - DayDayNews

Kazakhstan’s area is 1.67 times that of my country’s Xinjiang Autonomous Region, and its population is 64% of that of the Xinjiang Autonomous Region. Kazakhstan has a vast territory and a small population, with only 7 people per square kilometer. Its population density ranks 12th from the bottom among 197 countries in the world, and is even lower than the population density of Xinjiang, my country.

(6) Lake Balkhash is the fourth longest lake in the world

Kazakhstan, the full name of the Republic of Kazakhstan, is located in northern Central Asia, covering an area of ​​2.725 million square kilometers, and is administratively divided into 17 states and 3 municipalities. - DayDayNews

Lake Balkhash is located in Kazakhstan, covering an area of ​​18,200 square kilometers. It is the 13th largest lake in the world, larger than Qinghai Lake , Dongting Lake, Poyang Lake , Taihu Lake is even bigger when put together. Lake Balkhash is a long and narrow lake with a longest length of 605 kilometers, making it the fourth longest lake in the world. Because the lake is not deep, Lake Balkhash has a small water storage capacity of 112 cubic kilometers, ranking 33rd. Lake Balkhash is also the most unique lake in the world, half salt water and half fresh water.

(7) Countries that implement the population calling system

Kazakhstan, the full name of the Republic of Kazakhstan, is located in northern Central Asia, covering an area of ​​2.725 million square kilometers, and is administratively divided into 17 states and 3 municipalities. - DayDayNews

When Kazakhstan first became independent, the proportion of Russians was 37.8% and the proportion of Kazakhs was 42.7%. In order to increase the proportion of the majority ethnic group, similar to Israel's "Aliyah Movement", Kazakhstan implemented a population calling system to encourage Kazakhs from other countries to return to Kazakhstan. Currently, the proportion of the majority ethnic group in Kazakhstan has reached 68%, while the proportion of Russians has dropped to 20%.

(8) Nur-Sultan is the coldest capital in the world

Kazakhstan, the full name of the Republic of Kazakhstan, is located in northern Central Asia, covering an area of ​​2.725 million square kilometers, and is administratively divided into 17 states and 3 municipalities. - DayDayNews

The coldest capital in the world is not in Northern Europe or Canada, but in Kazakhstan. Although Nur-Sultan, the capital of Kazakhstan, is not the city with the highest latitude, it is the coldest capital in the world, with the current lowest recorded temperature reaching minus 51.6°C. After Kazakhstan became independent, the four northern states close to Russia had a high proportion of ethnic Russians in the population. In order to strengthen control over the northern region, Kazakhstan moved its capital from Almaty to Akmola in the north-central part and changed its name to Astana . In order to commemorate the first president Nursultan Nazarbayev, Astana was renamed Nursultan again in 1989.

(9) Xian Xinghai spent the last years of his life in Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan, the full name of the Republic of Kazakhstan, is located in northern Central Asia, covering an area of ​​2.725 million square kilometers, and is administratively divided into 17 states and 3 municipalities. - DayDayNews

In the 1940s, the people's musician Xian Xinghai stayed in Kazakhstan due to the war and spent the last years of his life in Almaty. In Alma-Ata, Xian Xinghai composed famous musical works such as "National Liberation", "Holy War" and "Man Jiang Hong", and revised and completed the masterpiece " Yellow River Cantata ". There is a street in Almaty called Xian Xinghai Street. There is a monument on the street, which reads in Chinese and Kazakhstan: This street is named Xian Xinghai after Xian Xinghai, an outstanding Chinese composer and ambassador of friendship and cultural exchange between China and Kazakhstan. Main street.

(10) World Uranium Library

Kazakhstan, the full name of the Republic of Kazakhstan, is located in northern Central Asia, covering an area of ​​2.725 million square kilometers, and is administratively divided into 17 states and 3 municipalities. - DayDayNews

Uranium is the only primary natural nuclear fuel . Since the nuclear energy industry has both peaceful and military applications, uranium has become a special commodity metal. Kazakhstan's uranium mine reserves are 842,000 tons, accounting for 14% of the world, ranking second in the world after Kazakhstan; Kazakhstan's uranium production accounts for 45% of the global total, and is known as the "uranium library." In addition to uranium, other natural resource reserves are also very abundant. More than 90 kinds of minerals have been proven. Among them, the reserves of tungsten and cobalt rank first in the world, the reserves of chrome ore and phosphate rock rank second, and the reserves of manganese and copper rank first. , zinc reserves rank fourth in the world, and iron and lead reserves rank sixth in the world. In addition, Kazakhstan's Caspian Sea region has total oil reserves of 17 billion tons and natural gas reserves of 458.8 trillion cubic meters. It is the region with the greatest potential for growth in oil reserves and production in the world, and is known as the "Second Middle East".

Kazakhstan, the full name of the Republic of Kazakhstan, is located in northern Central Asia, covering an area of ​​2.725 million square kilometers, and is administratively divided into 17 states and 3 municipalities. - DayDayNews

Kazakhstan is the most economically developed country among the five Central Asian countries. GDP accounts for about 60% of the five Central Asian countries. In the "2020 Human Development Report" released by United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Kazakhstan's human development index ranked 51st (Mainland China ranked 85th); in the "2019 Global Competition" released by World Economic Forum In the "2022 Global Happiness Report" released by the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SNDN), Kazakhstan's happiness index ranked 55 (Mainland China ranked 28). Ranked 40th (mainland China ranked 72nd).

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