Never use plastic bags in supermarkets like this! You can't imagine the harm... Generally, there are several rolls of bags placed in the fresh food section of large supermarkets or small stores. You need to use them to buy fruits, vegetables, chicken, fish, eggs, and meat. What i

2024/06/1000:22:33 news 1875

Don’t use plastic bags in supermarkets like this! You can't imagine the harm...

Never use plastic bags in supermarkets like this! You can't imagine the harm... Generally, there are several rolls of bags placed in the fresh food section of large supermarkets or small stores. You need to use them to buy fruits, vegetables, chicken, fish, eggs, and meat. What i - DayDayNews

Generally, there are several rolls of roll bags placed in the fresh food section of large supermarkets or small stores. You need to use them to buy fruits, vegetables, chicken, fish, eggs, and meat.

Never use plastic bags in supermarkets like this! You can't imagine the harm... Generally, there are several rolls of bags placed in the fresh food section of large supermarkets or small stores. You need to use them to buy fruits, vegetables, chicken, fish, eggs, and meat. What i - DayDayNews

What is the difference between roll bags in supermarkets and other common food plastic bags?

Can the purchased food be stored in the refrigerator together with plastic bags or heated in a microwave?

Which plastic bags cannot be reused?

You will know everything after reading this article!

Never use plastic bags in supermarkets like this! You can't imagine the harm... Generally, there are several rolls of bags placed in the fresh food section of large supermarkets or small stores. You need to use them to buy fruits, vegetables, chicken, fish, eggs, and meat. What i - DayDayNews

What materials are the roll bags in supermarkets made of?

To understand the material of plastic roll bags in supermarkets, we must first understand the categories of plastics.

Common plastic products can be divided into polyethylene terephthalate (PET/01), high-density polyethylene (HDPE/02), polyvinyl chloride (PVC/03), low-density polyethylene (LDPE/04), polypropylene (PP/05), polystyrene (PS/06), and other plastics (PC/07) will all have triangular recyclable signs.

The interior of the triangle is marked with serial numbers 01 to 07. Among them, No. 1 PET, No. 2 HDPE, No. 4 LDPE, No. 5 PP, and No. 6 PS can be used to dress or come into contact with food.

Food plastic bags are generally made of No. 2 HDPE material, while food plastic wrap is generally made of No. 4 LDPE material. These two materials are the most common plastics in the food section of supermarkets.

Never use plastic bags in supermarkets like this! You can't imagine the harm... Generally, there are several rolls of bags placed in the fresh food section of large supermarkets or small stores. You need to use them to buy fruits, vegetables, chicken, fish, eggs, and meat. What i - DayDayNews

Roll bags made of "pure PE plastic" take hundreds of years to degrade. In order to prevent white contamination of and control the use of roll bags, supermarkets usually tie a rope on the roll bags to prevent people from endlessly picking off multiple roll bags.

Never use plastic bags in supermarkets like this! You can't imagine the harm... Generally, there are several rolls of bags placed in the fresh food section of large supermarkets or small stores. You need to use them to buy fruits, vegetables, chicken, fish, eggs, and meat. What i - DayDayNews

Of course, some supermarkets will use degradable roll bags. Biodegradable roll bags can be divided into two categories: bio-based and petroleum-based. They refer to adding some special ingredients to the plastic to make it easier to degrade. Biodegradable plastic bags generally decompose within a year, and Olympic environmentally friendly plastic bags can even begin to decompose in less than three months after being discarded.

The use of these degradable plastic bags can be said to have made a significant contribution to the reduction of white pollution on the earth.

hopes that everyone can make some contribution to environmental protection. At least we can reduce the frequency of use of non-degradable plastic bags and reduce the quantity of their production.

Never use plastic bags in supermarkets like this! You can't imagine the harm... Generally, there are several rolls of bags placed in the fresh food section of large supermarkets or small stores. You need to use them to buy fruits, vegetables, chicken, fish, eggs, and meat. What i - DayDayNews

Biodegradable plastic bags have the following characteristics:

Comply with the national standard GB/T21661-2008, and are marked with the abbreviations of PLA, PHAs, PBA, PBS and other polymer materials. The most common one is the triangular recyclable mark that says "53" No. plastic bag. If it is a plastic bag for food, it will also be printed with the food safety license QS mark.

In addition, not just plastic bags or plastic wrap marked with PE/HDPE/LDPE can be used to wrap food. You must pay attention to the words "Food only", "Food Safety License" or "QS" Only then can food be held.

Never use plastic bags in supermarkets like this! You can't imagine the harm... Generally, there are several rolls of bags placed in the fresh food section of large supermarkets or small stores. You need to use them to buy fruits, vegetables, chicken, fish, eggs, and meat. What i - DayDayNews

Common plastic bags for garbage are also made of PE. Never use them to hold food! Generally speaking, plastic bags that cannot contain food often contain excessive plasticizers and contain harmful substances such as phthalates.

