Let us use a scientific perspective to interpret what the Five Elements Theory left by our ancestors looks like. Everyone knows that water has three forms, so I don’t need to introduce this, right?

2024/05/2320:23:33 news 1757

Before talking about this matter, please do not bring in some past opinions. Let’s all understand it again as if we don’t know anything about it.

Let us use a scientific perspective to interpret what the Five Elements Theory left by our ancestors looks like. Everyone knows that water has three forms, so I don’t need to introduce this, right? - DayDayNews

Let us use a scientific perspective to interpret what the Five Elements Theory left by our ancestors looks like.

Let’s talk about gold first. The gold here does not represent metal. It represents everything with the quality of "gold". So what are the characteristics?

You may feel scalp numb after saying it . This gold represents melting, solidity, sharpness, and also attack. These are the meanings represented by the five-element attribute of "gold". This attribute alone contains the attributes of nearly all substances in the world. This also includes what we usually call "water". Do you think it's powerful?

Let us use a scientific perspective to interpret what the Five Elements Theory left by our ancestors looks like. Everyone knows that water has three forms, so I don’t need to introduce this, right? - DayDayNews

Someone said, how can water belong to the category of gold?

Don't worry, listen to my explanation. Everyone knows that water has three forms, so I don’t need to introduce this, right? What I am talking about is the solid form of water. Can you imagine that water in this form has all the characteristics represented by "gold"?

Let us use a scientific perspective to interpret what the Five Elements Theory left by our ancestors looks like. Everyone knows that water has three forms, so I don’t need to introduce this, right? - DayDayNews

Okay, let’s talk about “water” in the five elements. Why do we say water? That's why I want to give you a different understanding according to the order of the five elements of and .

Water occupies a considerable space in the "Tao Te Ching" and is highly praised by Laozi. It can even be said that it runs through the entire classic. We are all familiar with such well-known sentences as "Water benefits all things without fighting for it", "Water is the mother of all things", etc.

Let us use a scientific perspective to interpret what the Five Elements Theory left by our ancestors looks like. Everyone knows that water has three forms, so I don’t need to introduce this, right? - DayDayNews

The "water" here represents not just the water we drink, it represents everything that appears in liquid form, including magma . Because when we ignore its temperature, magma also appears in the form of liquid.

Let us use a scientific perspective to interpret what the Five Elements Theory left by our ancestors looks like. Everyone knows that water has three forms, so I don’t need to introduce this, right? - DayDayNews

And we usually say that water is the cradle of life. You won’t deny this, right? Doesn’t this correspond to Lao Tzu’s phrase “the mother of all things”? Of course, there are many other manifestations of water, but I will briefly mention them here.

Let us use a scientific perspective to interpret what the Five Elements Theory left by our ancestors looks like. Everyone knows that water has three forms, so I don’t need to introduce this, right? - DayDayNews

Then the third one is "wood". This wood represents more than just trees or plants. It represents all things related to growth, representing vitality, life and vitality.

Let us use a scientific perspective to interpret what the Five Elements Theory left by our ancestors looks like. Everyone knows that water has three forms, so I don’t need to introduce this, right? - DayDayNews

As for growth, I don’t need to describe it, right? Just like when people grow up. Okay, in order to reduce the length, I try to make it as simple and easy to understand as possible.

Let us use a scientific perspective to interpret what the Five Elements Theory left by our ancestors looks like. Everyone knows that water has three forms, so I don’t need to introduce this, right? - DayDayNews

The fourth one is "fire". It is easy to understand that it means all things that can burn, including but not limited to metal substances. Do you understand this?

Take magma for example! Do you understand that the solidified state of magma is "gold"? Strong, sharp and aggressive. When magma is heated to a certain temperature, it will melt and turn into "water". The solidification process of "water" is the growth process of "wood". After "wood" solidifies and grows, it will burn when heated to the peak of "water". This is "fire".

Let us use a scientific perspective to interpret what the Five Elements Theory left by our ancestors looks like. Everyone knows that water has three forms, so I don’t need to introduce this, right? - DayDayNews

As we all know, when water is heated to a certain level, it will also burn. (If you don’t understand, you can search it on Baidu) This is the transformation of the fire element.

Let us use a scientific perspective to interpret what the Five Elements Theory left by our ancestors looks like. Everyone knows that water has three forms, so I don’t need to introduce this, right? - DayDayNews

Then the last "earth" line is easier to understand. That is, all scattered and granular items are within the scope of "soil".

As for earth-born gold, please refer to the substances contained in "earth".

Let’s take a latte! Will iron ingots be formed when a large amount of iron elements gather together? Is this the five-element form of "gold"?

Let us use a scientific perspective to interpret what the Five Elements Theory left by our ancestors looks like. Everyone knows that water has three forms, so I don’t need to introduce this, right? - DayDayNews

Of course, this is just the editor’s self-summary over the years, and there are still many loopholes and shortcomings. However, as long as everyone follows this theory to demonstrate the Five Elements Theory. Then everyone will find that the Five Elements left by our ancestors are really too broad and profound. Each branch of the Five Elements has the potential to become a major "Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

And this is just the tip of the iceberg of the Big Five Elements Theory. Due to the editor’s energy issues, I won’t go into details about the Small Five Elements Theory of the human body here.

Let us use a scientific perspective to interpret what the Five Elements Theory left by our ancestors looks like. Everyone knows that water has three forms, so I don’t need to introduce this, right? - DayDayNews

Because if there is an old Chinese medicine doctor who sees what I call the Little Five Elements, he will definitely pick up a hoe and beat the editor.

Of course, the editor's five elements are nonsense and unreasonable in the eyes of Taoist experts. However, I did not write this article to spread my fallacies. The editor of

just wants to tell everyone that and five elements can be expressed by simple physical phenomena of nature. This is not superstition, this is science.

It’s just that the ancients’ cognition and understanding were different from our modern people. Just like the same word was a compliment in ancient times, which meant praise and praise. But in modern times it is a curse word. As for what words? Just use Baidu.

Well, that’s it for the brief analysis of the Five Elements. Everyone is welcome to spray. . . . . .

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