How many nuclear bombs are needed to blast Japan with nuclear bombs? The UK gives the least amount

2020/09/0912:48:05 military 965

nuclear bomb is the strongest weapon of mankind, and even mankind itself is full of fear of nuclear bombs. Since the possession of nuclear bombs, the only thing that mankind has put into actual combat use is only two atomic bombs dropped by the United States in Japan. However, there is one thing to say. It is true that the emergence of nuclear bombs has created a strategic balance among the world powers. In such a delicate balance, the world has avoided falling into a world war again, and the Wuchang also relied on the deterrence of nuclear weapons to treat it. The country has a deterrent effect, using the post-World War II world order to adjust the world so that the current world as a whole is peaceful.

How many nuclear bombs are needed to blast Japan with nuclear bombs? The UK gives the least amount - DayDayNews

And the development of human weapons will inevitably develop with the development of human technology, so nuclear weapons will only become stronger. We can only imagine that if a nuclear war breaks out in the future, human civilization will be restarted by observing that the United States dropped two atomic bombs in Japan. Therefore, all countries only hope that nuclear weapons can act as a deterrent to nuclear power through it. As the only country that has experienced the power of nuclear weapons, Japan is also a nation that fears the strong. Therefore, Japan has always been relatively peaceful with the Wuchang in the international arena. Back then, the dispute with China’s Diaoyu Islands was just a roar. Japan did not dare to be true. Do anything substantive to offend China.

How many nuclear bombs are needed to blast Japan with nuclear bombs? The UK gives the least amount - DayDayNews

Japan planned for domestic operations in the latter part of World War II and had no intention of surrendering. The US military realized after fighting with Japan many times that it is impossible to make Japan surrender by conventional means, but if it directly attacked the Japanese mainland, the US military would Huge casualties will be incurred, so the United States has directly applied the atomic bomb it has just developed into actual combat. However, due to the limited power of the US atomic bomb at the time, Japan was shocked by the power of the atomic bomb after the US military dropped its first lesson, but Japan did not intend to surrender. At that time, Nagasaki, Japan, was directly vaporized within a few kilometers of the explosion. Many surviving people were burned and died after infection. The effects of radiation have affected several generations of people, but even In this way, the power of the little boy's atomic bomb still did not force Japan to surrender. Ever since, people have put forward the hypothesis that if a nuclear bomb is to be used to destroy Japan, at least how many nuclear bombs are needed? After World War II, the British calculations gave the result: a nuclear bomb with an equivalent of more than 3.5 million tons. , Z1z

How many nuclear bombs are needed to blast Japan with nuclear bombs? The UK gives the least amount - DayDayNews

After the little boy, the United States dropped a larger atomic bomb on Nagasaki, razing Nagasaki to the ground. Japan chose to surrender under pressure only after the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were destroyed by atomic bombs. Today, decades later, Japan’s Nagasaki and Hiroshima have been rebuilt, and the radiation of nuclear weapons has also disappeared. After the war, mankind has ushered in peace, and peace is what mankind expects, but it is those hegemonic countries that have pushed the world to the brink of war time and time again for their own interests. Regarding the idea of ​​destroying Japan, the United Kingdom stated that if it is calculated based on the initial atomic bomb equivalent, it would take at least seven. However, it is clear that the air defense systems of various countries are becoming more advanced, and no country will wait for the attack of nuclear bombs. Therefore, the current 7 bombs are not enough. Of course, the above is just an assumption. Now that the world has a balance of nuclear weapons, it is difficult for large-scale all-out wars to take place. Therefore, nuclear weapons can be regarded as guaranteeing a peaceful and stable world in a sense. We also hope that the world can usher in a truly peaceful day at an early date.

How many nuclear bombs are needed to blast Japan with nuclear bombs? The UK gives the least amount - DayDayNews

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