Never use plastic bags in supermarkets like this! You can't imagine the harm... Generally, there are several rolls of bags placed in the fresh food section of large supermarkets or small stores. You need to use them to buy fruits, vegetables, chicken, fish, eggs, and meat. What i - DayDayNews

Will food fats dissolve plastic bags?

Some people find that a lot of oil has leaked into the plastic bags of take-out fried skewers. They wonder if the fat from the food has dissolved the plastic bags?

In fact, this is not the case. Plastic bags are polymer materials, which are polymerized from ethylene molecules. There will be gaps between the polymers, and the "oil molecules" in the food can pass through, causing oil leakage. High-density polyethylene plastic bags have small molecular gaps and are not prone to oil leakage, while low-density polyethylene plastic bags have relatively large molecular gaps and are prone to oil leakage. This is why even if you wear gloves to eat crayfish, your hands will get greasy.

Is it harmful to the body to eat fried skewers packed in plastic bags? If the effect of temperature is not considered, the oil will only seep out of the plastic bag and cannot dissolve the plastic bag. There is no need to worry about eating the "liquid plastic bag".

Never use plastic bags in supermarkets like this! You can't imagine the harm... Generally, there are several rolls of bags placed in the fresh food section of large supermarkets or small stores. You need to use them to buy fruits, vegetables, chicken, fish, eggs, and meat. What i - DayDayNews

Can plastic bags be placed in the refrigerator with food?

Many people are accustomed to storing vegetables, fruits or meat bought from supermarkets directly in the refrigerator. It's okay to put it in the refrigerator, but if you put a piece of freshly bought meat filling into the freezer, the plastic bag or plastic film and the meat filling will stick together tightly, and the plastic bag will most likely be torn into pieces when thawing. Tiny plastic bag fragments will remain in the meat filling, which will cause the ingestion of microplastics when eaten, causing harm to the human body.

Therefore, when eating frozen food, be sure to wait until the food melts and is easily separated from the plastic bag before taking it out of the plastic bag.

Never use plastic bags in supermarkets like this! You can't imagine the harm... Generally, there are several rolls of bags placed in the fresh food section of large supermarkets or small stores. You need to use them to buy fruits, vegetables, chicken, fish, eggs, and meat. What i - DayDayNews

What about putting the plastic bag and food in the microwave to heat it?

Not only low temperature, but also the use of plastic bags in high temperature environment will also cause adverse effects.

Studies have shown that using plastic food bags to pack high-temperature soup foods can cause the phthalate esters (PAEs) plasticizers contained in food plastic bags, such as dibutyl phthalate, Diisobutyl phthalate and di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate are released into food, and as the packaging time increases, the content of phthalate esters will increase. The ingestion of phthalic acid may cause carcinogenesis, teratogenesis, mutagenesis, and damage to the reproductive system. risks .

It is recommended that everyone reduce use plastic bags to pack food with higher temperature.

Similarly, when heating food with a plastic bag, not only will the plasticizer phthalate in the plastic bag be released at an accelerated rate, but it will also dissolve into various oils and fats in the food, making you more comfortable. Effectively "absorbs" plasticizer! Therefore, everyone never bring plastic bags to heat food .

Never use plastic bags in supermarkets like this! You can't imagine the harm... Generally, there are several rolls of bags placed in the fresh food section of large supermarkets or small stores. You need to use them to buy fruits, vegetables, chicken, fish, eggs, and meat. What i - DayDayNews

Which plastic products cannot be reused?

Do not use food-specific plastic bagsto hold food repeatedly!

Although the use of food-grade plastic bags at room temperature will not be affected by plasticizers, repeated use of a plastic bag to contain different foods will lead to the growth of bacteria and mold,

Accelerates corruption and deterioration, thereby affecting physical health.

For disposable plastic lunch boxes, before planning to use them multiple times, be sure to check whether the logo on the bottom of the box is made of PP (05) . If it is made of PP material, it is no problem for long-term and repeated use. , even if it is heated in a microwave oven, there is no problem. Because PP is polypropylene, it can withstand high temperatures of 130°C and has a melting point as high as 167°C.

Never use plastic bags in supermarkets like this! You can't imagine the harm... Generally, there are several rolls of bags placed in the fresh food section of large supermarkets or small stores. You need to use them to buy fruits, vegetables, chicken, fish, eggs, and meat. What i - DayDayNews

At the same time, pay attention to the material of these lunch box lids. Most of the lids are made of PE. Do not heat the PE plastic lids in the microwave. In addition to PP lunch boxes, you will also encounter disposable lunch boxes made of PE and PS in life. Harmful substances will be released after heating. These two kinds of disposable lunch boxes are . Do not reuse .

Disposable plastic spoons, cups, and straws should not be used multiple times in life. Although the possibility of being affected by plasticizers is very small, the risk of ingesting microplastics is very high.

In short, everyone must remember one thing: do not put plastic products with "disposable" labels into contact with food repeatedly!

Reasonable use of plastic bags is responsible for your own healthy growth.

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