It can uproot trees, blow down buildings, or roll parts of ground objects into the air. Unemployment, like a powerful tornado, is destructive wherever it goes and is sweeping across the world.

2024/05/2104:08:33 news 1189

Do you know how destructive a tornado is? It can uproot trees, blow down buildings, or roll parts of ground objects into the air.

Being unemployed is like a powerful tornado, which is full of destructive power wherever it goes, and is sweeping across the world.

I don’t know if you have had the same experience recently: friends call each other, and after chatting, they always ask, "How is your company?" or "Is the work pretty good?"

heard the answer: Everything is fine. . The other end of the phone will reply: That's good.

Although no one has said it clearly, it seems that everyone is feeling the strong sense of unemployment crisis coming from around them.

The "World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends to 2022" released by the International Labor Organization in January this year predicts that the global number of unemployed people will reach 207 million in 2022, which is higher than the unemployment level of 186 million before the new crown epidemic in 2019.

In China, the latest data released by the National Bureau of Statistics shows that in April 2022, my country’s unemployment rate was 6.1%. The unemployment situation in 31 major Chinese cities represented by Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing, and Wuhan, It is even comparable to the national home quarantine period at the beginning of the epidemic.

What is even more worrying is another set of data: as of April, the unemployment rate for people aged 16-24 was 18.2%.

This means that among the college graduates in the class of 2020 and 2021 covered by 16-24 years old, the number of graduates in the class of 2020 is 8.74 million, and the number of graduates in the class of 2021 is 9.09 million, a total of 17.83 million people, based on the unemployment rate of 18.2%, The number of unemployed people exceeds 3.24 million.

It can uproot trees, blow down buildings, or roll parts of ground objects into the air. Unemployment, like a powerful tornado, is destructive wherever it goes and is sweeping across the world. - DayDayNews

This data does not include the 200 million flexible employment workers and the 10.76 million 2022 college graduates who will graduate in July.

And the employment rate is not optimistic either.

According to the "Job Market Sentiment Report" released by the China Employment Research Institute, the number of job seekers in the first quarter of this year increased by 34.64% compared with the end of last year, but recruitment demand only increased by 5%.

So, it’s not that young people don’t want to work, but that there really aren’t that many jobs.

In the face of unemployment and employment, some people choose to downgrade and choose a career, some choose to give it a try, and some people just lie down completely

And how will you choose?

Unemployment has begun

Alibaba layoffs 30%, Tencent layoffs 10-30%, iQiyi layoffs, Didi layoffs, Bilibili layoffs, Jingdong layoffs, in the first half of 2022, it seems It has been shrouded in the magical world of layoffs at major Internet companies.

Not only large Internet companies, but also large companies with tens of thousands of people in other industries, small companies with dozens of people, and even chain preschool education institutions all started layoffs in the first half of the year.

Some questions and answers about unemployment on Zhihu are full of cruel reality. One of the popular questions, "Are there really many bankruptcies and many people losing their jobs this year?" has more than 18 million views.

Someone said: "I have stopped paying for the house, and the monthly payment of 18,000 is really unsustainable. The bank keeps calling me, and I keep getting letters from lawyers. I didn't expect that it would be so difficult to find another job after losing my job. I don't mind my age. It was big, but there were no suitable positions. For the first time, I discovered that the platform can really bring a lot of things to people. Without the platform, I am nothing.

I gave up and started Didi, but I still didn’t expect that the competition in Didi is so fierce now. , I often have to wait for half a day to receive an order, and the platform subsidies are different from the past... It makes me cry if I talk too much. Currently, my credit report is bad, and I am divorced for fear of affecting my family. I will take it one step at a time..."

There are also people Said: "Yes, the people working around me have all come back because the factory is finished. I am not much better. The steamed buns I eat these days are eaten soaked in water and sprinkled with instant noodles seasoning packets. I was originally dead. Forget it, but a few days ago my phone got wet and couldn't read the card. The person who repaired the phone was an idiot. The camera flash couldn't be turned on... I bought a second-hand phone. At least I can scan codes when I buy things. I want to go home. You also have to pay for the quarantine at your own expense, which costs 180 a day, regardless of food.How can I go home? Life makes me want to sell my blood. The only thing I am glad about is that I am not married and have no children, so I don’t have to suffer together. The most sorry thing is my mother and father, who provided me with education and hoped that I would become a talented person. In the end, I am just an ordinary person, not as dazzling as Gu Ailing, Ding Zhen... I haven’t been home for more than a year, and I really want to go back. .

