"I deeply regret the mistakes I made and hate myself for being lost in my mind..." Zhang Yan, financial director of Daqiao Automobile Service Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of a state-owned enterprise in Huangshi City, Hubei Province, wrote in her confession. Not long ago, the company c

2024/05/2515:31:32 news 1958

"I regret endlessly the mistakes I made and hate myself for being lost in my mind..." Zhang Yan, financial director of Daqiao Automobile Service Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of a state-owned enterprise in Huangshi City, Hubei Province, wrote in her confession.

Not long ago, the company checked its financial accounts and found clues about Zhang Yan's misappropriation of public funds, and reported it to the superior unit in a timely manner. The clues to this issue were verified and handled by the Huangshi Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervisory Committee designated by the Xialu District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision. The District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision immediately set up an investigation team to conduct an investigation.

retrieved Zhang Yan’s bank account records, and the investigation team found that from April 2020 to May 2021, two bank cards under his name had inflows of funds ranging from several thousand to tens of thousands every month, totaling More than 1.84 million yuan, seriously exceeding his normal salary income.

"How did the money that should have belonged to the company's account end up in your bank card?" the investigation team member asked.

"As the company's financial director, I am responsible for managing the collection account for the company's online activities. This operation is for the convenience of work." Zhang Yan answered. The

investigation team then visited the company's main leaders and employees to collect more clues. During the visit, it was found that in 2017, in order to expand its online sales business, the company opened an online collection account on the online trading platform . Zhang Yan, as the company's financial director, is responsible for keeping accounts and passwords.

"At that time, the online business had just started and the transaction volume was small. The account had never been included in the company's financial management system, and later no one took care of it." Huang Moumou, the person in charge of the company, said.

As the investigation deepened, investigators discovered that as early as October 2019, Zhang Yan had deposited 15,000 yuan of public funds that had been mistakenly transferred to others into her bank card account on the grounds of a transfer error.

learned that the investigators had obtained a large number of clues and evidence, and Zhang Yan took the initiative to confess her embezzlement of public funds to the organization. According to Zhang Yan, her family was under great financial pressure at the time, and after embezzling the first public funds, she found that no one was paying attention, so she became unscrupulous. Later, it happened that the company launched online promotions to improve performance, and the deposits in the account increased. Faced with such a huge temptation, Zhang Yan misappropriated public funds 70 times in just one year. At the most, she misappropriated public funds 13 times a month. Until the case was investigated, she did not know how much money she had embezzled in total.

In the end, Zhang Yan was terminated from her labor contract by Daqiao Automobile Service Co., Ltd. She was sentenced to two years and six months in prison and suspended for three years for the crime of embezzlement of public funds. After the

case was settled, the Xialu District Discipline Inspection and Supervision Committee urged Daqiao Automobile Service Co., Ltd. to further standardize and improve financial management, introduce relevant management measures, promptly plug loopholes in the internal financial management system, and strictly prevent such problems from happening again.

Source: China Discipline Inspection and Supervision News

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