Sexual intercourse is a blessing for both men and women, and is intended to bring greater happiness to both parties. When we are in the same room, we will find that girls can't help but "scream".

2024/05/2615:33:33 news 1001

Having sex is a blessing for both men and women, and it is for both parties to get greater happiness.

When we are in the same room, we will find that girls can't help but "scream".

In fact, men prefer to hear women’s cries when having sex.

Then why do girls can’t help but make noises?

is easy! Speak out because you feel something.

Girls will get pleasure from the interaction, and this pleasure is the reason why they scream.

Sexual intercourse is a blessing for both men and women, and is intended to bring greater happiness to both parties. When we are in the same room, we will find that girls can't help but

The sound that a person makes is controlled by the left half of the brain, that is, by the language center .

However, in some situations or in a state of near mental loss, people are unable to accept the instructions of the cerebral cortex and will only make sounds unconsciously and reflexively.

For example, this is the case when strong excitement leads to pleasure. The whole body is tense and the consciousness will become blurred. The sound

makes unconsciously is a sound of joy, made to feel.

For example, some women cannot achieve pleasure no matter how hard boys try.

However, they will be extremely excited when they hear their own voice.

Therefore, this kind of woman will scream as loud as possible. The purpose of her screaming is just to make herself feel happy.

In addition, sound is also a way for girls to interact and communicate with you.

The volume of the voice conveys to the other party whether you are comfortable or not.

Sexual intercourse is a blessing for both men and women, and is intended to bring greater happiness to both parties. When we are in the same room, we will find that girls can't help but

Sexual intercourse is a blessing for both men and women, and is intended to bring greater happiness to both parties. When we are in the same room, we will find that girls can't help but

physical reasons?

Cause 1. The oxygen content in the blood decreases

When approaching or reaching pleasure, women and their bodies will automatically fall into a mild hypoxic state, which will lead to blurred vision, mild body spasms and other "pleasure" phenomena.

Because at this time, the oxygen content in the blood will decrease, and gradually the heartbeat will accelerate, the breathing will be rapid and disordered, and naturally there will be a muffled sound of pleasure.

Reason 2. "Exciting substances" will increase accordingly

This so-called "exciting substance" can blur people's consciousness and have an inhibitory effect on the brain, thereby diluting women's rationality and making screams that they can't even imagine. .

Moreover, some women often do not know that they have had a voice after having sex. Therefore, this is a spontaneous physiological phenomenon and has nothing to do with moral character.

Sexual intercourse is a blessing for both men and women, and is intended to bring greater happiness to both parties. When we are in the same room, we will find that girls can't help but

Of course, these situations cannot be generalized.

In addition to being restricted by physiological factors, people are also controlled by rationality.

Most women do not make a sound during their sexual life, perhaps due to the influence of traditional concepts.

have a very strong sense of shame towards sex. Even if they feel pleasure and have the urge to shout, they will try their best to suppress their emotions.

In addition, some women’s cries during sexual life have little to do with physiological reasons.

They often have very exaggerated sounds and expressions, which are very false.

Research has found that they often have hysterical personalities and a strong desire for self-expression.

Sexual intercourse is a blessing for both men and women, and is intended to bring greater happiness to both parties. When we are in the same room, we will find that girls can't help but

Therefore, they will attract the other person's attention through exaggerated shouting and get more caresses. At the same time, they can vent their emotions and relax.

To be honest, what is more important in life than the sound of your partner's boat is the communication and feedback exchange between the two parties.

When people are deeply affectionate, they will naturally bark, so there is no need to force it.

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