Some people who are still struggling in their jobs said: "I am not unemployed yet, but I feel very bad and full of worries about the future." The annual family income of other people is several million or hundreds of thousands, but I am holding back the people of the whole country. The annual family income is 120,000+. The state-owned enterprise has been in decline for many years. This year, labor insurance has been suspended, birthday cards have been cancelled, performance has been cancelled, everything that can be stopped has been stopped, and only the basic salary is left. After deducting insurance, it only costs two to three thousand yuan. The work unit held a meeting a few days ago, and the theme was survival. We have reached the moment of life and death... I feel unspeakably heavy. I feel very panicked because I have no food in my hands. I don’t have any savings at the moment, I can’t get out more than 3,000 yuan, and I still owe a lot of debt. "

The cold reality tells us that even if your current salary is only 3,000 yuan, you should seriously thank your boss for not letting you become a member of the unemployed army in 2022.

It can uproot trees, blow down buildings, or roll parts of ground objects into the air. Unemployment, like a powerful tornado, is destructive wherever it goes and is sweeping across the world. - DayDayNews

Are you ready for unemployment?

Someone said: “In 2022, workers are on the road to unemployment and looking for work, and bosses of all sizes are on the road to bankruptcy and bankruptcy! "

According to Oriental Fortune choice statistics, as of April 30, A-share , a total of 4,650 companies have announced employee changes, of which 1,697 companies have carried out layoffs to varying degrees, with a total of 909,993 layoffs.

More people have begun Anxiety. So there is an unprecedented scene: a large number of PhDs from Tsinghua University and Peking University apply for urban management, and countless PhDs from famous universities apply for primary school teachers.

Unemployment is not terrible, but the terrible thing is that we are powerless in the face of unemployment. and employment issues, most people are not prepared.

Unemployment is not only an economic disaster, it is also a social deprivation. The unemployed have not only lost their source of livelihood, but also their social identity and identity. Function, he has become an outcast - a person with no social function and no social identity, a person to whom society has no use and has no relationship, isn't he an outcast?

For unemployment? Problems, history has given us experience and lessons.

The last large-scale layoffs in China occurred from 1993 to 1998. Since China implemented reform and opening up in 1978, state-owned enterprises have faced various impacts since the reform and opening up. In the 1900s, a large number of state-owned enterprises were inefficient and triangular debt occurred frequently. At this critical moment, the reorganization of state-owned enterprises became inevitable, which in turn caused a wave of layoffs in various enterprises after the reorganization. Although it caused dissatisfaction among some laid-off workers at the time, But in the long run, it has been very successful and has a profound impact on the development of enterprises. Looking back at the layoff wave in 1993, many people who originally relied on the iron rice bowl of state-owned enterprises were forced to retire. Mentally, he started to do business, changed his thinking, and finally found his own new life.

To stabilize employment, the country is taking action.

Yang Yinkai, deputy secretary-general of the National Development and Reform Commission, held the "China's Ten Years" held by the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on June 28. "It was stated at a series of themed press conferences that the urban employment problem of 130 million people has been solved in 10 years, and our large developing country with a population of 1.4 billion has achieved relatively full employment.

As for the large-scale employment problem this time, Naturally, the country will not sit idly by. Recently, "employment stabilization" policies have been introduced intensively in many places across the country. In the past two months, 31 provinces across the country have issued "employment stabilization" related policies.

Currently, 30 provinces have issued policies and proposed policies. Enterprises recruiting graduates can enjoy one-time job expansion subsidies. The subsidy standard for 24 provinces is 1,500 yuan/person, and the subsidy standard for 6 provinces is 1,000 yuan/person.In addition, Shanghai recently issued a notice to provide one-time employment subsidies to enterprises and other employers that recruit 2022 college graduates in the city between March and December this year, sign labor contracts of one year or more, and pay social insurance as required. , the standard is 2,000 yuan/person.

