In recent years, with the continuous improvement of people's understanding level, a series of concepts that pursue simplification such as "better troops and simpler administration", "streamlined institutions" and "remove the complex and simplify" have been deepened and popularize

2024/06/1107:12:33 news 1644

In recent years, with the continuous improvement of people's understanding level, a series of concepts that pursue simplification such as "better troops and simpler administration", "streamlined institutions" and "remove the complex and simplify" have been deepened and popularized in society. According to Occam's razor, this is a manifestation of great wisdom.

Today, science and technology are changing with each passing day, social division of labor is becoming more and more refined, and management organizations are becoming more and more complete, systematic and institutionalized. Along with this, there is also mechanization and bureaucracy that cannot be ignored. As a result, red tape and red tape continue to grow. However, competition at home and abroad is becoming increasingly fierce. Whether it is an enterprise or an individual, speed or slowness has determined their life and death. It is like racing in an arena. It is definitely impossible to win the race while wearing boots made of water machines. Therefore, we have no choice but to take off our cement shoes and run faster and more efficiently than others to stay one step ahead in order to survive. In other words, keep everything simple.

Many people will ask: "What can simplicity bring us?" After reading the following examples, we will naturally understand

Someone once asked Mark Twain: "Is it better to make a long speech, or short and concise? ?” He did not answer directly, but only told an incident that he experienced personally: “One Sunday, I went to church, and there happened to be a missionary telling a touching parable about the suffering life of African missionaries. After he spoke for 5 minutes, I immediately decided to donate 50 yuan to this meaningful matter; he continued to speak for 10 minutes, and at this time I decided to reduce the donation to 25 yuan; finally, after he spoke for an hour, When I picked up the bowl and asked the audience for donations, I was so bored that I didn't donate even a cent. "

In the above example, we found that Mark Twain used his own experience to explain to the seekers in short and concise language. The effect is twice the result with half the effort; long and empty language is not only unhelpful, but also hinders it.

In fact, this is not only true in language, but also in real life. This requires us to learn to speak and eliminate unnecessary content in life. This simplified process is like pruning a plant in winter. Cut off the lush branches and leaves so that the plant can grow better. Every gardener knows that without such pruning, the plants in the garden will not flourish the next year. Every psychologist understands that it is difficult for a person to fully understand himself if his life is rushed, messy, and burdened by unproductive work.

In order to discover your true nature, you need to simplify your life so that you have time to consider what is most important to you. Otherwise, you will be destroying part of your talent, and most likely the most important part.

So, how do we achieve this simplification? It's very simple, just re-examine everything you do and everything you own, and then use Occam's razor to discard unnecessary content in your life.

Japan’s largest cosmetics company received a customer complaint: the soap box they bought was empty. In order to prevent something like this from happening again on the production line, engineers tried their best to invent an X-ray monitor to see through every soap box shipped. The same problem also occurred in another small company. Their solution was to buy a powerful industrial fan to blow each soap box. The empty boxes without soap were blown away.

faced the same problem, but the two companies adopted completely different methods. Whether from the perspective of economic cost or resource consumption, I believe the advantages of the second solution are self-evident. This example gives us a profound The truth is: if there are multiple similar solutions, the simplest choice is the smartest choice.

So in real life, when we encounter problems, we must bravely pick up " Occam's razor ", simplify complex things, and choose the smartest solution

In recent years, with the continuous improvement of people's understanding level, a series of concepts that pursue simplification such as

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