Judging from the content of local policies, 31 provinces have mentioned the need to increase job development efforts. Among them, more than 80% of provinces mentioned the need to expand grassroots employment positions and recruit internship positions, and more than 60% of provinces proposed to expand the recruitment scale of civil servants, public institutions and other positions. In addition, more than half of the provinces have proposed to increase the intensity of key projects, including work-for-relief, to create more employment opportunities for migrant workers.

Taking Beijing as an example, according to the "Implementation Plan of Beijing's Special Action to Stabilize Employment" released by Beijing Human Resources and Social Security Bureau focusing on employment services for enterprises in key industries and employment security for key groups, Beijing will further support enterprises Stabilize and expand positions. Through the implementation of a series of policies such as job subsidies, social insurance subsidies, vocational skills training subsidies, entrepreneurial guaranteed loans and interest discounts, one-time entrepreneurial subsidies, and one-time job expansion subsidies, enterprises are supported to expand the scale of recruitment and employment on the basis of stabilizing existing positions. At the same time, we will develop jobs related to epidemic prevention and control, including temporary positions such as nucleic acid testing, cleaning, disinfection, transshipment, distribution, and order maintenance that are urgently needed on the front line of prevention and control.

Focus on the planning and construction progress of the quarter-hour convenient living circle, and use community service positions such as social management service specialists, housekeeping services, renewable resource recycling , convenient barbering, and fruit and vegetable retail to promote local and nearby employment of the labor force.

At the same time, Beijing will also encourage various districts to formulate entrepreneurial support policies based on regional characteristics, and achieve 40,000 new insured entrepreneurial units throughout the year, creating 200,000 jobs.

Flexible employment will change employment habits

In fact, if you cannot find your favorite job, it is better to change your employment ideas.

For example, the flexible employment that has emerged in the past two years is a good idea.

At the end of 2021, the "China Flexible Employment Development Report (2022)" blue book released by the Flexible Employment Research Group of Renmin University of China and others showed that 61.14% of enterprises in China are using flexible employment in 2021. Compared with the survey results in 2020, my country's flexible employment The employment ratio increased by 5.46 percentage points.

According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, the current number of flexible employment people in my country has reached about 200 million.

It can uproot trees, blow down buildings, or roll parts of ground objects into the air. Unemployment, like a powerful tornado, is destructive wherever it goes and is sweeping across the world. - DayDayNews

An obvious trend is that the flexible employment of enterprises has shown a growth trend in terms of the number of employees and the positions involved. Including the "big Internet companies" we often call them, they are converting more and more jobs to outsourcing. In addition, state-owned enterprises that have always used labor dispatch as supplementary employment are now becoming more and more open to more flexible outsourcing employment.

Some people say that flexible employment is like a reservoir in the job market, creating more job opportunities for low-income people and reducing costs and increasing efficiency for employment companies.

Some people predict that the flexible use of and will become a mainstream concept in the future. Globalization is unstoppable, and neither is digitalization. The advancement of social science and technology has objectively brought more space and opportunities for flexible employment.

data shows that from 2020 to 2021, the flexible employment rate of college graduates nationwide exceeded 16%. iiMedia Consulting analysts believe that due to the epidemic, the number of college graduates going abroad for further study has decreased, and more graduates have chosen new models such as flexible employment.

When faced with employment problems, it is far more practical to take the initiative than to sit back and wait.

Looking up at the stars, you can see the light

In the face of unemployment, we still have to believe that only by surviving the "darkness before dawn" can we see the light of hope.

In 2022, which is already a mess, we should not give up.

We should work hard to enrich ourselves, sum up the painful lessons from unsatisfactory work, and maintain the ability to continue learning.

We must believe that life is not always smooth sailing. We will always fall into trouble and fall into a terrible abyss. The anxiety of unemployment is inevitable, so choose to have the ability to overcome anxiety.

We should be full of expectations for tomorrow. Occasionally look up at the stars and see a ray of light, and then be grateful for the road we have traveled. Every step is growth, experience, and the antidote to healing ourselves.

Yu Minhong often said: "Pursue excellence, challenge the limits, find hope from despair, and life will eventually be brilliant!"

Now, he has led the unemployed teachers to glory. I believe in me, you, and us, as long as there is hope , can all stand up to glory again.

It can uproot trees, blow down buildings, or roll parts of ground objects into the air. Unemployment, like a powerful tornado, is destructive wherever it goes and is sweeping across the world. - DayDayNews


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